Care of Creation
Season of Creation
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Our Common Home
We are truly blessed to live in this precious corner of our world or ‘Our Common Home’.
That is what Pope Francis called it when he wrote to all people to enter into dialogue about Our Common Home back in 2015. His letter or encyclical called Laudato Si’ or Praised Be, begins with these words of Saint Francis’ prayer.
We know that Pope Francis chose his name carefully when he became Pope. He clearly was an admirer of St Francis because of St Francis’ love of the earth and love of the poor. Pope Francis is trying to show us that these two loves belong together.
Pope Francis has put Care of Creation at the heart of our Christian way of life. He wrote “Living our vocation to be protectors of God’s handiwork is essential to a life of virtue. It is not an optional or secondary aspect of our Christian experience.” Laudato Si’#217.
Care of Creation
So in this page we would like to help you find ways to live this out at home, with your family, at school, at work or in your leisure time.
The Parish now has a ‘Care of Creation’ and this group uses the Hub window opposite the entrance to St John’s church (the old CTS shop) to display different ways to care for Creation. In the future it is hoped to have this open at certain times for help or information.
As a first step we suggest that you consider this sentence from Laudato Si’….
Saint Francis, faithful to Scripture, invites us to see nature as a magnificent book in which God speaks to us and grants us a glimpse of his infinite beauty and goodness LS #12
Nature as a magnificent book …now there’s an amazing thought. We could say that nature was really God’s first book!
Other actions undertaken have included a reading group for Laudato Si’, the planting of the Rowan Tree behind the church surrounded by Spring bulbs, the dedication of that area as an ARK, where we are introducing different habitats, so far wildflowers, a different mowing regime, a log pile and most recently the tiny pond ‘Linn Eoin’. (see,the Stations of Creation during Lent, distribution of free native saplings during Tree Week, the annual celebration of the World Day of Prayer for Creation (September 1st) in the Park and of course the Season of Creation.
As you begin to turn the ages this 2magnificent book2 you will want to know more about plants, trees, creatures, a more sustainable lifestyle as you shop, eat, heat your home and travel to mention just a few.
The page will attempt to act as a notice board about related events happening locally or topics to follow up.
Here are a few to get you started!
Diocese of Kerry JPIC Committee (Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation):
This beautiful resource for the Season of Creation from the Care of Creation Team, in Bonnybrook Parish, Dublin
Our Local Tralee Bay Wetlands