Finance Meeting Reports

September 2024

St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

Wednesday 11th September 2024 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.

Meeting commenced with a prayer.



  • Minutes of previous meeting (12th June 2024) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
  • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.

Matters Arising:

  • Matters arising were discussed and agreed.

Parish Accounts:

  • The committee were provided with a comprehensive and detailed analysis of parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) for the period 01/06/2024 to 31/08/2024 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous year.
  • The meeting was provided with clarification and explanations on a number of points relating to the accounts. These included Collections, Baptisms, Marriages, Alarm systems and Cleaning.
  • It could be towards the end of 2025 before we have the installation of a smart electricity meter for the church. This would be similar to smart meters in the apartments and a reporting system has been set up to record monthly meter readings.

Update on Building Sub-Committee:

  • A discussion took place on the need and scope of repairs to St. John’s Church.
  • Other matters pertaining to parish property were discussed.



  • Just to note that signage has been installed to inform people that they park at their own risk at each of the Churches.


Next Meeting: 20th November 2024 at 7.30pm.

June 2024

St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

Wednesday 12th June 2024 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.

Meeting commenced with a prayer.



  • Minutes of previous meeting (24th April 2024) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
  • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.

Matters Arising:

  • Matters arising were discussed and agreed.


  • Included under A.O.B.

Parish Accounts:

  • The committee were provided with a comprehensive and detailed analysis of parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) for the period 01/04/2024 to 31/05/2024 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous year.
  • There was a discussion regarding the B & L Parish System.
  • A proposal to request a smart electricity meter for the church so as to have an immediate report on usage.

Update on Building Sub-Committee:

  • Matters pertaining to parish property were discussed.


AOB: None.

Next Meeting: Wednesday 11th September at 7.30pm.

April 2024

St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

Wednesday 24th April 2024 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.

Meeting commenced with a prayer.



  • Minutes of previous meeting (14th February 2024) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
  • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.

Matters Arising:

  • Matters arising were discussed and agreed.


  • Included under A.O.B.

Parish Accounts:

  • The committee were provided with a comprehensive and detailed analysis of parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) for the period 01/01/2024 to 31/03/2024 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous year.
  • There was a discussion regarding the B & L Parish System.

Update on Building Sub-Committee:

  • The sub-committee reported on their last meeting before Easter.
  • Other matters pertaining to parish property were discussed.

AOB: None.

Next Meeting: Wednesday 12th June 7.30pm.


February 2024

St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

Wednesday 14th February 2024 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.

Meeting commenced with a prayer.



  • Minutes of previous meeting (22nd November 2023) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
  • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.

Matters Arising:

  • Matters arising were discussed and agreed.

Parish Accounts:

  • The committee were provided with a comprehensive and detailed analysis of parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) for the period 01/11/2023 to 31/12/2023 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous year.
  • Weekly Envelope returns and the Tax Rebate details for 2023 were discussed and noted.

Parish Financial Report for 2023:

  • The committee were provided with a written detailed report on all accounts for the period 01/01/2023 to 31/12/2023 including a detailed comparison report from 2019 to 2023.
  • The financial statement for parishioners for the year was also made available. The publication of the 2023 financial statement for parishioners was approved and agreed.

Update on Building Sub-Committee: 

  • A discussion took place on a summary document of proposed works to be undertaken.
  • Other matters pertaining to parish property were discussed.


  • Letter received from Insurance Company regarding the renewal of insurance for the three Churches of the Parish. Matter discussed and it was agreed to complete the necessary forms.


Next Meeting: 24th April 2024.


November 2023

St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

Wednesday 22nd November 2023 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.

Meeting commenced with a prayer.

1. Minutes:

  • Minutes of previous meeting (13th September 2023) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
  • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.

2. Matters Arising:

    • Matters arising were discussed and agreed.

    3. Parish Accounts:

    • Detailed analysis of parish accounts provided and discussed (Income & Expenditure) for the period 01/06/2023 to 31/10/2023 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous year.
    • It was agreed that for any works over €5,000 a minimum of two quotations should be sought and ideally three.

    4. Update on Building Sub-Committee:

    • The building sub-committee will meet on the 5th of December 2023.

    5. KDYS Contract:

    • Ongoing legal issues discussed.

    6. AOB:

    • The Bazaar is now finished, a Silver Circle will take its place.


    Next Meeting: 14th February 2024.


    September 2023

    St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

    Wednesday 13th September 2023 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.

    Meeting commenced with a prayer.


    1. Minutes:
    • Minutes of previous meeting (14th June 2023) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
    • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.

         2. Matters Arising

    • Matters arising were discussed and agreed.

    1. Parish Accounts:
    • Noted

    1. Update on Building Sub-Committee:
    • The committee were very complimentary regarding the recent very impressive remedial works to the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Rathass.
    • Other matters pertaining to parish property were discussed.

         5. AOB:

    •  None

    Next Meeting: Date to be decided.


    June 2023

    St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

    Wednesday 14th June 2023 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.


    Meeting commenced with a prayer.


    1. Minutes:
    • Minutes of previous meeting (12th April 2023) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
    • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.


          2. Matters Arising:

    • Discussion on scam emails. Need for parish staff to be vigilant in this regard.
        1. Parish Accounts:
        • Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/04/2023 to 31/05/2023 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous year were presented, discussed, and agreed.
        • An income comparison report for 2019/2023 was also provided.
        1. Update on Building Sub-Committee:
        • Noted that remedial works to the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Rathass have been completed except for the carpeting of the Sanctury and some external painting of the guttering which are in progress.
        1. AOB:

        Date Next Meeting: September 2023 – To be confirmed.


        April 2023

        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        Wednesday 12th April 2023 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.


        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. Minutes:
        • Minutes of previous meeting (22nd February 2023) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.
        1. Matters Arising:
        • Matters arising were discussed and agreed.
        1. Parish Accounts:
        • Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/01/2023 to 31/03/2023 including a comparison for the same period last year.
        • An income comparison report for 2019/2023 was also provided.
        1. Update on Building Sub-Committee:
        • Remedial works have been carried out on the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Rathass and interior painting has commenced.
        • Other matters pertaining to parish property were discussed.
        1. IT Systems Security:
        • The meeting received a presentation on IT security by an IT specialist. It was recommended that all parish systems be updated as regards security issues and training.


        1. AOB:

        Date Next Meeting: Wednesday 14th June 2023.

        February 2023

        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        Wednesday 22nd February 2023 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. Minutes:
        • Minutes of previous meeting (23rd November 2022) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.
        1. Matters Arising:
        • Matters arising were discussed and agreed.
        1. Parish Accounts:
        • Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/11/2022 to 31/12/2022 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous year were presented, discussed, and agreed.
        1. Parish Financial Report for 2022:
        • The meeting received a comprehensive report on all accounts for the period 01/01/2022 to 31/12/2022 including a detailed comparison with previous pre-COVID year 01/01/19 to 31/12/19.
        • The publication of the 2022 financial statement for parishioners was approved and agreed.
        1. Update on Building Sub-Committee:
        • Remedial works were carried out on the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Rathass.
        • Office space in the Parish Centre is to be expanded.
        • Other matters pertaining to parish property were discussed.
        1. A.O.B.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 12th April 2023 at 7.30pm.

        November 2022

        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        Wednesday 23rd November 2022 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. Minutes:
          Minutes of previous meeting (13th September 2022) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
          Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.
        2. Matters Arising:
          Matters arising were discussed and agreed.
        1. Parish Accounts: 
          Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/09/2022 to 31/10/2022 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous year were presented, discussed, and agreed.
          It was noted that the total collections were down by 32% when compared with the same period in 2019, prior to Covid.
          Look at setting up an electronic church collection system.
        1. Update on Building Sub-Committee:
        • Noted that some short term remedial temporary works were being presently carried out on the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
        • The sound system in St John’s requires attention.
        • Other matters pertaining to parish property were discussed.

        1. A. O.B.
        • None

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 22nd February 2023 at 7.30pm.

        September 2022


        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting
        Tuesday 13th September 2022 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. Minutes:
          Minutes of previous meeting (14th June 2022) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
          Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication. 
        2. Matters Arising:
          Matters arising were discussed and agreed.
        3. Correspondence:
          Letter from the Diocesan office regarding the 2022 Diocesan Administration Levychargeable @ 15% of 2021 collections.
        1. Parish Accounts:
          Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/01/2022 to 31/08/2021 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous year were presented, discussed, and agreed.
        2. Update on Building Sub-Committee:
          Noted that the group hadn’t met since the last meeting. It was acknowledged that the present increase in energy costs was forcing the need to look at alternatives.
          There was a discussion regarding church maintenance and repairs.
          Other matters pertaining to parish property were discussed.

        1. A.O.B.
          The meeting was informed of two recent employee appointments: (1) Parish Pastoral Worker and (2) Parish Centre Receptionist.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 23rd November 2022.

        June 2022

        14th June 2022 in St. John’s Parish Centre, at 7.30pm.

        Meeting commenced with a prayer. 

        1. Minutes: Minutes of previous meeting of 6th April 2022 were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        2. Matters Arising: Matters arising were discussed and agreed.
        3. Minutes of the previous meeting agreed for publication
        4. Correspondence: No Correspondence.
        5. Parish Accounts:  Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period01/04/2022 to 31/5/2022 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous 2 years.  
        6. Update on Building Sub-Committee:  The Committee were informed that a meeting of the building sub-committee took place on Friday 8th April 2022. The building sub-committee are due to meet again on 1st July
        7. A.O.B.  Noted that a new Parish Pastoral Worker has been appointed.

        Next Meeting: Tuesday 13th September 2022 at 7.30pm in St. John’s Parish Centre. 

        April 2022

        Wednesday 6th April 2022 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.

        Meeting commenced with a prayer. 

        1. Minutes: Minutes of previous meeting (16th February 2022) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
          Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.
        2. Matters Arising: Matters arising were discussed and agreed.
        3. Correspondence: No Correspondence.
        4. Parish Accounts:  Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/01/2022 to 31/03/2022 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous 2 years were presented, discussed, and agreed.
        5. Update on Building Sub-Committee:  Next meeting of the building sub-committee scheduled for 8th April 2022.
        6. A.O.B.  The Parish Pastoral Worker will be finishing his employment with the Parish on 15th April 2022. 

        Next Meeting: Tuesday 14th June 2022.

        Wednesday 16th February 2022 (Via Zoom).

        Meeting commenced with a prayer. 


        • Minutes:
        • Minutes of previous meeting (17th November 2021) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.
        • Matters Arising:
        • Matters arising were discussed under other sections of the meeting.
        • Correspondence:
        • No Correspondence.
        • Parish Accounts:
        • Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/11/2021 to 31/12/2021 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous 2 years were presented, discussed, and agreed.
        • Parish Financial Statement:
        • Parish Financial Statement for 2021 was discussed and agreed for publication.

         Update on Building Sub-Committee:

        • Repairs needed to be considered regarding the Immaculate Conception, Rathass.

        • A. O.B.
        • Position of Parish Pastoral Worker discussed.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 6th April 2022.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 8th September 2020.

        (Via Zoom conferencing)

        1. Minutes:
        • Minutes of previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.
        1. Correspondence: Noted that the annual diocesan levy was due for payment.
        1. Update of accounts (Parish):
        • A general overview & comparison of Parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) for the period 01/06/2020 to 31/08/2020 was presented, discussed and approved.
        • It was noted that COVID restrictions were impacting significantly on Church collections.
        1. Priests Account (Teach na Sagart):
        • Details of the account for the period 01/06/2020 to 31/08/2020 were outlined and approved.
        1. Update on Building Sub-Committee:
        • Reports discussed regarding the need to have the roof of St. John’s Church assessed for leaks and road safety and right of way issues relating to the entrance of St. John’s Church.


        1. AOB:
        • The committee expressed its good wishes to Fr. Francis Nolan and Fr. Amos Ruto on their new appointments and thanked them for their work and dedication while in St. John’s Parish.
        • The committee also congratulated Ms. Norma Foley on her achievement of being recently appointed Minister for Education.



        Next Meeting: Date to be agreed and communicated later.


        Minutes – St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        Tuesday 9th June 2020


        1. Minutes:
        • Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        1. Correspondence:
        • No correspondence.
        1. Update of accounts (Parish):
        • A general overview & comparison of Parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) for the period 01/01/2020 to 31/05/2020 was presented, discussed and approved.
        • Due to Covid-19 virus restrictions all parish income has been significantly down since March 2020. This includes weekly church collections, Capital Fund, shrines, booked Masses and Mass card stipends, sale of papers/magazines and religious goods. No rental fees for use of the Parish Centre has been received since March.
        1. Priests Account (Teach na Sagart):
        • Details of the account for the period 01/01/2020 to 31/05/2020 were outlined and approved.
        1. Update on building sub-committee:
        • Committee received a report from the building sub-committee regarding proposed further renovation plans for St. John’s Church.
        1. Website online electronic donation system:
        • The committee discussed the feasibility of providing an online donation system whereby people could donate to St. John’s Parish electronically.


        1. John’s 150:
        • Noted that due to Covid-19 it is envisaged that the St. John’s 150 celebrations will run into 2021.


        Next meeting: September. Date to be communicated later.


        Minutes – St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        Wednesday 19th February 2020 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.


        1. Minutes:
        • Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        1. GDPR:
        • Discussion regarding GDPR issued.
        1. Correspondence:
        • No correspondence.
        1. Parish Accounts:
        • Committee received detailed analysis of parish accounts for the period 01/11/2019 to 31/12/2019.
        1. Parish Financial Report 2019:
        • Parish Financial Statement for 2019 was discussed and agreed for publication.
        • Capital Fund Envelope analysis for the tax year was discussed. It was also noted that clarification and clearance on GDPR issues was needed before any new contacts were made.
        1. Update on building sub-committee.
        • Committee received a report from the building sub-committee regarding proposed further renovation plans for St. John’s Church.

        Meeting ended at 9.00pm.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 4th September 2019.


        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Matters arising:

           –  Chairman reappointed.

           –  Resignation of two members noted and a vote of thanks and appreciation recorded.

        3. Minutes for publication: Agreed.

        4. Update of accounts:

           – Parish accounts for the period 01/06/2019 to 31/08/2019 were outlined and approved.

        5. Priests Account (Teach Na Sagart):

           – Details of the account for the period 01/06/2019 to 31/08/2019 were outlined and approved.

        6. CURA Building:

           – Kerry Adolescent Counselling Service have changed rooms from the office over the front door of the Parish Centre to another office upstairs.

        7. CTS:      

           – A sales display unit/cabinet is about to be constructed in the foyer of the Parish Centre selling religious goods such as baptismal candles, rosaries, statues and booklets.


        8. Parish Pastoral Worker:

           – A Parish Pastoral Worker has been appointed and he will be welcomed to our next meeting to introduce himself.

        9. AOB:

           – GDPR polices discussed and noted.

           – Church Gate Collections: The parish newsletter recently defined areas for church gate collections as follows:

        CHURCH GATE COLLECTIONS: There has been a number of complaints recently regarding some organisations collecting for their church gate collection at the entrance doors of churches in the parish. We ask all organisations to ensure that collections take place outside church grounds and entrances. The only exception by diocesan stipulation is St. Vincent de Paul. 

           – St. John’s 150: Next year, 2020 will mark the 150th anniversary of the completion and dedication of St. John’s Church. The St. John’s 150 year of celebrations will commence on Saturday 26th October 2019 when Bishop Ray Browne celebrates Mass at 6.10pm. A year-long Festival of Faith celebrating St. John’s 150th is being planned culminating with a Town Mission in October 2020

        Next meeting: Wednesday 13th November 7.30pm in St. John’s Parish Centre.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        St. John’s Parish Centre, 3rd April 2019 at 7.30pm.


        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Update of accounts (Parish):

        A general overview & comparison of Parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) from 01/01/2019 to 31/03/2019 was presented, discussed and approved.

        It was noted that the two Church Holydays to date in 2019 have fallen on a Sunday which has resulted in the parish being down two collections.

        Revenue Tax Rebate. CHY certs from parishioners for 2018 have been submitted to Revenue.

        3. Priests Account (Teach na Sagart).

        Details of the account for the period 01/01/2019 to 31/03/2019 were outlined and approved.

        4. Building Sub-Committee: 

        The committee received a report from the building sub-committee which noted that leaks to the roof of St. John’s Church have been repaired.

        5. Cura Building.

        Kerry Adolescent Counselling Service will be moving into the building on 9th April 2019.

        6. Diocesan Guidelines Concerning Parish Finance Committees.

        The meeting discussed diocesan regulations and policies regarding parish finance committees.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 12th June 2019.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        St. John’s Parish Centre, Wednesday 6th February 2019 at 7.30pm.


        1. Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        2. Minutes of previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        3. Correspondence:

        • Awaiting correspondence on Charities VAT Compensation Scheme.

        4. Accounts:

        • Parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) for the period 01/11/18 to 31/12/18 as well as a general overview of accounts from 01/01/2018 to 31/12/2018 were presented and discussed.
        • Noted that the increase of income for Collections over the period November and December is largely attributed to money collected from the Polish and Latin Masses and an increase also in the Christmas Day collection.
        • Parish income also benefited from significant sales of the recently published new guide booklet on St. John’s Church.
        • The cost of the health and safety audit of all parish buildings was noted.
        • An annual comparison of electricity unit usage in St. John’s during the period 2011 to 2018 showed a decrease for the years 2015 to 2018.
        • The parish financial statement for 2018 was presented and approved for publication.

        5. Building Sub Committee:

        • The building sub-committee are looking at the possibility of sourcing a church architect to provide professional advice on a number of issues.

        6. Parish Centre Rental:

        • Approval given to Kerry Adolescent Counselling Service for the renting of rooms in the Parish Centre complex.

        7. AOB:

        • Noted that the Tralee Pastoral Area are exploring the possibility of employing a Catechist to be involved with ‘Adult Faith Formation’.
        • Discussion on diocesan guidelines on parish finance committees.

        Meeting concluded at 9.00pm.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 3rd April 2019 in St. John’s Parish Centre at 7.30pm.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting

        Wednesday 14th November 2018 in St. John’s Parish Centre at 7.30pm.


        1. Meeting commenced with prayer and the minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Matters Arising:

            – Insurance issues were discussed.

        3. Parish Accounts:

           – Parish accounts (Income and Expenses) for the period 01/09/18 to 31/10/18 as well as a general overview of accounts form 01/01/18 to 31/10/18 were presented to the committee.

           – It was noted that parish funds now benefit from collections held during the Polish Mass and the Latin Mass.

           – Noted that the parish charity number is the same one as for the Diocese.

           – St. John’s accounts are certified annually at the year end.

        4. Parish Employee Matters:

           – Parish employee/employment policy matters were discussed and updated.

        5. Building Sub Committee:

           – Report received and discussed from the building subcommittee with regard to property maintenance matters.

        6. AOB:

           – Parish Bazaar: Noted that the annual Parish Bazaar will be held on the weekend of 30th November & 1st/2nd December 2018. The committee recorded its thanks to the Bazaar Co-ordinator and Bazaar Committee for all their work and efforts in organising this important annual parish fundraiser.

           – The Church of the Immaculate Conception is 150 years old and a special Vigil Mass will be celebrated to mark the occasion followed by refreshments in the Manor West Hotel on Saturday 8th December 2018.

           – Discussions have taken place to consider employing a Catechist in the Pastoral Area for sacramental preparation.


        Next meeting: Wednesday 6th February 2019 in St. John’s Parish Centre at 7.30pm.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 19th September 2018.


         1. Minutes:

        • Minutes of previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.

         2.  Matters Arising:

        • Data Protection Policy: New Data Protection procedures were discussed. The committee are awaiting correspondence and guidelines on the matter from the Diocese.
        • Credit Card Facility: Credit card facilities are now available in the Parish Centre and proving to be very convenient in making transactions.

         3. Correspondence: None.

         4. Repair Work: The meeting received a report on the recent damage and subsequent repair work to St John’s Church.


         5. Parish Accounts: Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/05/2018 to 31/08/2018 were presented, discussed and approved.

         6. Update on Building Sub-Committee: Reports were provided on ongoing parish building and maintenance matters. It was acknowledged the fantastic work that the community in Curraheen are doing in fund raising to enhance their community room in Curraheen Church. It was agreed that the parish would contribute to the fund if needs be.


        Next Meeting: 14th November 2018 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee at 7.30pm.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 23rd May 2018.

        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Matters arising:

        • Details of the maintenance contract for the heating system in St John’s Church and the Parish Centre were discussed and outlined.
        • Digi units have recently been installed in both the I.C. & Curraheen Churches which operates with the stand-alone fire alarm system connecting to a monitoring station.

        3. Minutes for publication: Agreed.

        4. Update of accounts:

        • Parish accounts for the period January to April 2018 were outlined.

        5. Priests Account (Teach Na Sagart):

        • Details of the account for the period January to April 2018 were outlined.

        6. Update on Collections Comparisons from January 2007 to April 2018.

        • A detailed comparison of collections since 2007 to the present was discussed.
        • Over a period of ten years there has been a decrease of approximately one third in the weekly offertory collection. The committee expressed concern for the future financial state of the parish if this trend was to further decrease.


        7. Donation Box:

        • It was agreed to have a donation box securely installed in St. John’s Church whereby visitors could make a donation.
        • An updated information leaflet on St. John’s for visitors is in process.
        • The possibility of developing an ‘App’ regarding visitor information on St. John’s was also mentioned.

        8. Credit Card Machine:

        • Agreed that credit card machine facilities be made available in the Parish Centre.


        Next meeting: Wed 19th September at 7.30pm in St. John’s Parish Centre.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 17th April 2018.

        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Matters arising: A number of matters arose from the minutes of the previous meeting.

        • Pastoral programmes expenditure for the period October to December 2017 outlined.
        • Correspondence from the security firm responsible for monitor alarms:
          Noted that as part of the contract, the firm responsible provide maintenance and monitoring of all intruder and fire alarms in the parish centre, presbytery and all three churches. Another firm are contracted to maintain the fire extinguishers in all parish buildings.

        3.  Minutes for publication: Agreed.

        4.  Correspondence:

        • Following a request from one member of the committee it was agreed to hold the next meeting on a Wednesday.

        5.  Update of accounts: A detailed update of parish accounts included:

        • Parish income & expenditure accounts for the period January to March 2018.
        • Collections were significantly down in January.
        • Shrines showing a slight decrease.

        6.  Priests Account: Details of the account were outlined.

        7.  Update on percentage of Envelopes returned 2017:

        • The meeting was provided with an analysis on Parish Income for 2017.

        8.  Update on summary of CHY’s sent to Revenue for tax rebate:

        • There are a small number of new parishioners added to the list making contributions in this way.
        • The parish have made a claim to revenue for the 2017 tax rebate.

        9.  Quotation: Re: installation of a digi unit stand-alone fire alarm system in both Curraheen and IC Churches.


        Meeting ended 9.30pm


        Next meeting: Wed 23rd May 7.30pm Parish Centre.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting 16th January 2018

        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.


          2. Matters arising: A number of matters arose from the minutes of the previous meeting.

        • Clarification required regarding all our insurance cover.
        • The parishioner data base is being updated.


        3. Correspondence:

        • Written clarification needed on who exactly is responsible for the installation, servicing and monitoring of both fire and security alarms in all three churches of the parish.
        • Agreed that the defibrillators installed in the Churches would be serviced and that a notice be placed in the parish newsletter asking for volunteers to undergo defibrillator training.


