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Coffee Morning
The Parish Pastoral Council invites parishioners to a coffee morning on Friday, February 14th in the Parish Centre after the 10am Mass. Please join us for a cuppa and a chat. All welcome!
World Day of the Sick
Mass, with Anointing of the Sick and a Blessing for their carers will be celebrated in St. John’s Church on Tuesday next, February 11th at 2.30pm.

Office hours
The Parish office normal opening hours: Monday to Saturday:
from 9.15am to 1.00pm
and 2.00pm to 4.45pm
Telephone 066 7122522
E-mail office@stjohns.ie
Find us on Facebook: @StJohnsTralee
Draws will be streamed on Facebook live on Tuesdays at 10.45am.
Tickets are still available from the sacristies and the Parish Office.

St John's, Castle Street. Tralee, V92 XD99
Mass Times
Monday – Friday
8.30am, 10:00AM, 6.10PM
Saturday | 10:00AM
Vigil: 6:10PM
Sunday | 9:00AM, 10:30AM, 12:00PM

St Brendan's Curraheen V92 R275
Mass Times
Monday – Friday | As Announced
Saturday | 7:30PM
Sunday | 11:00AM

Immaculate Conception, Rathass V92 DX62
Mass Times
Monday – Friday | As Announced
Saturday | 7:00PM
Sunday | 10:00AM

St. John’s Parish Centre
Lower Castle Street, Tralee,
Co. Kerry, V92 K88V, Ireland
Tel: 066 7122522
Email: office@stjohns.ie