
Confirmation commemorates the full outpouring of the Holy Spirit on a baptised individual, which completes and strengthens the grace granted by the Spirit in Baptism. It identifies the Christian as a Christ-follower and full member of the Church.

Confirmation is usually celebrated in sixth grade in our parish. The majority of the preparation is done at school, with the parish providing a complimentary preparation programme.

The Bishop/priest prays at Confirmation that the Holy Spirit’s gifts for living out the Christian life will grow in each individual being confirmed. Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, Right Judgment, Courage, Reverence, and Wonder and Awe in God’s Presence are examples of these gifts. Growth in these gifts is a lifetime’s experience and leads the Christian to participate in Jesus Christ’s mission. Young people preparing for Confirmation are urged to participate in some type of parish service.

The decision to be confirmed is not one to be taken lightly, for it involves both faith and commitment.


Download our Confirmation Booklet here

Confirmation video available below

Confirmation DATES 2024

Caherleaheen N.S.:  Wednesday February 28th at 11.00am in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Rathass.
Presentation Primary School:  Wednesday February 28th at 2.00pm in St, John’s Church.
Moyderwell Mercy Primary School: Thursday February 29th at 11.00am in St. John’s Church.  
Gaelscoil Mhic Easmainn:  Thursday February 29th at 2.00pm in St John’s Church.
CBS Primary School: Friday March 1st at 11.00am in St. John’s Church.
Blennerville and Derryquay National Schools: Friday March 1st at 2.00pm in St. John’s Church.