          4. Update of accounts: A detailed update of parish accounts included:

        • Parish income & expense accounts for the period Oct to Dec 2017.
        • The annual income from Diocesan collections 2017
        • Parish accounts bank balances.
        • A seven-year comparison on electricity usage: 2011 to 2017
        • A seven-year comparison on oil usage: 2011 to 2017.


         5. Parish Financial Report for 2017

        • The report for 2017 was agreed and approved for publication.

          6. Update on building Sub Committee.

        • A copy of the internal & external survey of St John’s Church to be made available to committee members.

          7. A.O.B.  

        • Noted that a fundraising committee has been formed by Curraheen-based parishioners to specifically raise funds for the development/construction of a meeting room at Curraheen Church.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting of 24th October 2017.


        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and agreed.

        2. Correspondence:

        • There was no correspondence other than those which would be dealt with in other parts of the meeting.
        • The Engineer engaged to undertake a 3D Survey of the Church spire has completed his work and has been paid for his services.

        3. Update of accounts: The meeting approved the update on the parish accounts for September 2017.

        • Two and a half of the parish areas are now updated on the parish database. There are five parish areas in total.
        • It was also noted that Parish Centre income is down.

        4. Diocesan Collections. Fr Tadhg met with the collection team.

        • He outlined how collections are presently conducted and shared ideas on other possibilities.
        • The meeting agreed to focus on getting the exact practice right for the first collection and would continue to monitor the success of the second collection.
        • The sick & retired priest collection (collected by envelope) was down significantly on the previous year.

        5. Update on the heating: The heating engineer who examined the Church heating system to ascertain if the radiators and the fan system which run simultaneously could be separated and instead turned on independently and wired to the Sacristy reported that it was, financially, not worth the expense.

        6. Update on Building Sub Committee. It was noted that the committee have not met since the last Finance Committee meeting. An engineer is to draw up a plan for work to be carried out.

        7. Unveiling of the Reconciliation Window: The unveiling will take place on Friday 27th October at 7.30pm with a prayer service.

        8. Fundraising: Planning for the Parish Bazaar is well under way. The meeting appreciated the massive amount of work involved in organising the Bazaar and expressed a view that the parish may need to consider some other form of major annual fundraising plan going forward.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 12th September 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1.Matters arising: discussed as part of the agenda.

          2. Update of accounts: The Committee approved the accounts as presented for the period June to Aug. 2017.

          3. Parish parishioner data base: The Committee were advised that the updating process of the Parish data base system is ongoing. To date 155 new households have been added.

        4. Tax Rebate Scheme: 251 parishioners out of 3700 households registered in the Parish contributed greater than €250.00 for 2016.

         5. Diocesan Collections: There was a discussion on the Diocesan Collections which are held as a joint offertory collection, averaging one per month. It was proposed to have a box at the door of the churches for the second collection. Fr Tadgh would discuss this suggestion with the collectors.

         6. Update on the heating: Fr Tadhg notified the committee that the engineer had inspected the Church heating system and advised that both aspects of the heating system, namely radiators and the fan system were running for the full 12 months. He will investigate what is best practice throughout the full year. It was also agreed that the system should be wired to the sacristy for convenience and clear guidance provided for those who may control the system

         7. Update on building Sub CommitteeOur Engineer has carried out a drone survey of the spire in St Johns inside and out. He still has to draw up proposals.

         8. Blessing of the Reconciliation Window: The Blessing will take place on Friday 27th Oct at 7.30pm with a prayer service.

        9. Fr. Tadgh floated the concept of having a Pastoral worker who would work with parents and families of young people receiving sacraments of Communion and Confirmation.


        St John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 20th June 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. Matters arising considered….items arising in the agenda later.

        2. Update of accounts:

        • The Committee approved the accounts as presented for the period May 2017.

        • It was noted that the 2017 Insurance Premium remained the same as 2016 Premium.


          3. Energy Analysis.

        • An energy report covering the period January 2011 to May 2017 detailing utilities usage, Costs & Savings made for both Oil & Electricity was provided.

        • Energy Audit quote was received, but found to be too expensive. 

        • It was decided that we should establish best practice around the heating system.

          4. KDYS Building.

        • We are awaiting a written report on the KDYS Roof.

         5. Items for Publication.

        • The items for publication on the website of recent meetings was agreed.

          6. Fr. Tadhg provided an update from the Building Sub Committee

        • Our engineer was given the go ahead to carry out the drone survey for both the internal & external of the Church.


        St John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 16th May 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        Fr Tadhg introduced and welcomed both John O Connor and Joe Clifford to the meeting and expressed his delight that they were both willing to serve on the Finance Committee.

        1. An update on the accounts for March & April 2017 was provided.

        • It was noted that there was a drop of 1719 Euro in the offertory collection compared with the same period the previous year and this showed a drop each month from Jan to April.
        • The weekly envelope collection was down by 1414 Euro
        • Six new standing orders came back as a result of the Easter correspondence, which included two new subscribers.
        • Information on how to subscribe by standing order will be put up on the web site.
        • Rent income on the Parish Centre is down; this resource could do with some promotion.
        • The 34000 Euro cost of the new stain glass window is totally covered.
        • An Energy Audit of St Johns was proposed to see if there was any ways of cutting costs. Heating of the side church throughout the year might be one example where possible savings might be made.

        2. It was agreed to put a previous proposal ‘for members of the Finance Committee to address parishioners at weekend masses’ be put on hold in the immediate.

        1. We will rethink this proposal when we get closer to the works on Spire etc.
        2. It was agreed to publish a report from each finance meeting on the Web site.

        3. Fr. Tadhg provided an update from the Building Sub Committee

        • A meeting was held with our engineer regarding the repair of the Church Spire, window and Organ which will cost in the region of one million.
        • A survey costing two thousand will be carried out to draw up a schedule of work.

        4. Fr. Tadhg informed the group that a Parish Ministry course and a Youth Ministry course will be held from September.


        St John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 7th March 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. An update on the accounts for Jan & Feb 2017 was given.

        • It was noted that there was a drop of 1400 Euro in the church collection compared with the same period the previous year.
        • A question arose regarding the expenditure of the heating in St John’s. Although there was no apparent drop in the amount spent on oil, it was acknowledged that St. John’s was much warmer.

        2. There was a discussion on how best to present the annual Income/Expenditure newsletter and the option of seeking parishioners email address.

        • There was an acceptance of the need for members of the Finance Council to address parishioners to thank them for their contributions to St John’s and also to outline future works to be carried out in the Church, based on the Southgate report.

        3. Fr. Tadhg provided an update from the Building Sub Committee

        • Our engineer is drawing up a tender form regarding the repair of the Church Spire.
        • This is to include restoration of Spire, repair of Organ and window.
        • This is a project for completion in 2018.

        4. Fr. Tadhg informed the group

        1. The Cura office which belongs to St. John’s was presently vacant but had the potential to provide some income.
        2. The CTS building still available.
        3. KDYS building, which is leased from the Parish, needs repairs to its roof.
        4. It was agreed that the rent of this building should be reduced.
        5. The Church collectors asked if some information could be provided by the Finance Committee regarding how money collected is spent.


        St John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 30th January 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. Correspondence.

        1. The Finance Committee agreed to contract a Cleaning Company to clean St. John’s church four times per year, an inventory of the work is provided.

        2. An update on the accounts for Nov & Dec 2016 and a detailed report for the years 1/1/15 to 31/12/15 and 1/1/16 to 31/12/16, showing a comparison between both with further clarification around specific figures was given to the meeting.

        There was a discussion on the income obtained from: offertory collections, weekly envelopes and standing orders. A number of suggestions were agreed:

        1. The present upgrading of the Database should help connect with more parishioners.
        2. The possible need for a member of the Finance Committee to address parishioners at the weekend masses, putting the finance in context and highlighting the most convenient ways to support the parish financially.
        3. A slight tweaking of the annual Finance Report to include photos highlighting the range of activities which happen in the parish.

        3. Fr. Tadhg gave a report from the building sub committee

        1. An outline of the works proposed for the Organ Tower and Spire.
        2. Overall costs of the works in the region of One Million Euro.
        3. Permission will be sought from the Diocesan Building Committee & the Diocesan Finance Committee to proceed to the next stage of the process.

        4. Melanie O’Sullivan was proposed as Vice Chairperson.

            Jim Maher was proposed as Assistant secretary.

        A group of five names were suggested as parishioners who could be contacted to identify their interest in serving on the finance committee. Fr Tadhg will contact with an aim to increase the committee by three.

        5. Fr. Tadhg informed the group

        1. That the Old Presbytery was up for sale.
        2. The Cura office which belongs to St. John’s was presently vacant but had the potential to provide some income.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        Wednesday 22nd February 2023 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. Minutes:
        • Minutes of previous meeting (23rd November 2022) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.
        1. Matters Arising:
        • Matters arising were discussed and agreed.
        1. Parish Accounts:
        • Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/11/2022 to 31/12/2022 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous year were presented, discussed, and agreed.
        1. Parish Financial Report for 2022:
        • The meeting received a comprehensive report on all accounts for the period 01/01/2022 to 31/12/2022 including a detailed comparison with previous pre-COVID year 01/01/19 to 31/12/19.
        • The publication of the 2022 financial statement for parishioners was approved and agreed.
        1. Update on Building Sub-Committee:
        • Remedial works were carried out on the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Rathass.
        • Office space in the Parish Centre is to be expanded.
        • Other matters pertaining to parish property were discussed.
        1. A.O.B.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 12th April 2023 at 7.30pm.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        Wednesday 23rd November 2022 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. Minutes:
          Minutes of previous meeting (13th September 2022) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
          Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.
        2. Matters Arising:
          Matters arising were discussed and agreed.
        1. Parish Accounts: 
          Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/09/2022 to 31/10/2022 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous year were presented, discussed, and agreed.
          It was noted that the total collections were down by 32% when compared with the same period in 2019, prior to Covid.
          Look at setting up an electronic church collection system.
        1. Update on Building Sub-Committee:
        • Noted that some short term remedial temporary works were being presently carried out on the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
        • The sound system in St John’s requires attention.
        • Other matters pertaining to parish property were discussed.

        1. A. O.B.
        • None

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 22nd February 2023 at 7.30pm.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting
        Tuesday 13th September 2022 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. Minutes:
          Minutes of previous meeting (14th June 2022) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
          Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication. 
        2. Matters Arising:
          Matters arising were discussed and agreed.
        3. Correspondence:
          Letter from the Diocesan office regarding the 2022 Diocesan Administration Levychargeable @ 15% of 2021 collections.
        1. Parish Accounts:
          Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/01/2022 to 31/08/2021 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous year were presented, discussed, and agreed.
        2. Update on Building Sub-Committee:
          Noted that the group hadn’t met since the last meeting. It was acknowledged that the present increase in energy costs was forcing the need to look at alternatives.
          There was a discussion regarding church maintenance and repairs.
          Other matters pertaining to parish property were discussed.

        1. A.O.B.
          The meeting was informed of two recent employee appointments: (1) Parish Pastoral Worker and (2) Parish Centre Receptionist.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 23rd November 2022.


        14th June 2022 in St. John’s Parish Centre, at 7.30pm.

        Meeting commenced with a prayer. 

        1. Minutes: Minutes of previous meeting of 6th April 2022 were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        2. Matters Arising: Matters arising were discussed and agreed.
        3. Minutes of the previous meeting agreed for publication
        4. Correspondence: No Correspondence.
        5. Parish Accounts:  Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period01/04/2022 to 31/5/2022 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous 2 years.  
        6. Update on Building Sub-Committee:  The Committee were informed that a meeting of the building sub-committee took place on Friday 8th April 2022. The building sub-committee are due to meet again on 1st July
        7. A.O.B.  Noted that a new Parish Pastoral Worker has been appointed.

        Next Meeting: Tuesday 13th September 2022 at 7.30pm in St. John’s Parish Centre. 


        Wednesday 6th April 2022 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.

        Meeting commenced with a prayer. 

        1. Minutes: Minutes of previous meeting (16th February 2022) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
          Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.
        2. Matters Arising: Matters arising were discussed and agreed.
        3. Correspondence: No Correspondence.
        4. Parish Accounts:  Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/01/2022 to 31/03/2022 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous 2 years were presented, discussed, and agreed.
        5. Update on Building Sub-Committee:  Next meeting of the building sub-committee scheduled for 8th April 2022.
        6. A.O.B.  The Parish Pastoral Worker will be finishing his employment with the Parish on 15th April 2022. 

        Next Meeting: Tuesday 14th June 2022.

        Wednesday 16th February 2022 (Via Zoom).

        Meeting commenced with a prayer. 


        • Minutes:
        • Minutes of previous meeting (17th November 2021) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.
        • Matters Arising:
        • Matters arising were discussed under other sections of the meeting.
        • Correspondence:
        • No Correspondence.
        • Parish Accounts:
        • Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/11/2021 to 31/12/2021 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous 2 years were presented, discussed, and agreed.
        • Parish Financial Statement:
        • Parish Financial Statement for 2021 was discussed and agreed for publication.

         Update on Building Sub-Committee:

        • Repairs needed to be considered regarding the Immaculate Conception, Rathass.

        • A. O.B.
        • Position of Parish Pastoral Worker discussed.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 6th April 2022.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 8th September 2020.

        (Via Zoom conferencing)

        1. Minutes:
        • Minutes of previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.
        1. Correspondence: Noted that the annual diocesan levy was due for payment.
        1. Update of accounts (Parish):
        • A general overview & comparison of Parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) for the period 01/06/2020 to 31/08/2020 was presented, discussed and approved.
        • It was noted that COVID restrictions were impacting significantly on Church collections.
        1. Priests Account (Teach na Sagart):
        • Details of the account for the period 01/06/2020 to 31/08/2020 were outlined and approved.
        1. Update on Building Sub-Committee:
        • Reports discussed regarding the need to have the roof of St. John’s Church assessed for leaks and road safety and right of way issues relating to the entrance of St. John’s Church.


        1. AOB:
        • The committee expressed its good wishes to Fr. Francis Nolan and Fr. Amos Ruto on their new appointments and thanked them for their work and dedication while in St. John’s Parish.
        • The committee also congratulated Ms. Norma Foley on her achievement of being recently appointed Minister for Education.



        Next Meeting: Date to be agreed and communicated later.


        Minutes – St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        Tuesday 9th June 2020


        1. Minutes:
        • Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        1. Correspondence:
        • No correspondence.
        1. Update of accounts (Parish):
        • A general overview & comparison of Parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) for the period 01/01/2020 to 31/05/2020 was presented, discussed and approved.
        • Due to Covid-19 virus restrictions all parish income has been significantly down since March 2020. This includes weekly church collections, Capital Fund, shrines, booked Masses and Mass card stipends, sale of papers/magazines and religious goods. No rental fees for use of the Parish Centre has been received since March.
        1. Priests Account (Teach na Sagart):
        • Details of the account for the period 01/01/2020 to 31/05/2020 were outlined and approved.
        1. Update on building sub-committee:
        • Committee received a report from the building sub-committee regarding proposed further renovation plans for St. John’s Church.
        1. Website online electronic donation system:
        • The committee discussed the feasibility of providing an online donation system whereby people could donate to St. John’s Parish electronically.


        1. John’s 150:
        • Noted that due to Covid-19 it is envisaged that the St. John’s 150 celebrations will run into 2021.


        Next meeting: September. Date to be communicated later.


        Minutes – St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        Wednesday 19th February 2020 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.


        1. Minutes:
        • Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        1. GDPR:
        • Discussion regarding GDPR issued.
        1. Correspondence:
        • No correspondence.
        1. Parish Accounts:
        • Committee received detailed analysis of parish accounts for the period 01/11/2019 to 31/12/2019.
        1. Parish Financial Report 2019:
        • Parish Financial Statement for 2019 was discussed and agreed for publication.
        • Capital Fund Envelope analysis for the tax year was discussed. It was also noted that clarification and clearance on GDPR issues was needed before any new contacts were made.
        1. Update on building sub-committee.
        • Committee received a report from the building sub-committee regarding proposed further renovation plans for St. John’s Church.

        Meeting ended at 9.00pm.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 4th September 2019.


        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Matters arising:

           –  Chairman reappointed.

           –  Resignation of two members noted and a vote of thanks and appreciation recorded.

        3. Minutes for publication: Agreed.

        4. Update of accounts:

           – Parish accounts for the period 01/06/2019 to 31/08/2019 were outlined and approved.

        5. Priests Account (Teach Na Sagart):

           – Details of the account for the period 01/06/2019 to 31/08/2019 were outlined and approved.

        6. CURA Building:

           – Kerry Adolescent Counselling Service have changed rooms from the office over the front door of the Parish Centre to another office upstairs.

        7. CTS:      

           – A sales display unit/cabinet is about to be constructed in the foyer of the Parish Centre selling religious goods such as baptismal candles, rosaries, statues and booklets.


        8. Parish Pastoral Worker:

           – A Parish Pastoral Worker has been appointed and he will be welcomed to our next meeting to introduce himself.

        9. AOB:

           – GDPR polices discussed and noted.

           – Church Gate Collections: The parish newsletter recently defined areas for church gate collections as follows:

        CHURCH GATE COLLECTIONS: There has been a number of complaints recently regarding some organisations collecting for their church gate collection at the entrance doors of churches in the parish. We ask all organisations to ensure that collections take place outside church grounds and entrances. The only exception by diocesan stipulation is St. Vincent de Paul. 

           – St. John’s 150: Next year, 2020 will mark the 150th anniversary of the completion and dedication of St. John’s Church. The St. John’s 150 year of celebrations will commence on Saturday 26th October 2019 when Bishop Ray Browne celebrates Mass at 6.10pm. A year-long Festival of Faith celebrating St. John’s 150th is being planned culminating with a Town Mission in October 2020

        Next meeting: Wednesday 13th November 7.30pm in St. John’s Parish Centre.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        St. John’s Parish Centre, 3rd April 2019 at 7.30pm.


        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Update of accounts (Parish):

        A general overview & comparison of Parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) from 01/01/2019 to 31/03/2019 was presented, discussed and approved.

        It was noted that the two Church Holydays to date in 2019 have fallen on a Sunday which has resulted in the parish being down two collections.

        Revenue Tax Rebate. CHY certs from parishioners for 2018 have been submitted to Revenue.

        3. Priests Account (Teach na Sagart).

        Details of the account for the period 01/01/2019 to 31/03/2019 were outlined and approved.

        4. Building Sub-Committee: 

        The committee received a report from the building sub-committee which noted that leaks to the roof of St. John’s Church have been repaired.

        5. Cura Building.

        Kerry Adolescent Counselling Service will be moving into the building on 9th April 2019.

        6. Diocesan Guidelines Concerning Parish Finance Committees.

        The meeting discussed diocesan regulations and policies regarding parish finance committees.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 12th June 2019.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        St. John’s Parish Centre, Wednesday 6th February 2019 at 7.30pm.


        1. Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        2. Minutes of previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        3. Correspondence:

        • Awaiting correspondence on Charities VAT Compensation Scheme.

        4. Accounts:

        • Parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) for the period 01/11/18 to 31/12/18 as well as a general overview of accounts from 01/01/2018 to 31/12/2018 were presented and discussed.
        • Noted that the increase of income for Collections over the period November and December is largely attributed to money collected from the Polish and Latin Masses and an increase also in the Christmas Day collection.
        • Parish income also benefited from significant sales of the recently published new guide booklet on St. John’s Church.
        • The cost of the health and safety audit of all parish buildings was noted.
        • An annual comparison of electricity unit usage in St. John’s during the period 2011 to 2018 showed a decrease for the years 2015 to 2018.
        • The parish financial statement for 2018 was presented and approved for publication.

        5. Building Sub Committee:

        • The building sub-committee are looking at the possibility of sourcing a church architect to provide professional advice on a number of issues.

        6. Parish Centre Rental:

        • Approval given to Kerry Adolescent Counselling Service for the renting of rooms in the Parish Centre complex.

        7. AOB:

        • Noted that the Tralee Pastoral Area are exploring the possibility of employing a Catechist to be involved with ‘Adult Faith Formation’.
        • Discussion on diocesan guidelines on parish finance committees.

        Meeting concluded at 9.00pm.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 3rd April 2019 in St. John’s Parish Centre at 7.30pm.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting

        Wednesday 14th November 2018 in St. John’s Parish Centre at 7.30pm.


        1. Meeting commenced with prayer and the minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Matters Arising:

            – Insurance issues were discussed.

        3. Parish Accounts:

           – Parish accounts (Income and Expenses) for the period 01/09/18 to 31/10/18 as well as a general overview of accounts form 01/01/18 to 31/10/18 were presented to the committee.

           – It was noted that parish funds now benefit from collections held during the Polish Mass and the Latin Mass.

           – Noted that the parish charity number is the same one as for the Diocese.

           – St. John’s accounts are certified annually at the year end.

        4. Parish Employee Matters:

           – Parish employee/employment policy matters were discussed and updated.

        5. Building Sub Committee:

           – Report received and discussed from the building subcommittee with regard to property maintenance matters.

        6. AOB:

           – Parish Bazaar: Noted that the annual Parish Bazaar will be held on the weekend of 30th November & 1st/2nd December 2018. The committee recorded its thanks to the Bazaar Co-ordinator and Bazaar Committee for all their work and efforts in organising this important annual parish fundraiser.

           – The Church of the Immaculate Conception is 150 years old and a special Vigil Mass will be celebrated to mark the occasion followed by refreshments in the Manor West Hotel on Saturday 8th December 2018.

           – Discussions have taken place to consider employing a Catechist in the Pastoral Area for sacramental preparation.


        Next meeting: Wednesday 6th February 2019 in St. John’s Parish Centre at 7.30pm.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 19th September 2018.


         1. Minutes:

        • Minutes of previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.

         2.  Matters Arising:

        • Data Protection Policy: New Data Protection procedures were discussed. The committee are awaiting correspondence and guidelines on the matter from the Diocese.
        • Credit Card Facility: Credit card facilities are now available in the Parish Centre and proving to be very convenient in making transactions.

         3. Correspondence: None.

         4. Repair Work: The meeting received a report on the recent damage and subsequent repair work to St John’s Church.


         5. Parish Accounts: Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/05/2018 to 31/08/2018 were presented, discussed and approved.

         6. Update on Building Sub-Committee: Reports were provided on ongoing parish building and maintenance matters. It was acknowledged the fantastic work that the community in Curraheen are doing in fund raising to enhance their community room in Curraheen Church. It was agreed that the parish would contribute to the fund if needs be.


        Next Meeting: 14th November 2018 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee at 7.30pm.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 23rd May 2018.

        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Matters arising:

        • Details of the maintenance contract for the heating system in St John’s Church and the Parish Centre were discussed and outlined.
        • Digi units have recently been installed in both the I.C. & Curraheen Churches which operates with the stand-alone fire alarm system connecting to a monitoring station.

        3. Minutes for publication: Agreed.

        4. Update of accounts:

        • Parish accounts for the period January to April 2018 were outlined.

        5. Priests Account (Teach Na Sagart):

        • Details of the account for the period January to April 2018 were outlined.

        6. Update on Collections Comparisons from January 2007 to April 2018.

        • A detailed comparison of collections since 2007 to the present was discussed.
        • Over a period of ten years there has been a decrease of approximately one third in the weekly offertory collection. The committee expressed concern for the future financial state of the parish if this trend was to further decrease.


        7. Donation Box:

        • It was agreed to have a donation box securely installed in St. John’s Church whereby visitors could make a donation.
        • An updated information leaflet on St. John’s for visitors is in process.
        • The possibility of developing an ‘App’ regarding visitor information on St. John’s was also mentioned.

        8. Credit Card Machine:

        • Agreed that credit card machine facilities be made available in the Parish Centre.


        Next meeting: Wed 19th September at 7.30pm in St. John’s Parish Centre.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 17th April 2018.

        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Matters arising: A number of matters arose from the minutes of the previous meeting.

        • Pastoral programmes expenditure for the period October to December 2017 outlined.
        • Correspondence from the security firm responsible for monitor alarms:
          Noted that as part of the contract, the firm responsible provide maintenance and monitoring of all intruder and fire alarms in the parish centre, presbytery and all three churches. Another firm are contracted to maintain the fire extinguishers in all parish buildings.

        3.  Minutes for publication: Agreed.

        4.  Correspondence:

        • Following a request from one member of the committee it was agreed to hold the next meeting on a Wednesday.

        5.  Update of accounts: A detailed update of parish accounts included:

        • Parish income & expenditure accounts for the period January to March 2018.
        • Collections were significantly down in January.
        • Shrines showing a slight decrease.

        6.  Priests Account: Details of the account were outlined.

        7.  Update on percentage of Envelopes returned 2017:

        • The meeting was provided with an analysis on Parish Income for 2017.

        8.  Update on summary of CHY’s sent to Revenue for tax rebate:

        • There are a small number of new parishioners added to the list making contributions in this way.
        • The parish have made a claim to revenue for the 2017 tax rebate.

        9.  Quotation: Re: installation of a digi unit stand-alone fire alarm system in both Curraheen and IC Churches.


        Meeting ended 9.30pm


        Next meeting: Wed 23rd May 7.30pm Parish Centre.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting 16th January 2018

        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.


          2. Matters arising: A number of matters arose from the minutes of the previous meeting.

        • Clarification required regarding all our insurance cover.
        • The parishioner data base is being updated.


        3. Correspondence:

        • Written clarification needed on who exactly is responsible for the installation, servicing and monitoring of both fire and security alarms in all three churches of the parish.
        • Agreed that the defibrillators installed in the Churches would be serviced and that a notice be placed in the parish newsletter asking for volunteers to undergo defibrillator training.


          4. Update of accounts: A detailed update of parish accounts included:

        • Parish income & expense accounts for the period Oct to Dec 2017.
        • The annual income from Diocesan collections 2017
        • Parish accounts bank balances.
        • A seven-year comparison on electricity usage: 2011 to 2017
        • A seven-year comparison on oil usage: 2011 to 2017.


         5. Parish Financial Report for 2017

        • The report for 2017 was agreed and approved for publication.

          6. Update on building Sub Committee.

        • A copy of the internal & external survey of St John’s Church to be made available to committee members.

          7. A.O.B.  

        • Noted that a fundraising committee has been formed by Curraheen-based parishioners to specifically raise funds for the development/construction of a meeting room at Curraheen Church.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting of 24th October 2017.


        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and agreed.

        2. Correspondence:

        • There was no correspondence other than those which would be dealt with in other parts of the meeting.
        • The Engineer engaged to undertake a 3D Survey of the Church spire has completed his work and has been paid for his services.

        3. Update of accounts: The meeting approved the update on the parish accounts for September 2017.

        • Two and a half of the parish areas are now updated on the parish database. There are five parish areas in total.
        • It was also noted that Parish Centre income is down.

        4. Diocesan Collections. Fr Tadhg met with the collection team.

        • He outlined how collections are presently conducted and shared ideas on other possibilities.
        • The meeting agreed to focus on getting the exact practice right for the first collection and would continue to monitor the success of the second collection.
        • The sick & retired priest collection (collected by envelope) was down significantly on the previous year.

        5. Update on the heating: The heating engineer who examined the Church heating system to ascertain if the radiators and the fan system which run simultaneously could be separated and instead turned on independently and wired to the Sacristy reported that it was, financially, not worth the expense.

        6. Update on Building Sub Committee. It was noted that the committee have not met since the last Finance Committee meeting. An engineer is to draw up a plan for work to be carried out.

        7. Unveiling of the Reconciliation Window: The unveiling will take place on Friday 27th October at 7.30pm with a prayer service.

        8. Fundraising: Planning for the Parish Bazaar is well under way. The meeting appreciated the massive amount of work involved in organising the Bazaar and expressed a view that the parish may need to consider some other form of major annual fundraising plan going forward.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 12th September 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1.Matters arising: discussed as part of the agenda.

          2. Update of accounts: The Committee approved the accounts as presented for the period June to Aug. 2017.

          3. Parish parishioner data base: The Committee were advised that the updating process of the Parish data base system is ongoing. To date 155 new households have been added.

        4. Tax Rebate Scheme: 251 parishioners out of 3700 households registered in the Parish contributed greater than €250.00 for 2016.

         5. Diocesan Collections: There was a discussion on the Diocesan Collections which are held as a joint offertory collection, averaging one per month. It was proposed to have a box at the door of the churches for the second collection. Fr Tadgh would discuss this suggestion with the collectors.

         6. Update on the heating: Fr Tadhg notified the committee that the engineer had inspected the Church heating system and advised that both aspects of the heating system, namely radiators and the fan system were running for the full 12 months. He will investigate what is best practice throughout the full year. It was also agreed that the system should be wired to the sacristy for convenience and clear guidance provided for those who may control the system

         7. Update on building Sub CommitteeOur Engineer has carried out a drone survey of the spire in St Johns inside and out. He still has to draw up proposals.

         8. Blessing of the Reconciliation Window: The Blessing will take place on Friday 27th Oct at 7.30pm with a prayer service.

        9. Fr. Tadgh floated the concept of having a Pastoral worker who would work with parents and families of young people receiving sacraments of Communion and Confirmation.


        St John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 20th June 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. Matters arising considered….items arising in the agenda later.

        2. Update of accounts:

        • The Committee approved the accounts as presented for the period May 2017.

        • It was noted that the 2017 Insurance Premium remained the same as 2016 Premium.


          3. Energy Analysis.

        • An energy report covering the period January 2011 to May 2017 detailing utilities usage, Costs & Savings made for both Oil & Electricity was provided.

        • Energy Audit quote was received, but found to be too expensive. 

        • It was decided that we should establish best practice around the heating system.

          4. KDYS Building.

        • We are awaiting a written report on the KDYS Roof.

         5. Items for Publication.

        • The items for publication on the website of recent meetings was agreed.

          6. Fr. Tadhg provided an update from the Building Sub Committee

        • Our engineer was given the go ahead to carry out the drone survey for both the internal & external of the Church.


        St John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 16th May 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        Fr Tadhg introduced and welcomed both John O Connor and Joe Clifford to the meeting and expressed his delight that they were both willing to serve on the Finance Committee.

        1. An update on the accounts for March & April 2017 was provided.

        • It was noted that there was a drop of 1719 Euro in the offertory collection compared with the same period the previous year and this showed a drop each month from Jan to April.
        • The weekly envelope collection was down by 1414 Euro
        • Six new standing orders came back as a result of the Easter correspondence, which included two new subscribers.
        • Information on how to subscribe by standing order will be put up on the web site.
        • Rent income on the Parish Centre is down; this resource could do with some promotion.
        • The 34000 Euro cost of the new stain glass window is totally covered.
        • An Energy Audit of St Johns was proposed to see if there was any ways of cutting costs. Heating of the side church throughout the year might be one example where possible savings might be made.

        2. It was agreed to put a previous proposal ‘for members of the Finance Committee to address parishioners at weekend masses’ be put on hold in the immediate.

        1. We will rethink this proposal when we get closer to the works on Spire etc.
        2. It was agreed to publish a report from each finance meeting on the Web site.

        3. Fr. Tadhg provided an update from the Building Sub Committee

        • A meeting was held with our engineer regarding the repair of the Church Spire, window and Organ which will cost in the region of one million.
        • A survey costing two thousand will be carried out to draw up a schedule of work.

        4. Fr. Tadhg informed the group that a Parish Ministry course and a Youth Ministry course will be held from September.


        St John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 7th March 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. An update on the accounts for Jan & Feb 2017 was given.

        • It was noted that there was a drop of 1400 Euro in the church collection compared with the same period the previous year.
        • A question arose regarding the expenditure of the heating in St John’s. Although there was no apparent drop in the amount spent on oil, it was acknowledged that St. John’s was much warmer.

        2. There was a discussion on how best to present the annual Income/Expenditure newsletter and the option of seeking parishioners email address.

        • There was an acceptance of the need for members of the Finance Council to address parishioners to thank them for their contributions to St John’s and also to outline future works to be carried out in the Church, based on the Southgate report.

        3. Fr. Tadhg provided an update from the Building Sub Committee

        • Our engineer is drawing up a tender form regarding the repair of the Church Spire.
        • This is to include restoration of Spire, repair of Organ and window.
        • This is a project for completion in 2018.

        4. Fr. Tadhg informed the group

        1. The Cura office which belongs to St. John’s was presently vacant but had the potential to provide some income.
        2. The CTS building still available.
        3. KDYS building, which is leased from the Parish, needs repairs to its roof.
        4. It was agreed that the rent of this building should be reduced.
        5. The Church collectors asked if some information could be provided by the Finance Committee regarding how money collected is spent.


        St John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 30th January 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. Correspondence.

        1. The Finance Committee agreed to contract a Cleaning Company to clean St. John’s church four times per year, an inventory of the work is provided.

        2. An update on the accounts for Nov & Dec 2016 and a detailed report for the years 1/1/15 to 31/12/15 and 1/1/16 to 31/12/16, showing a comparison between both with further clarification around specific figures was given to the meeting.

        There was a discussion on the income obtained from: offertory collections, weekly envelopes and standing orders. A number of suggestions were agreed:

        1. The present upgrading of the Database should help connect with more parishioners.
        2. The possible need for a member of the Finance Committee to address parishioners at the weekend masses, putting the finance in context and highlighting the most convenient ways to support the parish financially.
        3. A slight tweaking of the annual Finance Report to include photos highlighting the range of activities which happen in the parish.

        3. Fr. Tadhg gave a report from the building sub committee

        1. An outline of the works proposed for the Organ Tower and Spire.
        2. Overall costs of the works in the region of One Million Euro.
        3. Permission will be sought from the Diocesan Building Committee & the Diocesan Finance Committee to proceed to the next stage of the process.

        4. Melanie O’Sullivan was proposed as Vice Chairperson.

            Jim Maher was proposed as Assistant secretary.

        A group of five names were suggested as parishioners who could be contacted to identify their interest in serving on the finance committee. Fr Tadhg will contact with an aim to increase the committee by three.

        5. Fr. Tadhg informed the group

        1. That the Old Presbytery was up for sale.
        2. The Cura office which belongs to St. John’s was presently vacant but had the potential to provide some income.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        Wednesday 22nd February 2023 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. Minutes:
        • Minutes of previous meeting (23rd November 2022) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.
        1. Matters Arising:
        • Matters arising were discussed and agreed.
        1. Parish Accounts:
        • Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/11/2022 to 31/12/2022 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous year were presented, discussed, and agreed.
        1. Parish Financial Report for 2022:
        • The meeting received a comprehensive report on all accounts for the period 01/01/2022 to 31/12/2022 including a detailed comparison with previous pre-COVID year 01/01/19 to 31/12/19.
        • The publication of the 2022 financial statement for parishioners was approved and agreed.
        1. Update on Building Sub-Committee:
        • Remedial works were carried out on the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Rathass.
        • Office space in the Parish Centre is to be expanded.
        • Other matters pertaining to parish property were discussed.
        1. A.O.B.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 12th April 2023 at 7.30pm.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        Wednesday 23rd November 2022 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. Minutes:
          Minutes of previous meeting (13th September 2022) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
          Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.
        2. Matters Arising:
          Matters arising were discussed and agreed.
        1. Parish Accounts: 
          Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/09/2022 to 31/10/2022 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous year were presented, discussed, and agreed.
          It was noted that the total collections were down by 32% when compared with the same period in 2019, prior to Covid.
          Look at setting up an electronic church collection system.
        1. Update on Building Sub-Committee:
        • Noted that some short term remedial temporary works were being presently carried out on the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
        • The sound system in St John’s requires attention.
        • Other matters pertaining to parish property were discussed.

        1. A. O.B.
        • None

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 22nd February 2023 at 7.30pm.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting
        Tuesday 13th September 2022 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. Minutes:
          Minutes of previous meeting (14th June 2022) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
          Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication. 
        2. Matters Arising:
          Matters arising were discussed and agreed.
        3. Correspondence:
          Letter from the Diocesan office regarding the 2022 Diocesan Administration Levychargeable @ 15% of 2021 collections.
        1. Parish Accounts:
          Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/01/2022 to 31/08/2021 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous year were presented, discussed, and agreed.
        2. Update on Building Sub-Committee:
          Noted that the group hadn’t met since the last meeting. It was acknowledged that the present increase in energy costs was forcing the need to look at alternatives.
          There was a discussion regarding church maintenance and repairs.
          Other matters pertaining to parish property were discussed.

        1. A.O.B.
          The meeting was informed of two recent employee appointments: (1) Parish Pastoral Worker and (2) Parish Centre Receptionist.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 23rd November 2022.


        14th June 2022 in St. John’s Parish Centre, at 7.30pm.

        Meeting commenced with a prayer. 

        1. Minutes: Minutes of previous meeting of 6th April 2022 were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        2. Matters Arising: Matters arising were discussed and agreed.
        3. Minutes of the previous meeting agreed for publication
        4. Correspondence: No Correspondence.
        5. Parish Accounts:  Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period01/04/2022 to 31/5/2022 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous 2 years.  
        6. Update on Building Sub-Committee:  The Committee were informed that a meeting of the building sub-committee took place on Friday 8th April 2022. The building sub-committee are due to meet again on 1st July
        7. A.O.B.  Noted that a new Parish Pastoral Worker has been appointed.

        Next Meeting: Tuesday 13th September 2022 at 7.30pm in St. John’s Parish Centre. 


        Wednesday 6th April 2022 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.

        Meeting commenced with a prayer. 

        1. Minutes: Minutes of previous meeting (16th February 2022) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
          Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.
        2. Matters Arising: Matters arising were discussed and agreed.
        3. Correspondence: No Correspondence.
        4. Parish Accounts:  Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/01/2022 to 31/03/2022 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous 2 years were presented, discussed, and agreed.
        5. Update on Building Sub-Committee:  Next meeting of the building sub-committee scheduled for 8th April 2022.
        6. A.O.B.  The Parish Pastoral Worker will be finishing his employment with the Parish on 15th April 2022. 

        Next Meeting: Tuesday 14th June 2022.

        Wednesday 16th February 2022 (Via Zoom).

        Meeting commenced with a prayer. 


        • Minutes:
        • Minutes of previous meeting (17th November 2021) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.
        • Matters Arising:
        • Matters arising were discussed under other sections of the meeting.
        • Correspondence:
        • No Correspondence.
        • Parish Accounts:
        • Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/11/2021 to 31/12/2021 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous 2 years were presented, discussed, and agreed.
        • Parish Financial Statement:
        • Parish Financial Statement for 2021 was discussed and agreed for publication.

         Update on Building Sub-Committee:

        • Repairs needed to be considered regarding the Immaculate Conception, Rathass.

        • A. O.B.
        • Position of Parish Pastoral Worker discussed.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 6th April 2022.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 8th September 2020.

        (Via Zoom conferencing)

        1. Minutes:
        • Minutes of previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.
        1. Correspondence: Noted that the annual diocesan levy was due for payment.
        1. Update of accounts (Parish):
        • A general overview & comparison of Parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) for the period 01/06/2020 to 31/08/2020 was presented, discussed and approved.
        • It was noted that COVID restrictions were impacting significantly on Church collections.
        1. Priests Account (Teach na Sagart):
        • Details of the account for the period 01/06/2020 to 31/08/2020 were outlined and approved.
        1. Update on Building Sub-Committee:
        • Reports discussed regarding the need to have the roof of St. John’s Church assessed for leaks and road safety and right of way issues relating to the entrance of St. John’s Church.


        1. AOB:
        • The committee expressed its good wishes to Fr. Francis Nolan and Fr. Amos Ruto on their new appointments and thanked them for their work and dedication while in St. John’s Parish.
        • The committee also congratulated Ms. Norma Foley on her achievement of being recently appointed Minister for Education.



        Next Meeting: Date to be agreed and communicated later.


        Minutes – St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        Tuesday 9th June 2020


        1. Minutes:
        • Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        1. Correspondence:
        • No correspondence.
        1. Update of accounts (Parish):
        • A general overview & comparison of Parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) for the period 01/01/2020 to 31/05/2020 was presented, discussed and approved.
        • Due to Covid-19 virus restrictions all parish income has been significantly down since March 2020. This includes weekly church collections, Capital Fund, shrines, booked Masses and Mass card stipends, sale of papers/magazines and religious goods. No rental fees for use of the Parish Centre has been received since March.
        1. Priests Account (Teach na Sagart):
        • Details of the account for the period 01/01/2020 to 31/05/2020 were outlined and approved.
        1. Update on building sub-committee:
        • Committee received a report from the building sub-committee regarding proposed further renovation plans for St. John’s Church.
        1. Website online electronic donation system:
        • The committee discussed the feasibility of providing an online donation system whereby people could donate to St. John’s Parish electronically.


        1. John’s 150:
        • Noted that due to Covid-19 it is envisaged that the St. John’s 150 celebrations will run into 2021.


        Next meeting: September. Date to be communicated later.


        Minutes – St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        Wednesday 19th February 2020 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.


        1. Minutes:
        • Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        1. GDPR:
        • Discussion regarding GDPR issued.
        1. Correspondence:
        • No correspondence.
        1. Parish Accounts:
        • Committee received detailed analysis of parish accounts for the period 01/11/2019 to 31/12/2019.
        1. Parish Financial Report 2019:
        • Parish Financial Statement for 2019 was discussed and agreed for publication.
        • Capital Fund Envelope analysis for the tax year was discussed. It was also noted that clarification and clearance on GDPR issues was needed before any new contacts were made.
        1. Update on building sub-committee.
        • Committee received a report from the building sub-committee regarding proposed further renovation plans for St. John’s Church.

        Meeting ended at 9.00pm.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 4th September 2019.


        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Matters arising:

           –  Chairman reappointed.

           –  Resignation of two members noted and a vote of thanks and appreciation recorded.

        3. Minutes for publication: Agreed.

        4. Update of accounts:

           – Parish accounts for the period 01/06/2019 to 31/08/2019 were outlined and approved.

        5. Priests Account (Teach Na Sagart):

           – Details of the account for the period 01/06/2019 to 31/08/2019 were outlined and approved.

        6. CURA Building:

           – Kerry Adolescent Counselling Service have changed rooms from the office over the front door of the Parish Centre to another office upstairs.

        7. CTS:      

           – A sales display unit/cabinet is about to be constructed in the foyer of the Parish Centre selling religious goods such as baptismal candles, rosaries, statues and booklets.


        8. Parish Pastoral Worker:

           – A Parish Pastoral Worker has been appointed and he will be welcomed to our next meeting to introduce himself.

        9. AOB:

           – GDPR polices discussed and noted.

           – Church Gate Collections: The parish newsletter recently defined areas for church gate collections as follows:

        CHURCH GATE COLLECTIONS: There has been a number of complaints recently regarding some organisations collecting for their church gate collection at the entrance doors of churches in the parish. We ask all organisations to ensure that collections take place outside church grounds and entrances. The only exception by diocesan stipulation is St. Vincent de Paul. 

           – St. John’s 150: Next year, 2020 will mark the 150th anniversary of the completion and dedication of St. John’s Church. The St. John’s 150 year of celebrations will commence on Saturday 26th October 2019 when Bishop Ray Browne celebrates Mass at 6.10pm. A year-long Festival of Faith celebrating St. John’s 150th is being planned culminating with a Town Mission in October 2020

        Next meeting: Wednesday 13th November 7.30pm in St. John’s Parish Centre.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        St. John’s Parish Centre, 3rd April 2019 at 7.30pm.


        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Update of accounts (Parish):

        A general overview & comparison of Parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) from 01/01/2019 to 31/03/2019 was presented, discussed and approved.

        It was noted that the two Church Holydays to date in 2019 have fallen on a Sunday which has resulted in the parish being down two collections.

        Revenue Tax Rebate. CHY certs from parishioners for 2018 have been submitted to Revenue.

        3. Priests Account (Teach na Sagart).

        Details of the account for the period 01/01/2019 to 31/03/2019 were outlined and approved.

        4. Building Sub-Committee: 

        The committee received a report from the building sub-committee which noted that leaks to the roof of St. John’s Church have been repaired.

        5. Cura Building.

        Kerry Adolescent Counselling Service will be moving into the building on 9th April 2019.

        6. Diocesan Guidelines Concerning Parish Finance Committees.

        The meeting discussed diocesan regulations and policies regarding parish finance committees.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 12th June 2019.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        St. John’s Parish Centre, Wednesday 6th February 2019 at 7.30pm.


        1. Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        2. Minutes of previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        3. Correspondence:

        • Awaiting correspondence on Charities VAT Compensation Scheme.

        4. Accounts:

        • Parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) for the period 01/11/18 to 31/12/18 as well as a general overview of accounts from 01/01/2018 to 31/12/2018 were presented and discussed.
        • Noted that the increase of income for Collections over the period November and December is largely attributed to money collected from the Polish and Latin Masses and an increase also in the Christmas Day collection.
        • Parish income also benefited from significant sales of the recently published new guide booklet on St. John’s Church.
        • The cost of the health and safety audit of all parish buildings was noted.
        • An annual comparison of electricity unit usage in St. John’s during the period 2011 to 2018 showed a decrease for the years 2015 to 2018.
        • The parish financial statement for 2018 was presented and approved for publication.

        5. Building Sub Committee:

        • The building sub-committee are looking at the possibility of sourcing a church architect to provide professional advice on a number of issues.

        6. Parish Centre Rental:

        • Approval given to Kerry Adolescent Counselling Service for the renting of rooms in the Parish Centre complex.

        7. AOB:

        • Noted that the Tralee Pastoral Area are exploring the possibility of employing a Catechist to be involved with ‘Adult Faith Formation’.
        • Discussion on diocesan guidelines on parish finance committees.

        Meeting concluded at 9.00pm.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 3rd April 2019 in St. John’s Parish Centre at 7.30pm.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting

        Wednesday 14th November 2018 in St. John’s Parish Centre at 7.30pm.


        1. Meeting commenced with prayer and the minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Matters Arising:

            – Insurance issues were discussed.

        3. Parish Accounts:

           – Parish accounts (Income and Expenses) for the period 01/09/18 to 31/10/18 as well as a general overview of accounts form 01/01/18 to 31/10/18 were presented to the committee.

           – It was noted that parish funds now benefit from collections held during the Polish Mass and the Latin Mass.

           – Noted that the parish charity number is the same one as for the Diocese.

           – St. John’s accounts are certified annually at the year end.

        4. Parish Employee Matters:

           – Parish employee/employment policy matters were discussed and updated.

        5. Building Sub Committee:

           – Report received and discussed from the building subcommittee with regard to property maintenance matters.

        6. AOB:

           – Parish Bazaar: Noted that the annual Parish Bazaar will be held on the weekend of 30th November & 1st/2nd December 2018. The committee recorded its thanks to the Bazaar Co-ordinator and Bazaar Committee for all their work and efforts in organising this important annual parish fundraiser.

           – The Church of the Immaculate Conception is 150 years old and a special Vigil Mass will be celebrated to mark the occasion followed by refreshments in the Manor West Hotel on Saturday 8th December 2018.

           – Discussions have taken place to consider employing a Catechist in the Pastoral Area for sacramental preparation.


        Next meeting: Wednesday 6th February 2019 in St. John’s Parish Centre at 7.30pm.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 19th September 2018.


         1. Minutes:

        • Minutes of previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.

         2.  Matters Arising:

        • Data Protection Policy: New Data Protection procedures were discussed. The committee are awaiting correspondence and guidelines on the matter from the Diocese.
        • Credit Card Facility: Credit card facilities are now available in the Parish Centre and proving to be very convenient in making transactions.

         3. Correspondence: None.

         4. Repair Work: The meeting received a report on the recent damage and subsequent repair work to St John’s Church.


         5. Parish Accounts: Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/05/2018 to 31/08/2018 were presented, discussed and approved.

         6. Update on Building Sub-Committee: Reports were provided on ongoing parish building and maintenance matters. It was acknowledged the fantastic work that the community in Curraheen are doing in fund raising to enhance their community room in Curraheen Church. It was agreed that the parish would contribute to the fund if needs be.


        Next Meeting: 14th November 2018 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee at 7.30pm.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 23rd May 2018.

        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Matters arising:

        • Details of the maintenance contract for the heating system in St John’s Church and the Parish Centre were discussed and outlined.
        • Digi units have recently been installed in both the I.C. & Curraheen Churches which operates with the stand-alone fire alarm system connecting to a monitoring station.

        3. Minutes for publication: Agreed.

        4. Update of accounts:

        • Parish accounts for the period January to April 2018 were outlined.

        5. Priests Account (Teach Na Sagart):

        • Details of the account for the period January to April 2018 were outlined.

        6. Update on Collections Comparisons from January 2007 to April 2018.

        • A detailed comparison of collections since 2007 to the present was discussed.
        • Over a period of ten years there has been a decrease of approximately one third in the weekly offertory collection. The committee expressed concern for the future financial state of the parish if this trend was to further decrease.


        7. Donation Box:

        • It was agreed to have a donation box securely installed in St. John’s Church whereby visitors could make a donation.
        • An updated information leaflet on St. John’s for visitors is in process.
        • The possibility of developing an ‘App’ regarding visitor information on St. John’s was also mentioned.

        8. Credit Card Machine:

        • Agreed that credit card machine facilities be made available in the Parish Centre.


        Next meeting: Wed 19th September at 7.30pm in St. John’s Parish Centre.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 17th April 2018.

        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Matters arising: A number of matters arose from the minutes of the previous meeting.

        • Pastoral programmes expenditure for the period October to December 2017 outlined.
        • Correspondence from the security firm responsible for monitor alarms:
          Noted that as part of the contract, the firm responsible provide maintenance and monitoring of all intruder and fire alarms in the parish centre, presbytery and all three churches. Another firm are contracted to maintain the fire extinguishers in all parish buildings.

        3.  Minutes for publication: Agreed.

        4.  Correspondence:

        • Following a request from one member of the committee it was agreed to hold the next meeting on a Wednesday.

        5.  Update of accounts: A detailed update of parish accounts included:

        • Parish income & expenditure accounts for the period January to March 2018.
        • Collections were significantly down in January.
        • Shrines showing a slight decrease.

        6.  Priests Account: Details of the account were outlined.

        7.  Update on percentage of Envelopes returned 2017:

        • The meeting was provided with an analysis on Parish Income for 2017.

        8.  Update on summary of CHY’s sent to Revenue for tax rebate:

        • There are a small number of new parishioners added to the list making contributions in this way.
        • The parish have made a claim to revenue for the 2017 tax rebate.

        9.  Quotation: Re: installation of a digi unit stand-alone fire alarm system in both Curraheen and IC Churches.


        Meeting ended 9.30pm


        Next meeting: Wed 23rd May 7.30pm Parish Centre.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting 16th January 2018

        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.


          2. Matters arising: A number of matters arose from the minutes of the previous meeting.

        • Clarification required regarding all our insurance cover.
        • The parishioner data base is being updated.


        3. Correspondence:

        • Written clarification needed on who exactly is responsible for the installation, servicing and monitoring of both fire and security alarms in all three churches of the parish.
        • Agreed that the defibrillators installed in the Churches would be serviced and that a notice be placed in the parish newsletter asking for volunteers to undergo defibrillator training.


          4. Update of accounts: A detailed update of parish accounts included:

        • Parish income & expense accounts for the period Oct to Dec 2017.
        • The annual income from Diocesan collections 2017
        • Parish accounts bank balances.
        • A seven-year comparison on electricity usage: 2011 to 2017
        • A seven-year comparison on oil usage: 2011 to 2017.


         5. Parish Financial Report for 2017

        • The report for 2017 was agreed and approved for publication.

          6. Update on building Sub Committee.

        • A copy of the internal & external survey of St John’s Church to be made available to committee members.

          7. A.O.B.  

        • Noted that a fundraising committee has been formed by Curraheen-based parishioners to specifically raise funds for the development/construction of a meeting room at Curraheen Church.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting of 24th October 2017.


        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and agreed.

        2. Correspondence:

        • There was no correspondence other than those which would be dealt with in other parts of the meeting.
        • The Engineer engaged to undertake a 3D Survey of the Church spire has completed his work and has been paid for his services.

        3. Update of accounts: The meeting approved the update on the parish accounts for September 2017.

        • Two and a half of the parish areas are now updated on the parish database. There are five parish areas in total.
        • It was also noted that Parish Centre income is down.

        4. Diocesan Collections. Fr Tadhg met with the collection team.

        • He outlined how collections are presently conducted and shared ideas on other possibilities.
        • The meeting agreed to focus on getting the exact practice right for the first collection and would continue to monitor the success of the second collection.
        • The sick & retired priest collection (collected by envelope) was down significantly on the previous year.

        5. Update on the heating: The heating engineer who examined the Church heating system to ascertain if the radiators and the fan system which run simultaneously could be separated and instead turned on independently and wired to the Sacristy reported that it was, financially, not worth the expense.

        6. Update on Building Sub Committee. It was noted that the committee have not met since the last Finance Committee meeting. An engineer is to draw up a plan for work to be carried out.

        7. Unveiling of the Reconciliation Window: The unveiling will take place on Friday 27th October at 7.30pm with a prayer service.

        8. Fundraising: Planning for the Parish Bazaar is well under way. The meeting appreciated the massive amount of work involved in organising the Bazaar and expressed a view that the parish may need to consider some other form of major annual fundraising plan going forward.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 12th September 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1.Matters arising: discussed as part of the agenda.

          2. Update of accounts: The Committee approved the accounts as presented for the period June to Aug. 2017.

          3. Parish parishioner data base: The Committee were advised that the updating process of the Parish data base system is ongoing. To date 155 new households have been added.

        4. Tax Rebate Scheme: 251 parishioners out of 3700 households registered in the Parish contributed greater than €250.00 for 2016.

         5. Diocesan Collections: There was a discussion on the Diocesan Collections which are held as a joint offertory collection, averaging one per month. It was proposed to have a box at the door of the churches for the second collection. Fr Tadgh would discuss this suggestion with the collectors.

         6. Update on the heating: Fr Tadhg notified the committee that the engineer had inspected the Church heating system and advised that both aspects of the heating system, namely radiators and the fan system were running for the full 12 months. He will investigate what is best practice throughout the full year. It was also agreed that the system should be wired to the sacristy for convenience and clear guidance provided for those who may control the system

         7. Update on building Sub CommitteeOur Engineer has carried out a drone survey of the spire in St Johns inside and out. He still has to draw up proposals.

         8. Blessing of the Reconciliation Window: The Blessing will take place on Friday 27th Oct at 7.30pm with a prayer service.

        9. Fr. Tadgh floated the concept of having a Pastoral worker who would work with parents and families of young people receiving sacraments of Communion and Confirmation.


        St John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 20th June 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. Matters arising considered….items arising in the agenda later.

        2. Update of accounts:

        • The Committee approved the accounts as presented for the period May 2017.

        • It was noted that the 2017 Insurance Premium remained the same as 2016 Premium.


          3. Energy Analysis.

        • An energy report covering the period January 2011 to May 2017 detailing utilities usage, Costs & Savings made for both Oil & Electricity was provided.

        • Energy Audit quote was received, but found to be too expensive. 

        • It was decided that we should establish best practice around the heating system.

          4. KDYS Building.

        • We are awaiting a written report on the KDYS Roof.

         5. Items for Publication.

        • The items for publication on the website of recent meetings was agreed.

          6. Fr. Tadhg provided an update from the Building Sub Committee

        • Our engineer was given the go ahead to carry out the drone survey for both the internal & external of the Church.


        St John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 16th May 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        Fr Tadhg introduced and welcomed both John O Connor and Joe Clifford to the meeting and expressed his delight that they were both willing to serve on the Finance Committee.

        1. An update on the accounts for March & April 2017 was provided.

        • It was noted that there was a drop of 1719 Euro in the offertory collection compared with the same period the previous year and this showed a drop each month from Jan to April.
        • The weekly envelope collection was down by 1414 Euro
        • Six new standing orders came back as a result of the Easter correspondence, which included two new subscribers.
        • Information on how to subscribe by standing order will be put up on the web site.
        • Rent income on the Parish Centre is down; this resource could do with some promotion.
        • The 34000 Euro cost of the new stain glass window is totally covered.
        • An Energy Audit of St Johns was proposed to see if there was any ways of cutting costs. Heating of the side church throughout the year might be one example where possible savings might be made.

        2. It was agreed to put a previous proposal ‘for members of the Finance Committee to address parishioners at weekend masses’ be put on hold in the immediate.

        1. We will rethink this proposal when we get closer to the works on Spire etc.
        2. It was agreed to publish a report from each finance meeting on the Web site.

        3. Fr. Tadhg provided an update from the Building Sub Committee

        • A meeting was held with our engineer regarding the repair of the Church Spire, window and Organ which will cost in the region of one million.
        • A survey costing two thousand will be carried out to draw up a schedule of work.

        4. Fr. Tadhg informed the group that a Parish Ministry course and a Youth Ministry course will be held from September.


        St John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 7th March 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. An update on the accounts for Jan & Feb 2017 was given.

        • It was noted that there was a drop of 1400 Euro in the church collection compared with the same period the previous year.
        • A question arose regarding the expenditure of the heating in St John’s. Although there was no apparent drop in the amount spent on oil, it was acknowledged that St. John’s was much warmer.

        2. There was a discussion on how best to present the annual Income/Expenditure newsletter and the option of seeking parishioners email address.

        • There was an acceptance of the need for members of the Finance Council to address parishioners to thank them for their contributions to St John’s and also to outline future works to be carried out in the Church, based on the Southgate report.

        3. Fr. Tadhg provided an update from the Building Sub Committee

        • Our engineer is drawing up a tender form regarding the repair of the Church Spire.
        • This is to include restoration of Spire, repair of Organ and window.
        • This is a project for completion in 2018.

        4. Fr. Tadhg informed the group

        1. The Cura office which belongs to St. John’s was presently vacant but had the potential to provide some income.
        2. The CTS building still available.
        3. KDYS building, which is leased from the Parish, needs repairs to its roof.
        4. It was agreed that the rent of this building should be reduced.
        5. The Church collectors asked if some information could be provided by the Finance Committee regarding how money collected is spent.


        St John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 30th January 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. Correspondence.

        1. The Finance Committee agreed to contract a Cleaning Company to clean St. John’s church four times per year, an inventory of the work is provided.

        2. An update on the accounts for Nov & Dec 2016 and a detailed report for the years 1/1/15 to 31/12/15 and 1/1/16 to 31/12/16, showing a comparison between both with further clarification around specific figures was given to the meeting.

        There was a discussion on the income obtained from: offertory collections, weekly envelopes and standing orders. A number of suggestions were agreed:

        1. The present upgrading of the Database should help connect with more parishioners.
        2. The possible need for a member of the Finance Committee to address parishioners at the weekend masses, putting the finance in context and highlighting the most convenient ways to support the parish financially.
        3. A slight tweaking of the annual Finance Report to include photos highlighting the range of activities which happen in the parish.

        3. Fr. Tadhg gave a report from the building sub committee

        1. An outline of the works proposed for the Organ Tower and Spire.
        2. Overall costs of the works in the region of One Million Euro.
        3. Permission will be sought from the Diocesan Building Committee & the Diocesan Finance Committee to proceed to the next stage of the process.

        4. Melanie O’Sullivan was proposed as Vice Chairperson.

            Jim Maher was proposed as Assistant secretary.

        A group of five names were suggested as parishioners who could be contacted to identify their interest in serving on the finance committee. Fr Tadhg will contact with an aim to increase the committee by three.

        5. Fr. Tadhg informed the group

        1. That the Old Presbytery was up for sale.
        2. The Cura office which belongs to St. John’s was presently vacant but had the potential to provide some income.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        Wednesday 22nd February 2023 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. Minutes:
        • Minutes of previous meeting (23rd November 2022) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.
        1. Matters Arising:
        • Matters arising were discussed and agreed.
        1. Parish Accounts:
        • Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/11/2022 to 31/12/2022 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous year were presented, discussed, and agreed.
        1. Parish Financial Report for 2022:
        • The meeting received a comprehensive report on all accounts for the period 01/01/2022 to 31/12/2022 including a detailed comparison with previous pre-COVID year 01/01/19 to 31/12/19.
        • The publication of the 2022 financial statement for parishioners was approved and agreed.
        1. Update on Building Sub-Committee:
        • Remedial works were carried out on the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Rathass.
        • Office space in the Parish Centre is to be expanded.
        • Other matters pertaining to parish property were discussed.
        1. A.O.B.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 12th April 2023 at 7.30pm.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        Wednesday 23rd November 2022 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. Minutes:
          Minutes of previous meeting (13th September 2022) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
          Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.
        2. Matters Arising:
          Matters arising were discussed and agreed.
        1. Parish Accounts: 
          Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/09/2022 to 31/10/2022 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous year were presented, discussed, and agreed.
          It was noted that the total collections were down by 32% when compared with the same period in 2019, prior to Covid.
          Look at setting up an electronic church collection system.
        1. Update on Building Sub-Committee:
        • Noted that some short term remedial temporary works were being presently carried out on the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
        • The sound system in St John’s requires attention.
        • Other matters pertaining to parish property were discussed.

        1. A. O.B.
        • None

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 22nd February 2023 at 7.30pm.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting
        Tuesday 13th September 2022 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. Minutes:
          Minutes of previous meeting (14th June 2022) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
          Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication. 
        2. Matters Arising:
          Matters arising were discussed and agreed.
        3. Correspondence:
          Letter from the Diocesan office regarding the 2022 Diocesan Administration Levychargeable @ 15% of 2021 collections.
        1. Parish Accounts:
          Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/01/2022 to 31/08/2021 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous year were presented, discussed, and agreed.
        2. Update on Building Sub-Committee:
          Noted that the group hadn’t met since the last meeting. It was acknowledged that the present increase in energy costs was forcing the need to look at alternatives.
          There was a discussion regarding church maintenance and repairs.
          Other matters pertaining to parish property were discussed.

        1. A.O.B.
          The meeting was informed of two recent employee appointments: (1) Parish Pastoral Worker and (2) Parish Centre Receptionist.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 23rd November 2022.


        14th June 2022 in St. John’s Parish Centre, at 7.30pm.

        Meeting commenced with a prayer. 

        1. Minutes: Minutes of previous meeting of 6th April 2022 were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        2. Matters Arising: Matters arising were discussed and agreed.
        3. Minutes of the previous meeting agreed for publication
        4. Correspondence: No Correspondence.
        5. Parish Accounts:  Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period01/04/2022 to 31/5/2022 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous 2 years.  
        6. Update on Building Sub-Committee:  The Committee were informed that a meeting of the building sub-committee took place on Friday 8th April 2022. The building sub-committee are due to meet again on 1st July
        7. A.O.B.  Noted that a new Parish Pastoral Worker has been appointed.

        Next Meeting: Tuesday 13th September 2022 at 7.30pm in St. John’s Parish Centre. 


        Wednesday 6th April 2022 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.

        Meeting commenced with a prayer. 

        1. Minutes: Minutes of previous meeting (16th February 2022) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
          Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.
        2. Matters Arising: Matters arising were discussed and agreed.
        3. Correspondence: No Correspondence.
        4. Parish Accounts:  Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/01/2022 to 31/03/2022 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous 2 years were presented, discussed, and agreed.
        5. Update on Building Sub-Committee:  Next meeting of the building sub-committee scheduled for 8th April 2022.
        6. A.O.B.  The Parish Pastoral Worker will be finishing his employment with the Parish on 15th April 2022. 

        Next Meeting: Tuesday 14th June 2022.

        Wednesday 16th February 2022 (Via Zoom).

        Meeting commenced with a prayer. 


        • Minutes:
        • Minutes of previous meeting (17th November 2021) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.
        • Matters Arising:
        • Matters arising were discussed under other sections of the meeting.
        • Correspondence:
        • No Correspondence.
        • Parish Accounts:
        • Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/11/2021 to 31/12/2021 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous 2 years were presented, discussed, and agreed.
        • Parish Financial Statement:
        • Parish Financial Statement for 2021 was discussed and agreed for publication.

         Update on Building Sub-Committee:

        • Repairs needed to be considered regarding the Immaculate Conception, Rathass.

        • A. O.B.
        • Position of Parish Pastoral Worker discussed.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 6th April 2022.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 8th September 2020.

        (Via Zoom conferencing)

        1. Minutes:
        • Minutes of previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.
        1. Correspondence: Noted that the annual diocesan levy was due for payment.
        1. Update of accounts (Parish):
        • A general overview & comparison of Parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) for the period 01/06/2020 to 31/08/2020 was presented, discussed and approved.
        • It was noted that COVID restrictions were impacting significantly on Church collections.
        1. Priests Account (Teach na Sagart):
        • Details of the account for the period 01/06/2020 to 31/08/2020 were outlined and approved.
        1. Update on Building Sub-Committee:
        • Reports discussed regarding the need to have the roof of St. John’s Church assessed for leaks and road safety and right of way issues relating to the entrance of St. John’s Church.


        1. AOB:
        • The committee expressed its good wishes to Fr. Francis Nolan and Fr. Amos Ruto on their new appointments and thanked them for their work and dedication while in St. John’s Parish.
        • The committee also congratulated Ms. Norma Foley on her achievement of being recently appointed Minister for Education.



        Next Meeting: Date to be agreed and communicated later.


        Minutes – St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        Tuesday 9th June 2020


        1. Minutes:
        • Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        1. Correspondence:
        • No correspondence.
        1. Update of accounts (Parish):
        • A general overview & comparison of Parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) for the period 01/01/2020 to 31/05/2020 was presented, discussed and approved.
        • Due to Covid-19 virus restrictions all parish income has been significantly down since March 2020. This includes weekly church collections, Capital Fund, shrines, booked Masses and Mass card stipends, sale of papers/magazines and religious goods. No rental fees for use of the Parish Centre has been received since March.
        1. Priests Account (Teach na Sagart):
        • Details of the account for the period 01/01/2020 to 31/05/2020 were outlined and approved.
        1. Update on building sub-committee:
        • Committee received a report from the building sub-committee regarding proposed further renovation plans for St. John’s Church.
        1. Website online electronic donation system:
        • The committee discussed the feasibility of providing an online donation system whereby people could donate to St. John’s Parish electronically.


        1. John’s 150:
        • Noted that due to Covid-19 it is envisaged that the St. John’s 150 celebrations will run into 2021.


        Next meeting: September. Date to be communicated later.


        Minutes – St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        Wednesday 19th February 2020 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.


        1. Minutes:
        • Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        1. GDPR:
        • Discussion regarding GDPR issued.
        1. Correspondence:
        • No correspondence.
        1. Parish Accounts:
        • Committee received detailed analysis of parish accounts for the period 01/11/2019 to 31/12/2019.
        1. Parish Financial Report 2019:
        • Parish Financial Statement for 2019 was discussed and agreed for publication.
        • Capital Fund Envelope analysis for the tax year was discussed. It was also noted that clarification and clearance on GDPR issues was needed before any new contacts were made.
        1. Update on building sub-committee.
        • Committee received a report from the building sub-committee regarding proposed further renovation plans for St. John’s Church.

        Meeting ended at 9.00pm.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 4th September 2019.


        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Matters arising:

           –  Chairman reappointed.

           –  Resignation of two members noted and a vote of thanks and appreciation recorded.

        3. Minutes for publication: Agreed.

        4. Update of accounts:

           – Parish accounts for the period 01/06/2019 to 31/08/2019 were outlined and approved.

        5. Priests Account (Teach Na Sagart):

           – Details of the account for the period 01/06/2019 to 31/08/2019 were outlined and approved.

        6. CURA Building:

           – Kerry Adolescent Counselling Service have changed rooms from the office over the front door of the Parish Centre to another office upstairs.

        7. CTS:      

           – A sales display unit/cabinet is about to be constructed in the foyer of the Parish Centre selling religious goods such as baptismal candles, rosaries, statues and booklets.


        8. Parish Pastoral Worker:

           – A Parish Pastoral Worker has been appointed and he will be welcomed to our next meeting to introduce himself.

        9. AOB:

           – GDPR polices discussed and noted.

           – Church Gate Collections: The parish newsletter recently defined areas for church gate collections as follows:

        CHURCH GATE COLLECTIONS: There has been a number of complaints recently regarding some organisations collecting for their church gate collection at the entrance doors of churches in the parish. We ask all organisations to ensure that collections take place outside church grounds and entrances. The only exception by diocesan stipulation is St. Vincent de Paul. 

           – St. John’s 150: Next year, 2020 will mark the 150th anniversary of the completion and dedication of St. John’s Church. The St. John’s 150 year of celebrations will commence on Saturday 26th October 2019 when Bishop Ray Browne celebrates Mass at 6.10pm. A year-long Festival of Faith celebrating St. John’s 150th is being planned culminating with a Town Mission in October 2020

        Next meeting: Wednesday 13th November 7.30pm in St. John’s Parish Centre.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        St. John’s Parish Centre, 3rd April 2019 at 7.30pm.


        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Update of accounts (Parish):

        A general overview & comparison of Parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) from 01/01/2019 to 31/03/2019 was presented, discussed and approved.

        It was noted that the two Church Holydays to date in 2019 have fallen on a Sunday which has resulted in the parish being down two collections.

        Revenue Tax Rebate. CHY certs from parishioners for 2018 have been submitted to Revenue.

        3. Priests Account (Teach na Sagart).

        Details of the account for the period 01/01/2019 to 31/03/2019 were outlined and approved.

        4. Building Sub-Committee: 

        The committee received a report from the building sub-committee which noted that leaks to the roof of St. John’s Church have been repaired.

        5. Cura Building.

        Kerry Adolescent Counselling Service will be moving into the building on 9th April 2019.

        6. Diocesan Guidelines Concerning Parish Finance Committees.

        The meeting discussed diocesan regulations and policies regarding parish finance committees.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 12th June 2019.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        St. John’s Parish Centre, Wednesday 6th February 2019 at 7.30pm.


        1. Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        2. Minutes of previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        3. Correspondence:

        • Awaiting correspondence on Charities VAT Compensation Scheme.

        4. Accounts:

        • Parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) for the period 01/11/18 to 31/12/18 as well as a general overview of accounts from 01/01/2018 to 31/12/2018 were presented and discussed.
        • Noted that the increase of income for Collections over the period November and December is largely attributed to money collected from the Polish and Latin Masses and an increase also in the Christmas Day collection.
        • Parish income also benefited from significant sales of the recently published new guide booklet on St. John’s Church.
        • The cost of the health and safety audit of all parish buildings was noted.
        • An annual comparison of electricity unit usage in St. John’s during the period 2011 to 2018 showed a decrease for the years 2015 to 2018.
        • The parish financial statement for 2018 was presented and approved for publication.

        5. Building Sub Committee:

        • The building sub-committee are looking at the possibility of sourcing a church architect to provide professional advice on a number of issues.

        6. Parish Centre Rental:

        • Approval given to Kerry Adolescent Counselling Service for the renting of rooms in the Parish Centre complex.

        7. AOB:

        • Noted that the Tralee Pastoral Area are exploring the possibility of employing a Catechist to be involved with ‘Adult Faith Formation’.
        • Discussion on diocesan guidelines on parish finance committees.

        Meeting concluded at 9.00pm.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 3rd April 2019 in St. John’s Parish Centre at 7.30pm.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting

        Wednesday 14th November 2018 in St. John’s Parish Centre at 7.30pm.


        1. Meeting commenced with prayer and the minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Matters Arising:

            – Insurance issues were discussed.

        3. Parish Accounts:

           – Parish accounts (Income and Expenses) for the period 01/09/18 to 31/10/18 as well as a general overview of accounts form 01/01/18 to 31/10/18 were presented to the committee.

           – It was noted that parish funds now benefit from collections held during the Polish Mass and the Latin Mass.

           – Noted that the parish charity number is the same one as for the Diocese.

           – St. John’s accounts are certified annually at the year end.

        4. Parish Employee Matters:

           – Parish employee/employment policy matters were discussed and updated.

        5. Building Sub Committee:

           – Report received and discussed from the building subcommittee with regard to property maintenance matters.

        6. AOB:

           – Parish Bazaar: Noted that the annual Parish Bazaar will be held on the weekend of 30th November & 1st/2nd December 2018. The committee recorded its thanks to the Bazaar Co-ordinator and Bazaar Committee for all their work and efforts in organising this important annual parish fundraiser.

           – The Church of the Immaculate Conception is 150 years old and a special Vigil Mass will be celebrated to mark the occasion followed by refreshments in the Manor West Hotel on Saturday 8th December 2018.

           – Discussions have taken place to consider employing a Catechist in the Pastoral Area for sacramental preparation.


        Next meeting: Wednesday 6th February 2019 in St. John’s Parish Centre at 7.30pm.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 19th September 2018.


         1. Minutes:

        • Minutes of previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.

         2.  Matters Arising:

        • Data Protection Policy: New Data Protection procedures were discussed. The committee are awaiting correspondence and guidelines on the matter from the Diocese.
        • Credit Card Facility: Credit card facilities are now available in the Parish Centre and proving to be very convenient in making transactions.

         3. Correspondence: None.

         4. Repair Work: The meeting received a report on the recent damage and subsequent repair work to St John’s Church.


         5. Parish Accounts: Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/05/2018 to 31/08/2018 were presented, discussed and approved.

         6. Update on Building Sub-Committee: Reports were provided on ongoing parish building and maintenance matters. It was acknowledged the fantastic work that the community in Curraheen are doing in fund raising to enhance their community room in Curraheen Church. It was agreed that the parish would contribute to the fund if needs be.


        Next Meeting: 14th November 2018 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee at 7.30pm.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 23rd May 2018.

        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Matters arising:

        • Details of the maintenance contract for the heating system in St John’s Church and the Parish Centre were discussed and outlined.
        • Digi units have recently been installed in both the I.C. & Curraheen Churches which operates with the stand-alone fire alarm system connecting to a monitoring station.

        3. Minutes for publication: Agreed.

        4. Update of accounts:

        • Parish accounts for the period January to April 2018 were outlined.

        5. Priests Account (Teach Na Sagart):

        • Details of the account for the period January to April 2018 were outlined.

        6. Update on Collections Comparisons from January 2007 to April 2018.

        • A detailed comparison of collections since 2007 to the present was discussed.
        • Over a period of ten years there has been a decrease of approximately one third in the weekly offertory collection. The committee expressed concern for the future financial state of the parish if this trend was to further decrease.


        7. Donation Box:

        • It was agreed to have a donation box securely installed in St. John’s Church whereby visitors could make a donation.
        • An updated information leaflet on St. John’s for visitors is in process.
        • The possibility of developing an ‘App’ regarding visitor information on St. John’s was also mentioned.

        8. Credit Card Machine:

        • Agreed that credit card machine facilities be made available in the Parish Centre.


        Next meeting: Wed 19th September at 7.30pm in St. John’s Parish Centre.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 17th April 2018.

        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Matters arising: A number of matters arose from the minutes of the previous meeting.

        • Pastoral programmes expenditure for the period October to December 2017 outlined.
        • Correspondence from the security firm responsible for monitor alarms:
          Noted that as part of the contract, the firm responsible provide maintenance and monitoring of all intruder and fire alarms in the parish centre, presbytery and all three churches. Another firm are contracted to maintain the fire extinguishers in all parish buildings.

        3.  Minutes for publication: Agreed.

        4.  Correspondence:

        • Following a request from one member of the committee it was agreed to hold the next meeting on a Wednesday.

        5.  Update of accounts: A detailed update of parish accounts included:

        • Parish income & expenditure accounts for the period January to March 2018.
        • Collections were significantly down in January.
        • Shrines showing a slight decrease.

        6.  Priests Account: Details of the account were outlined.

        7.  Update on percentage of Envelopes returned 2017:

        • The meeting was provided with an analysis on Parish Income for 2017.

        8.  Update on summary of CHY’s sent to Revenue for tax rebate:

        • There are a small number of new parishioners added to the list making contributions in this way.
        • The parish have made a claim to revenue for the 2017 tax rebate.

        9.  Quotation: Re: installation of a digi unit stand-alone fire alarm system in both Curraheen and IC Churches.


        Meeting ended 9.30pm


        Next meeting: Wed 23rd May 7.30pm Parish Centre.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting 16th January 2018

        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.


          2. Matters arising: A number of matters arose from the minutes of the previous meeting.

        • Clarification required regarding all our insurance cover.
        • The parishioner data base is being updated.


        3. Correspondence:

        • Written clarification needed on who exactly is responsible for the installation, servicing and monitoring of both fire and security alarms in all three churches of the parish.
        • Agreed that the defibrillators installed in the Churches would be serviced and that a notice be placed in the parish newsletter asking for volunteers to undergo defibrillator training.


          4. Update of accounts: A detailed update of parish accounts included:

        • Parish income & expense accounts for the period Oct to Dec 2017.
        • The annual income from Diocesan collections 2017
        • Parish accounts bank balances.
        • A seven-year comparison on electricity usage: 2011 to 2017
        • A seven-year comparison on oil usage: 2011 to 2017.


         5. Parish Financial Report for 2017

        • The report for 2017 was agreed and approved for publication.

          6. Update on building Sub Committee.

        • A copy of the internal & external survey of St John’s Church to be made available to committee members.

          7. A.O.B.  

        • Noted that a fundraising committee has been formed by Curraheen-based parishioners to specifically raise funds for the development/construction of a meeting room at Curraheen Church.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting of 24th October 2017.


        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and agreed.

        2. Correspondence:

        • There was no correspondence other than those which would be dealt with in other parts of the meeting.
        • The Engineer engaged to undertake a 3D Survey of the Church spire has completed his work and has been paid for his services.

        3. Update of accounts: The meeting approved the update on the parish accounts for September 2017.

        • Two and a half of the parish areas are now updated on the parish database. There are five parish areas in total.
        • It was also noted that Parish Centre income is down.

        4. Diocesan Collections. Fr Tadhg met with the collection team.

        • He outlined how collections are presently conducted and shared ideas on other possibilities.
        • The meeting agreed to focus on getting the exact practice right for the first collection and would continue to monitor the success of the second collection.
        • The sick & retired priest collection (collected by envelope) was down significantly on the previous year.

        5. Update on the heating: The heating engineer who examined the Church heating system to ascertain if the radiators and the fan system which run simultaneously could be separated and instead turned on independently and wired to the Sacristy reported that it was, financially, not worth the expense.

        6. Update on Building Sub Committee. It was noted that the committee have not met since the last Finance Committee meeting. An engineer is to draw up a plan for work to be carried out.

        7. Unveiling of the Reconciliation Window: The unveiling will take place on Friday 27th October at 7.30pm with a prayer service.

        8. Fundraising: Planning for the Parish Bazaar is well under way. The meeting appreciated the massive amount of work involved in organising the Bazaar and expressed a view that the parish may need to consider some other form of major annual fundraising plan going forward.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 12th September 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1.Matters arising: discussed as part of the agenda.

          2. Update of accounts: The Committee approved the accounts as presented for the period June to Aug. 2017.

          3. Parish parishioner data base: The Committee were advised that the updating process of the Parish data base system is ongoing. To date 155 new households have been added.

        4. Tax Rebate Scheme: 251 parishioners out of 3700 households registered in the Parish contributed greater than €250.00 for 2016.

         5. Diocesan Collections: There was a discussion on the Diocesan Collections which are held as a joint offertory collection, averaging one per month. It was proposed to have a box at the door of the churches for the second collection. Fr Tadgh would discuss this suggestion with the collectors.

         6. Update on the heating: Fr Tadhg notified the committee that the engineer had inspected the Church heating system and advised that both aspects of the heating system, namely radiators and the fan system were running for the full 12 months. He will investigate what is best practice throughout the full year. It was also agreed that the system should be wired to the sacristy for convenience and clear guidance provided for those who may control the system

         7. Update on building Sub CommitteeOur Engineer has carried out a drone survey of the spire in St Johns inside and out. He still has to draw up proposals.

         8. Blessing of the Reconciliation Window: The Blessing will take place on Friday 27th Oct at 7.30pm with a prayer service.

        9. Fr. Tadgh floated the concept of having a Pastoral worker who would work with parents and families of young people receiving sacraments of Communion and Confirmation.


        St John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 20th June 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. Matters arising considered….items arising in the agenda later.

        2. Update of accounts:

        • The Committee approved the accounts as presented for the period May 2017.

        • It was noted that the 2017 Insurance Premium remained the same as 2016 Premium.


          3. Energy Analysis.

        • An energy report covering the period January 2011 to May 2017 detailing utilities usage, Costs & Savings made for both Oil & Electricity was provided.

        • Energy Audit quote was received, but found to be too expensive. 

        • It was decided that we should establish best practice around the heating system.

          4. KDYS Building.

        • We are awaiting a written report on the KDYS Roof.

         5. Items for Publication.

        • The items for publication on the website of recent meetings was agreed.

          6. Fr. Tadhg provided an update from the Building Sub Committee

        • Our engineer was given the go ahead to carry out the drone survey for both the internal & external of the Church.


        St John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 16th May 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        Fr Tadhg introduced and welcomed both John O Connor and Joe Clifford to the meeting and expressed his delight that they were both willing to serve on the Finance Committee.

        1. An update on the accounts for March & April 2017 was provided.

        • It was noted that there was a drop of 1719 Euro in the offertory collection compared with the same period the previous year and this showed a drop each month from Jan to April.
        • The weekly envelope collection was down by 1414 Euro
        • Six new standing orders came back as a result of the Easter correspondence, which included two new subscribers.
        • Information on how to subscribe by standing order will be put up on the web site.
        • Rent income on the Parish Centre is down; this resource could do with some promotion.
        • The 34000 Euro cost of the new stain glass window is totally covered.
        • An Energy Audit of St Johns was proposed to see if there was any ways of cutting costs. Heating of the side church throughout the year might be one example where possible savings might be made.

        2. It was agreed to put a previous proposal ‘for members of the Finance Committee to address parishioners at weekend masses’ be put on hold in the immediate.

        1. We will rethink this proposal when we get closer to the works on Spire etc.
        2. It was agreed to publish a report from each finance meeting on the Web site.

        3. Fr. Tadhg provided an update from the Building Sub Committee

        • A meeting was held with our engineer regarding the repair of the Church Spire, window and Organ which will cost in the region of one million.
        • A survey costing two thousand will be carried out to draw up a schedule of work.

        4. Fr. Tadhg informed the group that a Parish Ministry course and a Youth Ministry course will be held from September.


        St John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 7th March 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. An update on the accounts for Jan & Feb 2017 was given.

        • It was noted that there was a drop of 1400 Euro in the church collection compared with the same period the previous year.
        • A question arose regarding the expenditure of the heating in St John’s. Although there was no apparent drop in the amount spent on oil, it was acknowledged that St. John’s was much warmer.

        2. There was a discussion on how best to present the annual Income/Expenditure newsletter and the option of seeking parishioners email address.

        • There was an acceptance of the need for members of the Finance Council to address parishioners to thank them for their contributions to St John’s and also to outline future works to be carried out in the Church, based on the Southgate report.

        3. Fr. Tadhg provided an update from the Building Sub Committee

        • Our engineer is drawing up a tender form regarding the repair of the Church Spire.
        • This is to include restoration of Spire, repair of Organ and window.
        • This is a project for completion in 2018.

        4. Fr. Tadhg informed the group

        1. The Cura office which belongs to St. John’s was presently vacant but had the potential to provide some income.
        2. The CTS building still available.
        3. KDYS building, which is leased from the Parish, needs repairs to its roof.
        4. It was agreed that the rent of this building should be reduced.
        5. The Church collectors asked if some information could be provided by the Finance Committee regarding how money collected is spent.


        St John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 30th January 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. Correspondence.

        1. The Finance Committee agreed to contract a Cleaning Company to clean St. John’s church four times per year, an inventory of the work is provided.

        2. An update on the accounts for Nov & Dec 2016 and a detailed report for the years 1/1/15 to 31/12/15 and 1/1/16 to 31/12/16, showing a comparison between both with further clarification around specific figures was given to the meeting.

        There was a discussion on the income obtained from: offertory collections, weekly envelopes and standing orders. A number of suggestions were agreed:

        1. The present upgrading of the Database should help connect with more parishioners.
        2. The possible need for a member of the Finance Committee to address parishioners at the weekend masses, putting the finance in context and highlighting the most convenient ways to support the parish financially.
        3. A slight tweaking of the annual Finance Report to include photos highlighting the range of activities which happen in the parish.

        3. Fr. Tadhg gave a report from the building sub committee

        1. An outline of the works proposed for the Organ Tower and Spire.
        2. Overall costs of the works in the region of One Million Euro.
        3. Permission will be sought from the Diocesan Building Committee & the Diocesan Finance Committee to proceed to the next stage of the process.

        4. Melanie O’Sullivan was proposed as Vice Chairperson.

            Jim Maher was proposed as Assistant secretary.

        A group of five names were suggested as parishioners who could be contacted to identify their interest in serving on the finance committee. Fr Tadhg will contact with an aim to increase the committee by three.

        5. Fr. Tadhg informed the group

        1. That the Old Presbytery was up for sale.
        2. The Cura office which belongs to St. John’s was presently vacant but had the potential to provide some income.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        Wednesday 22nd February 2023 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. Minutes:
        • Minutes of previous meeting (23rd November 2022) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.
        1. Matters Arising:
        • Matters arising were discussed and agreed.
        1. Parish Accounts:
        • Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/11/2022 to 31/12/2022 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous year were presented, discussed, and agreed.
        1. Parish Financial Report for 2022:
        • The meeting received a comprehensive report on all accounts for the period 01/01/2022 to 31/12/2022 including a detailed comparison with previous pre-COVID year 01/01/19 to 31/12/19.
        • The publication of the 2022 financial statement for parishioners was approved and agreed.
        1. Update on Building Sub-Committee:
        • Remedial works were carried out on the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Rathass.
        • Office space in the Parish Centre is to be expanded.
        • Other matters pertaining to parish property were discussed.
        1. A.O.B.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 12th April 2023 at 7.30pm.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        Wednesday 23rd November 2022 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. Minutes:
          Minutes of previous meeting (13th September 2022) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
          Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.
        2. Matters Arising:
          Matters arising were discussed and agreed.
        1. Parish Accounts: 
          Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/09/2022 to 31/10/2022 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous year were presented, discussed, and agreed.
          It was noted that the total collections were down by 32% when compared with the same period in 2019, prior to Covid.
          Look at setting up an electronic church collection system.
        1. Update on Building Sub-Committee:
        • Noted that some short term remedial temporary works were being presently carried out on the Church of the Immaculate Conception.
        • The sound system in St John’s requires attention.
        • Other matters pertaining to parish property were discussed.

        1. A. O.B.
        • None

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 22nd February 2023 at 7.30pm.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting
        Tuesday 13th September 2022 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. Minutes:
          Minutes of previous meeting (14th June 2022) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
          Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication. 
        2. Matters Arising:
          Matters arising were discussed and agreed.
        3. Correspondence:
          Letter from the Diocesan office regarding the 2022 Diocesan Administration Levychargeable @ 15% of 2021 collections.
        1. Parish Accounts:
          Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/01/2022 to 31/08/2021 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous year were presented, discussed, and agreed.
        2. Update on Building Sub-Committee:
          Noted that the group hadn’t met since the last meeting. It was acknowledged that the present increase in energy costs was forcing the need to look at alternatives.
          There was a discussion regarding church maintenance and repairs.
          Other matters pertaining to parish property were discussed.

        1. A.O.B.
          The meeting was informed of two recent employee appointments: (1) Parish Pastoral Worker and (2) Parish Centre Receptionist.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 23rd November 2022.


        14th June 2022 in St. John’s Parish Centre, at 7.30pm.

        Meeting commenced with a prayer. 

        1. Minutes: Minutes of previous meeting of 6th April 2022 were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        2. Matters Arising: Matters arising were discussed and agreed.
        3. Minutes of the previous meeting agreed for publication
        4. Correspondence: No Correspondence.
        5. Parish Accounts:  Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period01/04/2022 to 31/5/2022 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous 2 years.  
        6. Update on Building Sub-Committee:  The Committee were informed that a meeting of the building sub-committee took place on Friday 8th April 2022. The building sub-committee are due to meet again on 1st July
        7. A.O.B.  Noted that a new Parish Pastoral Worker has been appointed.

        Next Meeting: Tuesday 13th September 2022 at 7.30pm in St. John’s Parish Centre. 


        Wednesday 6th April 2022 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.

        Meeting commenced with a prayer. 

        1. Minutes: Minutes of previous meeting (16th February 2022) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
          Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.
        2. Matters Arising: Matters arising were discussed and agreed.
        3. Correspondence: No Correspondence.
        4. Parish Accounts:  Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/01/2022 to 31/03/2022 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous 2 years were presented, discussed, and agreed.
        5. Update on Building Sub-Committee:  Next meeting of the building sub-committee scheduled for 8th April 2022.
        6. A.O.B.  The Parish Pastoral Worker will be finishing his employment with the Parish on 15th April 2022. 

        Next Meeting: Tuesday 14th June 2022.

        Wednesday 16th February 2022 (Via Zoom).

        Meeting commenced with a prayer. 


        • Minutes:
        • Minutes of previous meeting (17th November 2021) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.
        • Matters Arising:
        • Matters arising were discussed under other sections of the meeting.
        • Correspondence:
        • No Correspondence.
        • Parish Accounts:
        • Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/11/2021 to 31/12/2021 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous 2 years were presented, discussed, and agreed.
        • Parish Financial Statement:
        • Parish Financial Statement for 2021 was discussed and agreed for publication.

         Update on Building Sub-Committee:

        • Repairs needed to be considered regarding the Immaculate Conception, Rathass.

        • A. O.B.
        • Position of Parish Pastoral Worker discussed.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 6th April 2022.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 8th September 2020.

        (Via Zoom conferencing)

        1. Minutes:
        • Minutes of previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.
        1. Correspondence: Noted that the annual diocesan levy was due for payment.
        1. Update of accounts (Parish):
        • A general overview & comparison of Parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) for the period 01/06/2020 to 31/08/2020 was presented, discussed and approved.
        • It was noted that COVID restrictions were impacting significantly on Church collections.
        1. Priests Account (Teach na Sagart):
        • Details of the account for the period 01/06/2020 to 31/08/2020 were outlined and approved.
        1. Update on Building Sub-Committee:
        • Reports discussed regarding the need to have the roof of St. John’s Church assessed for leaks and road safety and right of way issues relating to the entrance of St. John’s Church.


        1. AOB:
        • The committee expressed its good wishes to Fr. Francis Nolan and Fr. Amos Ruto on their new appointments and thanked them for their work and dedication while in St. John’s Parish.
        • The committee also congratulated Ms. Norma Foley on her achievement of being recently appointed Minister for Education.



        Next Meeting: Date to be agreed and communicated later.


        Minutes – St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        Tuesday 9th June 2020


        1. Minutes:
        • Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        1. Correspondence:
        • No correspondence.
        1. Update of accounts (Parish):
        • A general overview & comparison of Parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) for the period 01/01/2020 to 31/05/2020 was presented, discussed and approved.
        • Due to Covid-19 virus restrictions all parish income has been significantly down since March 2020. This includes weekly church collections, Capital Fund, shrines, booked Masses and Mass card stipends, sale of papers/magazines and religious goods. No rental fees for use of the Parish Centre has been received since March.
        1. Priests Account (Teach na Sagart):
        • Details of the account for the period 01/01/2020 to 31/05/2020 were outlined and approved.
        1. Update on building sub-committee:
        • Committee received a report from the building sub-committee regarding proposed further renovation plans for St. John’s Church.
        1. Website online electronic donation system:
        • The committee discussed the feasibility of providing an online donation system whereby people could donate to St. John’s Parish electronically.


        1. John’s 150:
        • Noted that due to Covid-19 it is envisaged that the St. John’s 150 celebrations will run into 2021.


        Next meeting: September. Date to be communicated later.


        Minutes – St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        Wednesday 19th February 2020 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.


        1. Minutes:
        • Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        1. GDPR:
        • Discussion regarding GDPR issued.
        1. Correspondence:
        • No correspondence.
        1. Parish Accounts:
        • Committee received detailed analysis of parish accounts for the period 01/11/2019 to 31/12/2019.
        1. Parish Financial Report 2019:
        • Parish Financial Statement for 2019 was discussed and agreed for publication.
        • Capital Fund Envelope analysis for the tax year was discussed. It was also noted that clarification and clearance on GDPR issues was needed before any new contacts were made.
        1. Update on building sub-committee.
        • Committee received a report from the building sub-committee regarding proposed further renovation plans for St. John’s Church.

        Meeting ended at 9.00pm.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 4th September 2019.


        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Matters arising:

           –  Chairman reappointed.

           –  Resignation of two members noted and a vote of thanks and appreciation recorded.

        3. Minutes for publication: Agreed.

        4. Update of accounts:

           – Parish accounts for the period 01/06/2019 to 31/08/2019 were outlined and approved.

        5. Priests Account (Teach Na Sagart):

           – Details of the account for the period 01/06/2019 to 31/08/2019 were outlined and approved.

        6. CURA Building:

           – Kerry Adolescent Counselling Service have changed rooms from the office over the front door of the Parish Centre to another office upstairs.

        7. CTS:      

           – A sales display unit/cabinet is about to be constructed in the foyer of the Parish Centre selling religious goods such as baptismal candles, rosaries, statues and booklets.


        8. Parish Pastoral Worker:

           – A Parish Pastoral Worker has been appointed and he will be welcomed to our next meeting to introduce himself.

        9. AOB:

           – GDPR polices discussed and noted.

           – Church Gate Collections: The parish newsletter recently defined areas for church gate collections as follows:

        CHURCH GATE COLLECTIONS: There has been a number of complaints recently regarding some organisations collecting for their church gate collection at the entrance doors of churches in the parish. We ask all organisations to ensure that collections take place outside church grounds and entrances. The only exception by diocesan stipulation is St. Vincent de Paul. 

           – St. John’s 150: Next year, 2020 will mark the 150th anniversary of the completion and dedication of St. John’s Church. The St. John’s 150 year of celebrations will commence on Saturday 26th October 2019 when Bishop Ray Browne celebrates Mass at 6.10pm. A year-long Festival of Faith celebrating St. John’s 150th is being planned culminating with a Town Mission in October 2020

        Next meeting: Wednesday 13th November 7.30pm in St. John’s Parish Centre.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        St. John’s Parish Centre, 3rd April 2019 at 7.30pm.


        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Update of accounts (Parish):

        A general overview & comparison of Parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) from 01/01/2019 to 31/03/2019 was presented, discussed and approved.

        It was noted that the two Church Holydays to date in 2019 have fallen on a Sunday which has resulted in the parish being down two collections.

        Revenue Tax Rebate. CHY certs from parishioners for 2018 have been submitted to Revenue.

        3. Priests Account (Teach na Sagart).

        Details of the account for the period 01/01/2019 to 31/03/2019 were outlined and approved.

        4. Building Sub-Committee: 

        The committee received a report from the building sub-committee which noted that leaks to the roof of St. John’s Church have been repaired.

        5. Cura Building.

        Kerry Adolescent Counselling Service will be moving into the building on 9th April 2019.

        6. Diocesan Guidelines Concerning Parish Finance Committees.

        The meeting discussed diocesan regulations and policies regarding parish finance committees.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 12th June 2019.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        St. John’s Parish Centre, Wednesday 6th February 2019 at 7.30pm.


        1. Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        2. Minutes of previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        3. Correspondence:

        • Awaiting correspondence on Charities VAT Compensation Scheme.

        4. Accounts:

        • Parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) for the period 01/11/18 to 31/12/18 as well as a general overview of accounts from 01/01/2018 to 31/12/2018 were presented and discussed.
        • Noted that the increase of income for Collections over the period November and December is largely attributed to money collected from the Polish and Latin Masses and an increase also in the Christmas Day collection.
        • Parish income also benefited from significant sales of the recently published new guide booklet on St. John’s Church.
        • The cost of the health and safety audit of all parish buildings was noted.
        • An annual comparison of electricity unit usage in St. John’s during the period 2011 to 2018 showed a decrease for the years 2015 to 2018.
        • The parish financial statement for 2018 was presented and approved for publication.

        5. Building Sub Committee:

        • The building sub-committee are looking at the possibility of sourcing a church architect to provide professional advice on a number of issues.

        6. Parish Centre Rental:

        • Approval given to Kerry Adolescent Counselling Service for the renting of rooms in the Parish Centre complex.

        7. AOB:

        • Noted that the Tralee Pastoral Area are exploring the possibility of employing a Catechist to be involved with ‘Adult Faith Formation’.
        • Discussion on diocesan guidelines on parish finance committees.

        Meeting concluded at 9.00pm.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 3rd April 2019 in St. John’s Parish Centre at 7.30pm.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting

        Wednesday 14th November 2018 in St. John’s Parish Centre at 7.30pm.


        1. Meeting commenced with prayer and the minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Matters Arising:

            – Insurance issues were discussed.

        3. Parish Accounts:

           – Parish accounts (Income and Expenses) for the period 01/09/18 to 31/10/18 as well as a general overview of accounts form 01/01/18 to 31/10/18 were presented to the committee.

           – It was noted that parish funds now benefit from collections held during the Polish Mass and the Latin Mass.

           – Noted that the parish charity number is the same one as for the Diocese.

           – St. John’s accounts are certified annually at the year end.

        4. Parish Employee Matters:

           – Parish employee/employment policy matters were discussed and updated.

        5. Building Sub Committee:

           – Report received and discussed from the building subcommittee with regard to property maintenance matters.

        6. AOB:

           – Parish Bazaar: Noted that the annual Parish Bazaar will be held on the weekend of 30th November & 1st/2nd December 2018. The committee recorded its thanks to the Bazaar Co-ordinator and Bazaar Committee for all their work and efforts in organising this important annual parish fundraiser.

           – The Church of the Immaculate Conception is 150 years old and a special Vigil Mass will be celebrated to mark the occasion followed by refreshments in the Manor West Hotel on Saturday 8th December 2018.

           – Discussions have taken place to consider employing a Catechist in the Pastoral Area for sacramental preparation.


        Next meeting: Wednesday 6th February 2019 in St. John’s Parish Centre at 7.30pm.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 19th September 2018.


         1. Minutes:

        • Minutes of previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.

         2.  Matters Arising:

        • Data Protection Policy: New Data Protection procedures were discussed. The committee are awaiting correspondence and guidelines on the matter from the Diocese.
        • Credit Card Facility: Credit card facilities are now available in the Parish Centre and proving to be very convenient in making transactions.

         3. Correspondence: None.

         4. Repair Work: The meeting received a report on the recent damage and subsequent repair work to St John’s Church.


         5. Parish Accounts: Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/05/2018 to 31/08/2018 were presented, discussed and approved.

         6. Update on Building Sub-Committee: Reports were provided on ongoing parish building and maintenance matters. It was acknowledged the fantastic work that the community in Curraheen are doing in fund raising to enhance their community room in Curraheen Church. It was agreed that the parish would contribute to the fund if needs be.


        Next Meeting: 14th November 2018 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee at 7.30pm.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 23rd May 2018.

        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Matters arising:

        • Details of the maintenance contract for the heating system in St John’s Church and the Parish Centre were discussed and outlined.
        • Digi units have recently been installed in both the I.C. & Curraheen Churches which operates with the stand-alone fire alarm system connecting to a monitoring station.

        3. Minutes for publication: Agreed.

        4. Update of accounts:

        • Parish accounts for the period January to April 2018 were outlined.

        5. Priests Account (Teach Na Sagart):

        • Details of the account for the period January to April 2018 were outlined.

        6. Update on Collections Comparisons from January 2007 to April 2018.

        • A detailed comparison of collections since 2007 to the present was discussed.
        • Over a period of ten years there has been a decrease of approximately one third in the weekly offertory collection. The committee expressed concern for the future financial state of the parish if this trend was to further decrease.


        7. Donation Box:

        • It was agreed to have a donation box securely installed in St. John’s Church whereby visitors could make a donation.
        • An updated information leaflet on St. John’s for visitors is in process.
        • The possibility of developing an ‘App’ regarding visitor information on St. John’s was also mentioned.

        8. Credit Card Machine:

        • Agreed that credit card machine facilities be made available in the Parish Centre.


        Next meeting: Wed 19th September at 7.30pm in St. John’s Parish Centre.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 17th April 2018.

        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Matters arising: A number of matters arose from the minutes of the previous meeting.

        • Pastoral programmes expenditure for the period October to December 2017 outlined.
        • Correspondence from the security firm responsible for monitor alarms:
          Noted that as part of the contract, the firm responsible provide maintenance and monitoring of all intruder and fire alarms in the parish centre, presbytery and all three churches. Another firm are contracted to maintain the fire extinguishers in all parish buildings.

        3.  Minutes for publication: Agreed.

        4.  Correspondence:

        • Following a request from one member of the committee it was agreed to hold the next meeting on a Wednesday.

        5.  Update of accounts: A detailed update of parish accounts included:

        • Parish income & expenditure accounts for the period January to March 2018.
        • Collections were significantly down in January.
        • Shrines showing a slight decrease.

        6.  Priests Account: Details of the account were outlined.

        7.  Update on percentage of Envelopes returned 2017:

        • The meeting was provided with an analysis on Parish Income for 2017.

        8.  Update on summary of CHY’s sent to Revenue for tax rebate:

        • There are a small number of new parishioners added to the list making contributions in this way.
        • The parish have made a claim to revenue for the 2017 tax rebate.

        9.  Quotation: Re: installation of a digi unit stand-alone fire alarm system in both Curraheen and IC Churches.


        Meeting ended 9.30pm


        Next meeting: Wed 23rd May 7.30pm Parish Centre.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting 16th January 2018

        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.


          2. Matters arising: A number of matters arose from the minutes of the previous meeting.

        • Clarification required regarding all our insurance cover.
        • The parishioner data base is being updated.


        3. Correspondence:

        • Written clarification needed on who exactly is responsible for the installation, servicing and monitoring of both fire and security alarms in all three churches of the parish.
        • Agreed that the defibrillators installed in the Churches would be serviced and that a notice be placed in the parish newsletter asking for volunteers to undergo defibrillator training.


          4. Update of accounts: A detailed update of parish accounts included:

        • Parish income & expense accounts for the period Oct to Dec 2017.
        • The annual income from Diocesan collections 2017
        • Parish accounts bank balances.
        • A seven-year comparison on electricity usage: 2011 to 2017
        • A seven-year comparison on oil usage: 2011 to 2017.


         5. Parish Financial Report for 2017

        • The report for 2017 was agreed and approved for publication.

          6. Update on building Sub Committee.

        • A copy of the internal & external survey of St John’s Church to be made available to committee members.

          7. A.O.B.  

        • Noted that a fundraising committee has been formed by Curraheen-based parishioners to specifically raise funds for the development/construction of a meeting room at Curraheen Church.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting of 24th October 2017.


        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and agreed.

        2. Correspondence:

        • There was no correspondence other than those which would be dealt with in other parts of the meeting.
        • The Engineer engaged to undertake a 3D Survey of the Church spire has completed his work and has been paid for his services.

        3. Update of accounts: The meeting approved the update on the parish accounts for September 2017.

        • Two and a half of the parish areas are now updated on the parish database. There are five parish areas in total.
        • It was also noted that Parish Centre income is down.

        4. Diocesan Collections. Fr Tadhg met with the collection team.

        • He outlined how collections are presently conducted and shared ideas on other possibilities.
        • The meeting agreed to focus on getting the exact practice right for the first collection and would continue to monitor the success of the second collection.
        • The sick & retired priest collection (collected by envelope) was down significantly on the previous year.

        5. Update on the heating: The heating engineer who examined the Church heating system to ascertain if the radiators and the fan system which run simultaneously could be separated and instead turned on independently and wired to the Sacristy reported that it was, financially, not worth the expense.

        6. Update on Building Sub Committee. It was noted that the committee have not met since the last Finance Committee meeting. An engineer is to draw up a plan for work to be carried out.

        7. Unveiling of the Reconciliation Window: The unveiling will take place on Friday 27th October at 7.30pm with a prayer service.

        8. Fundraising: Planning for the Parish Bazaar is well under way. The meeting appreciated the massive amount of work involved in organising the Bazaar and expressed a view that the parish may need to consider some other form of major annual fundraising plan going forward.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 12th September 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1.Matters arising: discussed as part of the agenda.

          2. Update of accounts: The Committee approved the accounts as presented for the period June to Aug. 2017.

          3. Parish parishioner data base: The Committee were advised that the updating process of the Parish data base system is ongoing. To date 155 new households have been added.

        4. Tax Rebate Scheme: 251 parishioners out of 3700 households registered in the Parish contributed greater than €250.00 for 2016.

         5. Diocesan Collections: There was a discussion on the Diocesan Collections which are held as a joint offertory collection, averaging one per month. It was proposed to have a box at the door of the churches for the second collection. Fr Tadgh would discuss this suggestion with the collectors.

         6. Update on the heating: Fr Tadhg notified the committee that the engineer had inspected the Church heating system and advised that both aspects of the heating system, namely radiators and the fan system were running for the full 12 months. He will investigate what is best practice throughout the full year. It was also agreed that the system should be wired to the sacristy for convenience and clear guidance provided for those who may control the system

         7. Update on building Sub CommitteeOur Engineer has carried out a drone survey of the spire in St Johns inside and out. He still has to draw up proposals.

         8. Blessing of the Reconciliation Window: The Blessing will take place on Friday 27th Oct at 7.30pm with a prayer service.

        9. Fr. Tadgh floated the concept of having a Pastoral worker who would work with parents and families of young people receiving sacraments of Communion and Confirmation.


        St John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 20th June 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. Matters arising considered….items arising in the agenda later.

        2. Update of accounts:

        • The Committee approved the accounts as presented for the period May 2017.

        • It was noted that the 2017 Insurance Premium remained the same as 2016 Premium.


          3. Energy Analysis.

        • An energy report covering the period January 2011 to May 2017 detailing utilities usage, Costs & Savings made for both Oil & Electricity was provided.

        • Energy Audit quote was received, but found to be too expensive. 

        • It was decided that we should establish best practice around the heating system.

          4. KDYS Building.

        • We are awaiting a written report on the KDYS Roof.

         5. Items for Publication.

        • The items for publication on the website of recent meetings was agreed.

          6. Fr. Tadhg provided an update from the Building Sub Committee

        • Our engineer was given the go ahead to carry out the drone survey for both the internal & external of the Church.


        St John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 16th May 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        Fr Tadhg introduced and welcomed both John O Connor and Joe Clifford to the meeting and expressed his delight that they were both willing to serve on the Finance Committee.

        1. An update on the accounts for March & April 2017 was provided.

        • It was noted that there was a drop of 1719 Euro in the offertory collection compared with the same period the previous year and this showed a drop each month from Jan to April.
        • The weekly envelope collection was down by 1414 Euro
        • Six new standing orders came back as a result of the Easter correspondence, which included two new subscribers.
        • Information on how to subscribe by standing order will be put up on the web site.
        • Rent income on the Parish Centre is down; this resource could do with some promotion.
        • The 34000 Euro cost of the new stain glass window is totally covered.
        • An Energy Audit of St Johns was proposed to see if there was any ways of cutting costs. Heating of the side church throughout the year might be one example where possible savings might be made.

        2. It was agreed to put a previous proposal ‘for members of the Finance Committee to address parishioners at weekend masses’ be put on hold in the immediate.

        1. We will rethink this proposal when we get closer to the works on Spire etc.
        2. It was agreed to publish a report from each finance meeting on the Web site.

        3. Fr. Tadhg provided an update from the Building Sub Committee

        • A meeting was held with our engineer regarding the repair of the Church Spire, window and Organ which will cost in the region of one million.
        • A survey costing two thousand will be carried out to draw up a schedule of work.

        4. Fr. Tadhg informed the group that a Parish Ministry course and a Youth Ministry course will be held from September.


        St John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 7th March 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. An update on the accounts for Jan & Feb 2017 was given.

        • It was noted that there was a drop of 1400 Euro in the church collection compared with the same period the previous year.
        • A question arose regarding the expenditure of the heating in St John’s. Although there was no apparent drop in the amount spent on oil, it was acknowledged that St. John’s was much warmer.

        2. There was a discussion on how best to present the annual Income/Expenditure newsletter and the option of seeking parishioners email address.

        • There was an acceptance of the need for members of the Finance Council to address parishioners to thank them for their contributions to St John’s and also to outline future works to be carried out in the Church, based on the Southgate report.

        3. Fr. Tadhg provided an update from the Building Sub Committee

        • Our engineer is drawing up a tender form regarding the repair of the Church Spire.
        • This is to include restoration of Spire, repair of Organ and window.
        • This is a project for completion in 2018.

        4. Fr. Tadhg informed the group

        1. The Cura office which belongs to St. John’s was presently vacant but had the potential to provide some income.
        2. The CTS building still available.
        3. KDYS building, which is leased from the Parish, needs repairs to its roof.
        4. It was agreed that the rent of this building should be reduced.
        5. The Church collectors asked if some information could be provided by the Finance Committee regarding how money collected is spent.


        St John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 30th January 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. Correspondence.

        1. The Finance Committee agreed to contract a Cleaning Company to clean St. John’s church four times per year, an inventory of the work is provided.

        2. An update on the accounts for Nov & Dec 2016 and a detailed report for the years 1/1/15 to 31/12/15 and 1/1/16 to 31/12/16, showing a comparison between both with further clarification around specific figures was given to the meeting.

        There was a discussion on the income obtained from: offertory collections, weekly envelopes and standing orders. A number of suggestions were agreed:

        1. The present upgrading of the Database should help connect with more parishioners.
        2. The possible need for a member of the Finance Committee to address parishioners at the weekend masses, putting the finance in context and highlighting the most convenient ways to support the parish financially.
        3. A slight tweaking of the annual Finance Report to include photos highlighting the range of activities which happen in the parish.

        3. Fr. Tadhg gave a report from the building sub committee

        1. An outline of the works proposed for the Organ Tower and Spire.
        2. Overall costs of the works in the region of One Million Euro.
        3. Permission will be sought from the Diocesan Building Committee & the Diocesan Finance Committee to proceed to the next stage of the process.

        4. Melanie O’Sullivan was proposed as Vice Chairperson.

            Jim Maher was proposed as Assistant secretary.

        A group of five names were suggested as parishioners who could be contacted to identify their interest in serving on the finance committee. Fr Tadhg will contact with an aim to increase the committee by three.

        5. Fr. Tadhg informed the group

        1. That the Old Presbytery was up for sale.
        2. The Cura office which belongs to St. John’s was presently vacant but had the potential to provide some income.


        Wednesday 16th February 2022 (Via Zoom).

        Meeting commenced with a prayer. 


        • Minutes:
        • Minutes of previous meeting (17th November 2021) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.
        • Matters Arising:
        • Matters arising were discussed under other sections of the meeting.
        • Correspondence:
        • No Correspondence.
        • Parish Accounts:
        • Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/11/2021 to 31/12/2021 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous 2 years were presented, discussed, and agreed.
        • Parish Financial Statement:
        • Parish Financial Statement for 2021 was discussed and agreed for publication.

         Update on Building Sub-Committee:

        • Repairs needed to be considered regarding the Immaculate Conception, Rathass.

        • A. O.B.
        • Position of Parish Pastoral Worker discussed.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 6th April 2022.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 8th September 2020.

        (Via Zoom conferencing)

        1. Minutes:
        • Minutes of previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.
        1. Correspondence: Noted that the annual diocesan levy was due for payment.
        1. Update of accounts (Parish):
        • A general overview & comparison of Parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) for the period 01/06/2020 to 31/08/2020 was presented, discussed and approved.
        • It was noted that COVID restrictions were impacting significantly on Church collections.
        1. Priests Account (Teach na Sagart):
        • Details of the account for the period 01/06/2020 to 31/08/2020 were outlined and approved.
        1. Update on Building Sub-Committee:
        • Reports discussed regarding the need to have the roof of St. John’s Church assessed for leaks and road safety and right of way issues relating to the entrance of St. John’s Church.


        1. AOB:
        • The committee expressed its good wishes to Fr. Francis Nolan and Fr. Amos Ruto on their new appointments and thanked them for their work and dedication while in St. John’s Parish.
        • The committee also congratulated Ms. Norma Foley on her achievement of being recently appointed Minister for Education.



        Next Meeting: Date to be agreed and communicated later.


        Minutes – St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        Tuesday 9th June 2020


        1. Minutes:
        • Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        1. Correspondence:
        • No correspondence.
        1. Update of accounts (Parish):
        • A general overview & comparison of Parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) for the period 01/01/2020 to 31/05/2020 was presented, discussed and approved.
        • Due to Covid-19 virus restrictions all parish income has been significantly down since March 2020. This includes weekly church collections, Capital Fund, shrines, booked Masses and Mass card stipends, sale of papers/magazines and religious goods. No rental fees for use of the Parish Centre has been received since March.
        1. Priests Account (Teach na Sagart):
        • Details of the account for the period 01/01/2020 to 31/05/2020 were outlined and approved.
        1. Update on building sub-committee:
        • Committee received a report from the building sub-committee regarding proposed further renovation plans for St. John’s Church.
        1. Website online electronic donation system:
        • The committee discussed the feasibility of providing an online donation system whereby people could donate to St. John’s Parish electronically.


        1. John’s 150:
        • Noted that due to Covid-19 it is envisaged that the St. John’s 150 celebrations will run into 2021.


        Next meeting: September. Date to be communicated later.


        Minutes – St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        Wednesday 19th February 2020 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.


        1. Minutes:
        • Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        1. GDPR:
        • Discussion regarding GDPR issued.
        1. Correspondence:
        • No correspondence.
        1. Parish Accounts:
        • Committee received detailed analysis of parish accounts for the period 01/11/2019 to 31/12/2019.
        1. Parish Financial Report 2019:
        • Parish Financial Statement for 2019 was discussed and agreed for publication.
        • Capital Fund Envelope analysis for the tax year was discussed. It was also noted that clarification and clearance on GDPR issues was needed before any new contacts were made.
        1. Update on building sub-committee.
        • Committee received a report from the building sub-committee regarding proposed further renovation plans for St. John’s Church.

        Meeting ended at 9.00pm.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 4th September 2019.


        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Matters arising:

           –  Chairman reappointed.

           –  Resignation of two members noted and a vote of thanks and appreciation recorded.

        3. Minutes for publication: Agreed.

        4. Update of accounts:

           – Parish accounts for the period 01/06/2019 to 31/08/2019 were outlined and approved.

        5. Priests Account (Teach Na Sagart):

           – Details of the account for the period 01/06/2019 to 31/08/2019 were outlined and approved.

        6. CURA Building:

           – Kerry Adolescent Counselling Service have changed rooms from the office over the front door of the Parish Centre to another office upstairs.

        7. CTS:      

           – A sales display unit/cabinet is about to be constructed in the foyer of the Parish Centre selling religious goods such as baptismal candles, rosaries, statues and booklets.


        8. Parish Pastoral Worker:

           – A Parish Pastoral Worker has been appointed and he will be welcomed to our next meeting to introduce himself.

        9. AOB:

           – GDPR polices discussed and noted.

           – Church Gate Collections: The parish newsletter recently defined areas for church gate collections as follows:

        CHURCH GATE COLLECTIONS: There has been a number of complaints recently regarding some organisations collecting for their church gate collection at the entrance doors of churches in the parish. We ask all organisations to ensure that collections take place outside church grounds and entrances. The only exception by diocesan stipulation is St. Vincent de Paul. 

           – St. John’s 150: Next year, 2020 will mark the 150th anniversary of the completion and dedication of St. John’s Church. The St. John’s 150 year of celebrations will commence on Saturday 26th October 2019 when Bishop Ray Browne celebrates Mass at 6.10pm. A year-long Festival of Faith celebrating St. John’s 150th is being planned culminating with a Town Mission in October 2020

        Next meeting: Wednesday 13th November 7.30pm in St. John’s Parish Centre.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        St. John’s Parish Centre, 3rd April 2019 at 7.30pm.


        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Update of accounts (Parish):

        A general overview & comparison of Parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) from 01/01/2019 to 31/03/2019 was presented, discussed and approved.

        It was noted that the two Church Holydays to date in 2019 have fallen on a Sunday which has resulted in the parish being down two collections.

        Revenue Tax Rebate. CHY certs from parishioners for 2018 have been submitted to Revenue.

        3. Priests Account (Teach na Sagart).

        Details of the account for the period 01/01/2019 to 31/03/2019 were outlined and approved.

        4. Building Sub-Committee: 

        The committee received a report from the building sub-committee which noted that leaks to the roof of St. John’s Church have been repaired.

        5. Cura Building.

        Kerry Adolescent Counselling Service will be moving into the building on 9th April 2019.

        6. Diocesan Guidelines Concerning Parish Finance Committees.

        The meeting discussed diocesan regulations and policies regarding parish finance committees.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 12th June 2019.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        St. John’s Parish Centre, Wednesday 6th February 2019 at 7.30pm.


        1. Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        2. Minutes of previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        3. Correspondence:

        • Awaiting correspondence on Charities VAT Compensation Scheme.

        4. Accounts:

        • Parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) for the period 01/11/18 to 31/12/18 as well as a general overview of accounts from 01/01/2018 to 31/12/2018 were presented and discussed.
        • Noted that the increase of income for Collections over the period November and December is largely attributed to money collected from the Polish and Latin Masses and an increase also in the Christmas Day collection.
        • Parish income also benefited from significant sales of the recently published new guide booklet on St. John’s Church.
        • The cost of the health and safety audit of all parish buildings was noted.
        • An annual comparison of electricity unit usage in St. John’s during the period 2011 to 2018 showed a decrease for the years 2015 to 2018.
        • The parish financial statement for 2018 was presented and approved for publication.

        5. Building Sub Committee:

        • The building sub-committee are looking at the possibility of sourcing a church architect to provide professional advice on a number of issues.

        6. Parish Centre Rental:

        • Approval given to Kerry Adolescent Counselling Service for the renting of rooms in the Parish Centre complex.

        7. AOB:

        • Noted that the Tralee Pastoral Area are exploring the possibility of employing a Catechist to be involved with ‘Adult Faith Formation’.
        • Discussion on diocesan guidelines on parish finance committees.

        Meeting concluded at 9.00pm.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 3rd April 2019 in St. John’s Parish Centre at 7.30pm.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting

        Wednesday 14th November 2018 in St. John’s Parish Centre at 7.30pm.


        1. Meeting commenced with prayer and the minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Matters Arising:

            – Insurance issues were discussed.

        3. Parish Accounts:

           – Parish accounts (Income and Expenses) for the period 01/09/18 to 31/10/18 as well as a general overview of accounts form 01/01/18 to 31/10/18 were presented to the committee.

           – It was noted that parish funds now benefit from collections held during the Polish Mass and the Latin Mass.

           – Noted that the parish charity number is the same one as for the Diocese.

           – St. John’s accounts are certified annually at the year end.

        4. Parish Employee Matters:

           – Parish employee/employment policy matters were discussed and updated.

        5. Building Sub Committee:

           – Report received and discussed from the building subcommittee with regard to property maintenance matters.

        6. AOB:

           – Parish Bazaar: Noted that the annual Parish Bazaar will be held on the weekend of 30th November & 1st/2nd December 2018. The committee recorded its thanks to the Bazaar Co-ordinator and Bazaar Committee for all their work and efforts in organising this important annual parish fundraiser.

           – The Church of the Immaculate Conception is 150 years old and a special Vigil Mass will be celebrated to mark the occasion followed by refreshments in the Manor West Hotel on Saturday 8th December 2018.

           – Discussions have taken place to consider employing a Catechist in the Pastoral Area for sacramental preparation.


        Next meeting: Wednesday 6th February 2019 in St. John’s Parish Centre at 7.30pm.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 19th September 2018.


         1. Minutes:

        • Minutes of previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.

         2.  Matters Arising:

        • Data Protection Policy: New Data Protection procedures were discussed. The committee are awaiting correspondence and guidelines on the matter from the Diocese.
        • Credit Card Facility: Credit card facilities are now available in the Parish Centre and proving to be very convenient in making transactions.

         3. Correspondence: None.

         4. Repair Work: The meeting received a report on the recent damage and subsequent repair work to St John’s Church.


         5. Parish Accounts: Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/05/2018 to 31/08/2018 were presented, discussed and approved.

         6. Update on Building Sub-Committee: Reports were provided on ongoing parish building and maintenance matters. It was acknowledged the fantastic work that the community in Curraheen are doing in fund raising to enhance their community room in Curraheen Church. It was agreed that the parish would contribute to the fund if needs be.


        Next Meeting: 14th November 2018 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee at 7.30pm.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 23rd May 2018.

        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Matters arising:

        • Details of the maintenance contract for the heating system in St John’s Church and the Parish Centre were discussed and outlined.
        • Digi units have recently been installed in both the I.C. & Curraheen Churches which operates with the stand-alone fire alarm system connecting to a monitoring station.

        3. Minutes for publication: Agreed.

        4. Update of accounts:

        • Parish accounts for the period January to April 2018 were outlined.

        5. Priests Account (Teach Na Sagart):

        • Details of the account for the period January to April 2018 were outlined.

        6. Update on Collections Comparisons from January 2007 to April 2018.

        • A detailed comparison of collections since 2007 to the present was discussed.
        • Over a period of ten years there has been a decrease of approximately one third in the weekly offertory collection. The committee expressed concern for the future financial state of the parish if this trend was to further decrease.


        7. Donation Box:

        • It was agreed to have a donation box securely installed in St. John’s Church whereby visitors could make a donation.
        • An updated information leaflet on St. John’s for visitors is in process.
        • The possibility of developing an ‘App’ regarding visitor information on St. John’s was also mentioned.

        8. Credit Card Machine:

        • Agreed that credit card machine facilities be made available in the Parish Centre.


        Next meeting: Wed 19th September at 7.30pm in St. John’s Parish Centre.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 17th April 2018.

        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Matters arising: A number of matters arose from the minutes of the previous meeting.

        • Pastoral programmes expenditure for the period October to December 2017 outlined.
        • Correspondence from the security firm responsible for monitor alarms:
          Noted that as part of the contract, the firm responsible provide maintenance and monitoring of all intruder and fire alarms in the parish centre, presbytery and all three churches. Another firm are contracted to maintain the fire extinguishers in all parish buildings.

        3.  Minutes for publication: Agreed.

        4.  Correspondence:

        • Following a request from one member of the committee it was agreed to hold the next meeting on a Wednesday.

        5.  Update of accounts: A detailed update of parish accounts included:

        • Parish income & expenditure accounts for the period January to March 2018.
        • Collections were significantly down in January.
        • Shrines showing a slight decrease.

        6.  Priests Account: Details of the account were outlined.

        7.  Update on percentage of Envelopes returned 2017:

        • The meeting was provided with an analysis on Parish Income for 2017.

        8.  Update on summary of CHY’s sent to Revenue for tax rebate:

        • There are a small number of new parishioners added to the list making contributions in this way.
        • The parish have made a claim to revenue for the 2017 tax rebate.

        9.  Quotation: Re: installation of a digi unit stand-alone fire alarm system in both Curraheen and IC Churches.


        Meeting ended 9.30pm


        Next meeting: Wed 23rd May 7.30pm Parish Centre.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting 16th January 2018

        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.


          2. Matters arising: A number of matters arose from the minutes of the previous meeting.

        • Clarification required regarding all our insurance cover.
        • The parishioner data base is being updated.


        3. Correspondence:

        • Written clarification needed on who exactly is responsible for the installation, servicing and monitoring of both fire and security alarms in all three churches of the parish.
        • Agreed that the defibrillators installed in the Churches would be serviced and that a notice be placed in the parish newsletter asking for volunteers to undergo defibrillator training.


          4. Update of accounts: A detailed update of parish accounts included:

        • Parish income & expense accounts for the period Oct to Dec 2017.
        • The annual income from Diocesan collections 2017
        • Parish accounts bank balances.
        • A seven-year comparison on electricity usage: 2011 to 2017
        • A seven-year comparison on oil usage: 2011 to 2017.


         5. Parish Financial Report for 2017

        • The report for 2017 was agreed and approved for publication.

          6. Update on building Sub Committee.

        • A copy of the internal & external survey of St John’s Church to be made available to committee members.

          7. A.O.B.  

        • Noted that a fundraising committee has been formed by Curraheen-based parishioners to specifically raise funds for the development/construction of a meeting room at Curraheen Church.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting of 24th October 2017.


        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and agreed.

        2. Correspondence:

        • There was no correspondence other than those which would be dealt with in other parts of the meeting.
        • The Engineer engaged to undertake a 3D Survey of the Church spire has completed his work and has been paid for his services.

        3. Update of accounts: The meeting approved the update on the parish accounts for September 2017.

        • Two and a half of the parish areas are now updated on the parish database. There are five parish areas in total.
        • It was also noted that Parish Centre income is down.

        4. Diocesan Collections. Fr Tadhg met with the collection team.

        • He outlined how collections are presently conducted and shared ideas on other possibilities.
        • The meeting agreed to focus on getting the exact practice right for the first collection and would continue to monitor the success of the second collection.
        • The sick & retired priest collection (collected by envelope) was down significantly on the previous year.

        5. Update on the heating: The heating engineer who examined the Church heating system to ascertain if the radiators and the fan system which run simultaneously could be separated and instead turned on independently and wired to the Sacristy reported that it was, financially, not worth the expense.

        6. Update on Building Sub Committee. It was noted that the committee have not met since the last Finance Committee meeting. An engineer is to draw up a plan for work to be carried out.

        7. Unveiling of the Reconciliation Window: The unveiling will take place on Friday 27th October at 7.30pm with a prayer service.

        8. Fundraising: Planning for the Parish Bazaar is well under way. The meeting appreciated the massive amount of work involved in organising the Bazaar and expressed a view that the parish may need to consider some other form of major annual fundraising plan going forward.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 12th September 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1.Matters arising: discussed as part of the agenda.

          2. Update of accounts: The Committee approved the accounts as presented for the period June to Aug. 2017.

          3. Parish parishioner data base: The Committee were advised that the updating process of the Parish data base system is ongoing. To date 155 new households have been added.

        4. Tax Rebate Scheme: 251 parishioners out of 3700 households registered in the Parish contributed greater than €250.00 for 2016.

         5. Diocesan Collections: There was a discussion on the Diocesan Collections which are held as a joint offertory collection, averaging one per month. It was proposed to have a box at the door of the churches for the second collection. Fr Tadgh would discuss this suggestion with the collectors.

         6. Update on the heating: Fr Tadhg notified the committee that the engineer had inspected the Church heating system and advised that both aspects of the heating system, namely radiators and the fan system were running for the full 12 months. He will investigate what is best practice throughout the full year. It was also agreed that the system should be wired to the sacristy for convenience and clear guidance provided for those who may control the system

         7. Update on building Sub CommitteeOur Engineer has carried out a drone survey of the spire in St Johns inside and out. He still has to draw up proposals.

         8. Blessing of the Reconciliation Window: The Blessing will take place on Friday 27th Oct at 7.30pm with a prayer service.

        9. Fr. Tadgh floated the concept of having a Pastoral worker who would work with parents and families of young people receiving sacraments of Communion and Confirmation.


        St John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 20th June 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. Matters arising considered….items arising in the agenda later.

        2. Update of accounts:

        • The Committee approved the accounts as presented for the period May 2017.

        • It was noted that the 2017 Insurance Premium remained the same as 2016 Premium.


          3. Energy Analysis.

        • An energy report covering the period January 2011 to May 2017 detailing utilities usage, Costs & Savings made for both Oil & Electricity was provided.

        • Energy Audit quote was received, but found to be too expensive. 

        • It was decided that we should establish best practice around the heating system.

          4. KDYS Building.

        • We are awaiting a written report on the KDYS Roof.

         5. Items for Publication.

        • The items for publication on the website of recent meetings was agreed.

          6. Fr. Tadhg provided an update from the Building Sub Committee

        • Our engineer was given the go ahead to carry out the drone survey for both the internal & external of the Church.


        St John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 16th May 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        Fr Tadhg introduced and welcomed both John O Connor and Joe Clifford to the meeting and expressed his delight that they were both willing to serve on the Finance Committee.

        1. An update on the accounts for March & April 2017 was provided.

        • It was noted that there was a drop of 1719 Euro in the offertory collection compared with the same period the previous year and this showed a drop each month from Jan to April.
        • The weekly envelope collection was down by 1414 Euro
        • Six new standing orders came back as a result of the Easter correspondence, which included two new subscribers.
        • Information on how to subscribe by standing order will be put up on the web site.
        • Rent income on the Parish Centre is down; this resource could do with some promotion.
        • The 34000 Euro cost of the new stain glass window is totally covered.
        • An Energy Audit of St Johns was proposed to see if there was any ways of cutting costs. Heating of the side church throughout the year might be one example where possible savings might be made.

        2. It was agreed to put a previous proposal ‘for members of the Finance Committee to address parishioners at weekend masses’ be put on hold in the immediate.

        1. We will rethink this proposal when we get closer to the works on Spire etc.
        2. It was agreed to publish a report from each finance meeting on the Web site.

        3. Fr. Tadhg provided an update from the Building Sub Committee

        • A meeting was held with our engineer regarding the repair of the Church Spire, window and Organ which will cost in the region of one million.
        • A survey costing two thousand will be carried out to draw up a schedule of work.

        4. Fr. Tadhg informed the group that a Parish Ministry course and a Youth Ministry course will be held from September.


        St John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 7th March 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. An update on the accounts for Jan & Feb 2017 was given.

        • It was noted that there was a drop of 1400 Euro in the church collection compared with the same period the previous year.
        • A question arose regarding the expenditure of the heating in St John’s. Although there was no apparent drop in the amount spent on oil, it was acknowledged that St. John’s was much warmer.

        2. There was a discussion on how best to present the annual Income/Expenditure newsletter and the option of seeking parishioners email address.

        • There was an acceptance of the need for members of the Finance Council to address parishioners to thank them for their contributions to St John’s and also to outline future works to be carried out in the Church, based on the Southgate report.

        3. Fr. Tadhg provided an update from the Building Sub Committee

        • Our engineer is drawing up a tender form regarding the repair of the Church Spire.
        • This is to include restoration of Spire, repair of Organ and window.
        • This is a project for completion in 2018.

        4. Fr. Tadhg informed the group

        1. The Cura office which belongs to St. John’s was presently vacant but had the potential to provide some income.
        2. The CTS building still available.
        3. KDYS building, which is leased from the Parish, needs repairs to its roof.
        4. It was agreed that the rent of this building should be reduced.
        5. The Church collectors asked if some information could be provided by the Finance Committee regarding how money collected is spent.


        St John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 30th January 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. Correspondence.

        1. The Finance Committee agreed to contract a Cleaning Company to clean St. John’s church four times per year, an inventory of the work is provided.

        2. An update on the accounts for Nov & Dec 2016 and a detailed report for the years 1/1/15 to 31/12/15 and 1/1/16 to 31/12/16, showing a comparison between both with further clarification around specific figures was given to the meeting.

        There was a discussion on the income obtained from: offertory collections, weekly envelopes and standing orders. A number of suggestions were agreed:

        1. The present upgrading of the Database should help connect with more parishioners.
        2. The possible need for a member of the Finance Committee to address parishioners at the weekend masses, putting the finance in context and highlighting the most convenient ways to support the parish financially.
        3. A slight tweaking of the annual Finance Report to include photos highlighting the range of activities which happen in the parish.

        3. Fr. Tadhg gave a report from the building sub committee

        1. An outline of the works proposed for the Organ Tower and Spire.
        2. Overall costs of the works in the region of One Million Euro.
        3. Permission will be sought from the Diocesan Building Committee & the Diocesan Finance Committee to proceed to the next stage of the process.

        4. Melanie O’Sullivan was proposed as Vice Chairperson.

            Jim Maher was proposed as Assistant secretary.

        A group of five names were suggested as parishioners who could be contacted to identify their interest in serving on the finance committee. Fr Tadhg will contact with an aim to increase the committee by three.

        5. Fr. Tadhg informed the group

        1. That the Old Presbytery was up for sale.
        2. The Cura office which belongs to St. John’s was presently vacant but had the potential to provide some income.


        Wednesday 16th February 2022 (Via Zoom).

        Meeting commenced with a prayer. 


        • Minutes:
        • Minutes of previous meeting (17th November 2021) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.
        • Matters Arising:
        • Matters arising were discussed under other sections of the meeting.
        • Correspondence:
        • No Correspondence.
        • Parish Accounts:
        • Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/11/2021 to 31/12/2021 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous 2 years were presented, discussed, and agreed.
        • Parish Financial Statement:
        • Parish Financial Statement for 2021 was discussed and agreed for publication.

         Update on Building Sub-Committee:

        • Repairs needed to be considered regarding the Immaculate Conception, Rathass.

        • A. O.B.
        • Position of Parish Pastoral Worker discussed.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 6th April 2022.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 8th September 2020.

        (Via Zoom conferencing)

        1. Minutes:
        • Minutes of previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.
        1. Correspondence: Noted that the annual diocesan levy was due for payment.
        1. Update of accounts (Parish):
        • A general overview & comparison of Parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) for the period 01/06/2020 to 31/08/2020 was presented, discussed and approved.
        • It was noted that COVID restrictions were impacting significantly on Church collections.
        1. Priests Account (Teach na Sagart):
        • Details of the account for the period 01/06/2020 to 31/08/2020 were outlined and approved.
        1. Update on Building Sub-Committee:
        • Reports discussed regarding the need to have the roof of St. John’s Church assessed for leaks and road safety and right of way issues relating to the entrance of St. John’s Church.


        1. AOB:
        • The committee expressed its good wishes to Fr. Francis Nolan and Fr. Amos Ruto on their new appointments and thanked them for their work and dedication while in St. John’s Parish.
        • The committee also congratulated Ms. Norma Foley on her achievement of being recently appointed Minister for Education.



        Next Meeting: Date to be agreed and communicated later.


        Minutes – St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        Tuesday 9th June 2020


        1. Minutes:
        • Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        1. Correspondence:
        • No correspondence.
        1. Update of accounts (Parish):
        • A general overview & comparison of Parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) for the period 01/01/2020 to 31/05/2020 was presented, discussed and approved.
        • Due to Covid-19 virus restrictions all parish income has been significantly down since March 2020. This includes weekly church collections, Capital Fund, shrines, booked Masses and Mass card stipends, sale of papers/magazines and religious goods. No rental fees for use of the Parish Centre has been received since March.
        1. Priests Account (Teach na Sagart):
        • Details of the account for the period 01/01/2020 to 31/05/2020 were outlined and approved.
        1. Update on building sub-committee:
        • Committee received a report from the building sub-committee regarding proposed further renovation plans for St. John’s Church.
        1. Website online electronic donation system:
        • The committee discussed the feasibility of providing an online donation system whereby people could donate to St. John’s Parish electronically.


        1. John’s 150:
        • Noted that due to Covid-19 it is envisaged that the St. John’s 150 celebrations will run into 2021.


        Next meeting: September. Date to be communicated later.


        Minutes – St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        Wednesday 19th February 2020 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.


        1. Minutes:
        • Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        1. GDPR:
        • Discussion regarding GDPR issued.
        1. Correspondence:
        • No correspondence.
        1. Parish Accounts:
        • Committee received detailed analysis of parish accounts for the period 01/11/2019 to 31/12/2019.
        1. Parish Financial Report 2019:
        • Parish Financial Statement for 2019 was discussed and agreed for publication.
        • Capital Fund Envelope analysis for the tax year was discussed. It was also noted that clarification and clearance on GDPR issues was needed before any new contacts were made.
        1. Update on building sub-committee.
        • Committee received a report from the building sub-committee regarding proposed further renovation plans for St. John’s Church.

        Meeting ended at 9.00pm.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 4th September 2019.


        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Matters arising:

           –  Chairman reappointed.

           –  Resignation of two members noted and a vote of thanks and appreciation recorded.

        3. Minutes for publication: Agreed.

        4. Update of accounts:

           – Parish accounts for the period 01/06/2019 to 31/08/2019 were outlined and approved.

        5. Priests Account (Teach Na Sagart):

           – Details of the account for the period 01/06/2019 to 31/08/2019 were outlined and approved.

        6. CURA Building:

           – Kerry Adolescent Counselling Service have changed rooms from the office over the front door of the Parish Centre to another office upstairs.

        7. CTS:      

           – A sales display unit/cabinet is about to be constructed in the foyer of the Parish Centre selling religious goods such as baptismal candles, rosaries, statues and booklets.


        8. Parish Pastoral Worker:

           – A Parish Pastoral Worker has been appointed and he will be welcomed to our next meeting to introduce himself.

        9. AOB:

           – GDPR polices discussed and noted.

           – Church Gate Collections: The parish newsletter recently defined areas for church gate collections as follows:

        CHURCH GATE COLLECTIONS: There has been a number of complaints recently regarding some organisations collecting for their church gate collection at the entrance doors of churches in the parish. We ask all organisations to ensure that collections take place outside church grounds and entrances. The only exception by diocesan stipulation is St. Vincent de Paul. 

           – St. John’s 150: Next year, 2020 will mark the 150th anniversary of the completion and dedication of St. John’s Church. The St. John’s 150 year of celebrations will commence on Saturday 26th October 2019 when Bishop Ray Browne celebrates Mass at 6.10pm. A year-long Festival of Faith celebrating St. John’s 150th is being planned culminating with a Town Mission in October 2020

        Next meeting: Wednesday 13th November 7.30pm in St. John’s Parish Centre.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        St. John’s Parish Centre, 3rd April 2019 at 7.30pm.


        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Update of accounts (Parish):

        A general overview & comparison of Parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) from 01/01/2019 to 31/03/2019 was presented, discussed and approved.

        It was noted that the two Church Holydays to date in 2019 have fallen on a Sunday which has resulted in the parish being down two collections.

        Revenue Tax Rebate. CHY certs from parishioners for 2018 have been submitted to Revenue.

        3. Priests Account (Teach na Sagart).

        Details of the account for the period 01/01/2019 to 31/03/2019 were outlined and approved.

        4. Building Sub-Committee: 

        The committee received a report from the building sub-committee which noted that leaks to the roof of St. John’s Church have been repaired.

        5. Cura Building.

        Kerry Adolescent Counselling Service will be moving into the building on 9th April 2019.

        6. Diocesan Guidelines Concerning Parish Finance Committees.

        The meeting discussed diocesan regulations and policies regarding parish finance committees.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 12th June 2019.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        St. John’s Parish Centre, Wednesday 6th February 2019 at 7.30pm.


        1. Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        2. Minutes of previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        3. Correspondence:

        • Awaiting correspondence on Charities VAT Compensation Scheme.

        4. Accounts:

        • Parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) for the period 01/11/18 to 31/12/18 as well as a general overview of accounts from 01/01/2018 to 31/12/2018 were presented and discussed.
        • Noted that the increase of income for Collections over the period November and December is largely attributed to money collected from the Polish and Latin Masses and an increase also in the Christmas Day collection.
        • Parish income also benefited from significant sales of the recently published new guide booklet on St. John’s Church.
        • The cost of the health and safety audit of all parish buildings was noted.
        • An annual comparison of electricity unit usage in St. John’s during the period 2011 to 2018 showed a decrease for the years 2015 to 2018.
        • The parish financial statement for 2018 was presented and approved for publication.

        5. Building Sub Committee:

        • The building sub-committee are looking at the possibility of sourcing a church architect to provide professional advice on a number of issues.

        6. Parish Centre Rental:

        • Approval given to Kerry Adolescent Counselling Service for the renting of rooms in the Parish Centre complex.

        7. AOB:

        • Noted that the Tralee Pastoral Area are exploring the possibility of employing a Catechist to be involved with ‘Adult Faith Formation’.
        • Discussion on diocesan guidelines on parish finance committees.

        Meeting concluded at 9.00pm.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 3rd April 2019 in St. John’s Parish Centre at 7.30pm.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting

        Wednesday 14th November 2018 in St. John’s Parish Centre at 7.30pm.


        1. Meeting commenced with prayer and the minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Matters Arising:

            – Insurance issues were discussed.

        3. Parish Accounts:

           – Parish accounts (Income and Expenses) for the period 01/09/18 to 31/10/18 as well as a general overview of accounts form 01/01/18 to 31/10/18 were presented to the committee.

           – It was noted that parish funds now benefit from collections held during the Polish Mass and the Latin Mass.

           – Noted that the parish charity number is the same one as for the Diocese.

           – St. John’s accounts are certified annually at the year end.

        4. Parish Employee Matters:

           – Parish employee/employment policy matters were discussed and updated.

        5. Building Sub Committee:

           – Report received and discussed from the building subcommittee with regard to property maintenance matters.

        6. AOB:

           – Parish Bazaar: Noted that the annual Parish Bazaar will be held on the weekend of 30th November & 1st/2nd December 2018. The committee recorded its thanks to the Bazaar Co-ordinator and Bazaar Committee for all their work and efforts in organising this important annual parish fundraiser.

           – The Church of the Immaculate Conception is 150 years old and a special Vigil Mass will be celebrated to mark the occasion followed by refreshments in the Manor West Hotel on Saturday 8th December 2018.

           – Discussions have taken place to consider employing a Catechist in the Pastoral Area for sacramental preparation.


        Next meeting: Wednesday 6th February 2019 in St. John’s Parish Centre at 7.30pm.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 19th September 2018.


         1. Minutes:

        • Minutes of previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.

         2.  Matters Arising:

        • Data Protection Policy: New Data Protection procedures were discussed. The committee are awaiting correspondence and guidelines on the matter from the Diocese.
        • Credit Card Facility: Credit card facilities are now available in the Parish Centre and proving to be very convenient in making transactions.

         3. Correspondence: None.

         4. Repair Work: The meeting received a report on the recent damage and subsequent repair work to St John’s Church.


         5. Parish Accounts: Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/05/2018 to 31/08/2018 were presented, discussed and approved.

         6. Update on Building Sub-Committee: Reports were provided on ongoing parish building and maintenance matters. It was acknowledged the fantastic work that the community in Curraheen are doing in fund raising to enhance their community room in Curraheen Church. It was agreed that the parish would contribute to the fund if needs be.


        Next Meeting: 14th November 2018 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee at 7.30pm.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 23rd May 2018.

        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Matters arising:

        • Details of the maintenance contract for the heating system in St John’s Church and the Parish Centre were discussed and outlined.
        • Digi units have recently been installed in both the I.C. & Curraheen Churches which operates with the stand-alone fire alarm system connecting to a monitoring station.

        3. Minutes for publication: Agreed.

        4. Update of accounts:

        • Parish accounts for the period January to April 2018 were outlined.

        5. Priests Account (Teach Na Sagart):

        • Details of the account for the period January to April 2018 were outlined.

        6. Update on Collections Comparisons from January 2007 to April 2018.

        • A detailed comparison of collections since 2007 to the present was discussed.
        • Over a period of ten years there has been a decrease of approximately one third in the weekly offertory collection. The committee expressed concern for the future financial state of the parish if this trend was to further decrease.


        7. Donation Box:

        • It was agreed to have a donation box securely installed in St. John’s Church whereby visitors could make a donation.
        • An updated information leaflet on St. John’s for visitors is in process.
        • The possibility of developing an ‘App’ regarding visitor information on St. John’s was also mentioned.

        8. Credit Card Machine:

        • Agreed that credit card machine facilities be made available in the Parish Centre.


        Next meeting: Wed 19th September at 7.30pm in St. John’s Parish Centre.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 17th April 2018.

        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Matters arising: A number of matters arose from the minutes of the previous meeting.

        • Pastoral programmes expenditure for the period October to December 2017 outlined.
        • Correspondence from the security firm responsible for monitor alarms:
          Noted that as part of the contract, the firm responsible provide maintenance and monitoring of all intruder and fire alarms in the parish centre, presbytery and all three churches. Another firm are contracted to maintain the fire extinguishers in all parish buildings.

        3.  Minutes for publication: Agreed.

        4.  Correspondence:

        • Following a request from one member of the committee it was agreed to hold the next meeting on a Wednesday.

        5.  Update of accounts: A detailed update of parish accounts included:

        • Parish income & expenditure accounts for the period January to March 2018.
        • Collections were significantly down in January.
        • Shrines showing a slight decrease.

        6.  Priests Account: Details of the account were outlined.

        7.  Update on percentage of Envelopes returned 2017:

        • The meeting was provided with an analysis on Parish Income for 2017.

        8.  Update on summary of CHY’s sent to Revenue for tax rebate:

        • There are a small number of new parishioners added to the list making contributions in this way.
        • The parish have made a claim to revenue for the 2017 tax rebate.

        9.  Quotation: Re: installation of a digi unit stand-alone fire alarm system in both Curraheen and IC Churches.


        Meeting ended 9.30pm


        Next meeting: Wed 23rd May 7.30pm Parish Centre.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting 16th January 2018

        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.


          2. Matters arising: A number of matters arose from the minutes of the previous meeting.

        • Clarification required regarding all our insurance cover.
        • The parishioner data base is being updated.


        3. Correspondence:

        • Written clarification needed on who exactly is responsible for the installation, servicing and monitoring of both fire and security alarms in all three churches of the parish.
        • Agreed that the defibrillators installed in the Churches would be serviced and that a notice be placed in the parish newsletter asking for volunteers to undergo defibrillator training.


          4. Update of accounts: A detailed update of parish accounts included:

        • Parish income & expense accounts for the period Oct to Dec 2017.
        • The annual income from Diocesan collections 2017
        • Parish accounts bank balances.
        • A seven-year comparison on electricity usage: 2011 to 2017
        • A seven-year comparison on oil usage: 2011 to 2017.


         5. Parish Financial Report for 2017

        • The report for 2017 was agreed and approved for publication.

          6. Update on building Sub Committee.

        • A copy of the internal & external survey of St John’s Church to be made available to committee members.

          7. A.O.B.  

        • Noted that a fundraising committee has been formed by Curraheen-based parishioners to specifically raise funds for the development/construction of a meeting room at Curraheen Church.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting of 24th October 2017.


        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and agreed.

        2. Correspondence:

        • There was no correspondence other than those which would be dealt with in other parts of the meeting.
        • The Engineer engaged to undertake a 3D Survey of the Church spire has completed his work and has been paid for his services.

        3. Update of accounts: The meeting approved the update on the parish accounts for September 2017.

        • Two and a half of the parish areas are now updated on the parish database. There are five parish areas in total.
        • It was also noted that Parish Centre income is down.

        4. Diocesan Collections. Fr Tadhg met with the collection team.

        • He outlined how collections are presently conducted and shared ideas on other possibilities.
        • The meeting agreed to focus on getting the exact practice right for the first collection and would continue to monitor the success of the second collection.
        • The sick & retired priest collection (collected by envelope) was down significantly on the previous year.

        5. Update on the heating: The heating engineer who examined the Church heating system to ascertain if the radiators and the fan system which run simultaneously could be separated and instead turned on independently and wired to the Sacristy reported that it was, financially, not worth the expense.

        6. Update on Building Sub Committee. It was noted that the committee have not met since the last Finance Committee meeting. An engineer is to draw up a plan for work to be carried out.

        7. Unveiling of the Reconciliation Window: The unveiling will take place on Friday 27th October at 7.30pm with a prayer service.

        8. Fundraising: Planning for the Parish Bazaar is well under way. The meeting appreciated the massive amount of work involved in organising the Bazaar and expressed a view that the parish may need to consider some other form of major annual fundraising plan going forward.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 12th September 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1.Matters arising: discussed as part of the agenda.

          2. Update of accounts: The Committee approved the accounts as presented for the period June to Aug. 2017.

          3. Parish parishioner data base: The Committee were advised that the updating process of the Parish data base system is ongoing. To date 155 new households have been added.

        4. Tax Rebate Scheme: 251 parishioners out of 3700 households registered in the Parish contributed greater than €250.00 for 2016.

         5. Diocesan Collections: There was a discussion on the Diocesan Collections which are held as a joint offertory collection, averaging one per month. It was proposed to have a box at the door of the churches for the second collection. Fr Tadgh would discuss this suggestion with the collectors.

         6. Update on the heating: Fr Tadhg notified the committee that the engineer had inspected the Church heating system and advised that both aspects of the heating system, namely radiators and the fan system were running for the full 12 months. He will investigate what is best practice throughout the full year. It was also agreed that the system should be wired to the sacristy for convenience and clear guidance provided for those who may control the system

         7. Update on building Sub CommitteeOur Engineer has carried out a drone survey of the spire in St Johns inside and out. He still has to draw up proposals.

         8. Blessing of the Reconciliation Window: The Blessing will take place on Friday 27th Oct at 7.30pm with a prayer service.

        9. Fr. Tadgh floated the concept of having a Pastoral worker who would work with parents and families of young people receiving sacraments of Communion and Confirmation.


        St John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 20th June 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. Matters arising considered….items arising in the agenda later.

        2. Update of accounts:

        • The Committee approved the accounts as presented for the period May 2017.

        • It was noted that the 2017 Insurance Premium remained the same as 2016 Premium.


          3. Energy Analysis.

        • An energy report covering the period January 2011 to May 2017 detailing utilities usage, Costs & Savings made for both Oil & Electricity was provided.

        • Energy Audit quote was received, but found to be too expensive. 

        • It was decided that we should establish best practice around the heating system.

          4. KDYS Building.

        • We are awaiting a written report on the KDYS Roof.

         5. Items for Publication.

        • The items for publication on the website of recent meetings was agreed.

          6. Fr. Tadhg provided an update from the Building Sub Committee

        • Our engineer was given the go ahead to carry out the drone survey for both the internal & external of the Church.


        St John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 16th May 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        Fr Tadhg introduced and welcomed both John O Connor and Joe Clifford to the meeting and expressed his delight that they were both willing to serve on the Finance Committee.

        1. An update on the accounts for March & April 2017 was provided.

        • It was noted that there was a drop of 1719 Euro in the offertory collection compared with the same period the previous year and this showed a drop each month from Jan to April.
        • The weekly envelope collection was down by 1414 Euro
        • Six new standing orders came back as a result of the Easter correspondence, which included two new subscribers.
        • Information on how to subscribe by standing order will be put up on the web site.
        • Rent income on the Parish Centre is down; this resource could do with some promotion.
        • The 34000 Euro cost of the new stain glass window is totally covered.
        • An Energy Audit of St Johns was proposed to see if there was any ways of cutting costs. Heating of the side church throughout the year might be one example where possible savings might be made.

        2. It was agreed to put a previous proposal ‘for members of the Finance Committee to address parishioners at weekend masses’ be put on hold in the immediate.

        1. We will rethink this proposal when we get closer to the works on Spire etc.
        2. It was agreed to publish a report from each finance meeting on the Web site.

        3. Fr. Tadhg provided an update from the Building Sub Committee

        • A meeting was held with our engineer regarding the repair of the Church Spire, window and Organ which will cost in the region of one million.
        • A survey costing two thousand will be carried out to draw up a schedule of work.

        4. Fr. Tadhg informed the group that a Parish Ministry course and a Youth Ministry course will be held from September.


        St John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 7th March 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. An update on the accounts for Jan & Feb 2017 was given.

        • It was noted that there was a drop of 1400 Euro in the church collection compared with the same period the previous year.
        • A question arose regarding the expenditure of the heating in St John’s. Although there was no apparent drop in the amount spent on oil, it was acknowledged that St. John’s was much warmer.

        2. There was a discussion on how best to present the annual Income/Expenditure newsletter and the option of seeking parishioners email address.

        • There was an acceptance of the need for members of the Finance Council to address parishioners to thank them for their contributions to St John’s and also to outline future works to be carried out in the Church, based on the Southgate report.

        3. Fr. Tadhg provided an update from the Building Sub Committee

        • Our engineer is drawing up a tender form regarding the repair of the Church Spire.
        • This is to include restoration of Spire, repair of Organ and window.
        • This is a project for completion in 2018.

        4. Fr. Tadhg informed the group

        1. The Cura office which belongs to St. John’s was presently vacant but had the potential to provide some income.
        2. The CTS building still available.
        3. KDYS building, which is leased from the Parish, needs repairs to its roof.
        4. It was agreed that the rent of this building should be reduced.
        5. The Church collectors asked if some information could be provided by the Finance Committee regarding how money collected is spent.


        St John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 30th January 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. Correspondence.

        1. The Finance Committee agreed to contract a Cleaning Company to clean St. John’s church four times per year, an inventory of the work is provided.

        2. An update on the accounts for Nov & Dec 2016 and a detailed report for the years 1/1/15 to 31/12/15 and 1/1/16 to 31/12/16, showing a comparison between both with further clarification around specific figures was given to the meeting.

        There was a discussion on the income obtained from: offertory collections, weekly envelopes and standing orders. A number of suggestions were agreed:

        1. The present upgrading of the Database should help connect with more parishioners.
        2. The possible need for a member of the Finance Committee to address parishioners at the weekend masses, putting the finance in context and highlighting the most convenient ways to support the parish financially.
        3. A slight tweaking of the annual Finance Report to include photos highlighting the range of activities which happen in the parish.

        3. Fr. Tadhg gave a report from the building sub committee

        1. An outline of the works proposed for the Organ Tower and Spire.
        2. Overall costs of the works in the region of One Million Euro.
        3. Permission will be sought from the Diocesan Building Committee & the Diocesan Finance Committee to proceed to the next stage of the process.

        4. Melanie O’Sullivan was proposed as Vice Chairperson.

            Jim Maher was proposed as Assistant secretary.

        A group of five names were suggested as parishioners who could be contacted to identify their interest in serving on the finance committee. Fr Tadhg will contact with an aim to increase the committee by three.

        5. Fr. Tadhg informed the group

        1. That the Old Presbytery was up for sale.
        2. The Cura office which belongs to St. John’s was presently vacant but had the potential to provide some income.


        Wednesday 16th February 2022 (Via Zoom).

        Meeting commenced with a prayer. 


        • Minutes:
        • Minutes of previous meeting (17th November 2021) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.
        • Matters Arising:
        • Matters arising were discussed under other sections of the meeting.
        • Correspondence:
        • No Correspondence.
        • Parish Accounts:
        • Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/11/2021 to 31/12/2021 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous 2 years were presented, discussed, and agreed.
        • Parish Financial Statement:
        • Parish Financial Statement for 2021 was discussed and agreed for publication.

         Update on Building Sub-Committee:

        • Repairs needed to be considered regarding the Immaculate Conception, Rathass.

        • A. O.B.
        • Position of Parish Pastoral Worker discussed.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 6th April 2022.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 8th September 2020.

        (Via Zoom conferencing)

        1. Minutes:
        • Minutes of previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.
        1. Correspondence: Noted that the annual diocesan levy was due for payment.
        1. Update of accounts (Parish):
        • A general overview & comparison of Parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) for the period 01/06/2020 to 31/08/2020 was presented, discussed and approved.
        • It was noted that COVID restrictions were impacting significantly on Church collections.
        1. Priests Account (Teach na Sagart):
        • Details of the account for the period 01/06/2020 to 31/08/2020 were outlined and approved.
        1. Update on Building Sub-Committee:
        • Reports discussed regarding the need to have the roof of St. John’s Church assessed for leaks and road safety and right of way issues relating to the entrance of St. John’s Church.


        1. AOB:
        • The committee expressed its good wishes to Fr. Francis Nolan and Fr. Amos Ruto on their new appointments and thanked them for their work and dedication while in St. John’s Parish.
        • The committee also congratulated Ms. Norma Foley on her achievement of being recently appointed Minister for Education.



        Next Meeting: Date to be agreed and communicated later.


        Minutes – St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        Tuesday 9th June 2020


        1. Minutes:
        • Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        1. Correspondence:
        • No correspondence.
        1. Update of accounts (Parish):
        • A general overview & comparison of Parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) for the period 01/01/2020 to 31/05/2020 was presented, discussed and approved.
        • Due to Covid-19 virus restrictions all parish income has been significantly down since March 2020. This includes weekly church collections, Capital Fund, shrines, booked Masses and Mass card stipends, sale of papers/magazines and religious goods. No rental fees for use of the Parish Centre has been received since March.
        1. Priests Account (Teach na Sagart):
        • Details of the account for the period 01/01/2020 to 31/05/2020 were outlined and approved.
        1. Update on building sub-committee:
        • Committee received a report from the building sub-committee regarding proposed further renovation plans for St. John’s Church.
        1. Website online electronic donation system:
        • The committee discussed the feasibility of providing an online donation system whereby people could donate to St. John’s Parish electronically.


        1. John’s 150:
        • Noted that due to Covid-19 it is envisaged that the St. John’s 150 celebrations will run into 2021.


        Next meeting: September. Date to be communicated later.


        Minutes – St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        Wednesday 19th February 2020 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.


        1. Minutes:
        • Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        1. GDPR:
        • Discussion regarding GDPR issued.
        1. Correspondence:
        • No correspondence.
        1. Parish Accounts:
        • Committee received detailed analysis of parish accounts for the period 01/11/2019 to 31/12/2019.
        1. Parish Financial Report 2019:
        • Parish Financial Statement for 2019 was discussed and agreed for publication.
        • Capital Fund Envelope analysis for the tax year was discussed. It was also noted that clarification and clearance on GDPR issues was needed before any new contacts were made.
        1. Update on building sub-committee.
        • Committee received a report from the building sub-committee regarding proposed further renovation plans for St. John’s Church.

        Meeting ended at 9.00pm.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 4th September 2019.


        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Matters arising:

           –  Chairman reappointed.

           –  Resignation of two members noted and a vote of thanks and appreciation recorded.

        3. Minutes for publication: Agreed.

        4. Update of accounts:

           – Parish accounts for the period 01/06/2019 to 31/08/2019 were outlined and approved.

        5. Priests Account (Teach Na Sagart):

           – Details of the account for the period 01/06/2019 to 31/08/2019 were outlined and approved.

        6. CURA Building:

           – Kerry Adolescent Counselling Service have changed rooms from the office over the front door of the Parish Centre to another office upstairs.

        7. CTS:      

           – A sales display unit/cabinet is about to be constructed in the foyer of the Parish Centre selling religious goods such as baptismal candles, rosaries, statues and booklets.


        8. Parish Pastoral Worker:

           – A Parish Pastoral Worker has been appointed and he will be welcomed to our next meeting to introduce himself.

        9. AOB:

           – GDPR polices discussed and noted.

           – Church Gate Collections: The parish newsletter recently defined areas for church gate collections as follows:

        CHURCH GATE COLLECTIONS: There has been a number of complaints recently regarding some organisations collecting for their church gate collection at the entrance doors of churches in the parish. We ask all organisations to ensure that collections take place outside church grounds and entrances. The only exception by diocesan stipulation is St. Vincent de Paul. 

           – St. John’s 150: Next year, 2020 will mark the 150th anniversary of the completion and dedication of St. John’s Church. The St. John’s 150 year of celebrations will commence on Saturday 26th October 2019 when Bishop Ray Browne celebrates Mass at 6.10pm. A year-long Festival of Faith celebrating St. John’s 150th is being planned culminating with a Town Mission in October 2020

        Next meeting: Wednesday 13th November 7.30pm in St. John’s Parish Centre.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        St. John’s Parish Centre, 3rd April 2019 at 7.30pm.


        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Update of accounts (Parish):

        A general overview & comparison of Parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) from 01/01/2019 to 31/03/2019 was presented, discussed and approved.

        It was noted that the two Church Holydays to date in 2019 have fallen on a Sunday which has resulted in the parish being down two collections.

        Revenue Tax Rebate. CHY certs from parishioners for 2018 have been submitted to Revenue.

        3. Priests Account (Teach na Sagart).

        Details of the account for the period 01/01/2019 to 31/03/2019 were outlined and approved.

        4. Building Sub-Committee: 

        The committee received a report from the building sub-committee which noted that leaks to the roof of St. John’s Church have been repaired.

        5. Cura Building.

        Kerry Adolescent Counselling Service will be moving into the building on 9th April 2019.

        6. Diocesan Guidelines Concerning Parish Finance Committees.

        The meeting discussed diocesan regulations and policies regarding parish finance committees.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 12th June 2019.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        St. John’s Parish Centre, Wednesday 6th February 2019 at 7.30pm.


        1. Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        2. Minutes of previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        3. Correspondence:

        • Awaiting correspondence on Charities VAT Compensation Scheme.

        4. Accounts:

        • Parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) for the period 01/11/18 to 31/12/18 as well as a general overview of accounts from 01/01/2018 to 31/12/2018 were presented and discussed.
        • Noted that the increase of income for Collections over the period November and December is largely attributed to money collected from the Polish and Latin Masses and an increase also in the Christmas Day collection.
        • Parish income also benefited from significant sales of the recently published new guide booklet on St. John’s Church.
        • The cost of the health and safety audit of all parish buildings was noted.
        • An annual comparison of electricity unit usage in St. John’s during the period 2011 to 2018 showed a decrease for the years 2015 to 2018.
        • The parish financial statement for 2018 was presented and approved for publication.

        5. Building Sub Committee:

        • The building sub-committee are looking at the possibility of sourcing a church architect to provide professional advice on a number of issues.

        6. Parish Centre Rental:

        • Approval given to Kerry Adolescent Counselling Service for the renting of rooms in the Parish Centre complex.

        7. AOB:

        • Noted that the Tralee Pastoral Area are exploring the possibility of employing a Catechist to be involved with ‘Adult Faith Formation’.
        • Discussion on diocesan guidelines on parish finance committees.

        Meeting concluded at 9.00pm.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 3rd April 2019 in St. John’s Parish Centre at 7.30pm.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting

        Wednesday 14th November 2018 in St. John’s Parish Centre at 7.30pm.


        1. Meeting commenced with prayer and the minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Matters Arising:

            – Insurance issues were discussed.

        3. Parish Accounts:

           – Parish accounts (Income and Expenses) for the period 01/09/18 to 31/10/18 as well as a general overview of accounts form 01/01/18 to 31/10/18 were presented to the committee.

           – It was noted that parish funds now benefit from collections held during the Polish Mass and the Latin Mass.

           – Noted that the parish charity number is the same one as for the Diocese.

           – St. John’s accounts are certified annually at the year end.

        4. Parish Employee Matters:

           – Parish employee/employment policy matters were discussed and updated.

        5. Building Sub Committee:

           – Report received and discussed from the building subcommittee with regard to property maintenance matters.

        6. AOB:

           – Parish Bazaar: Noted that the annual Parish Bazaar will be held on the weekend of 30th November & 1st/2nd December 2018. The committee recorded its thanks to the Bazaar Co-ordinator and Bazaar Committee for all their work and efforts in organising this important annual parish fundraiser.

           – The Church of the Immaculate Conception is 150 years old and a special Vigil Mass will be celebrated to mark the occasion followed by refreshments in the Manor West Hotel on Saturday 8th December 2018.

           – Discussions have taken place to consider employing a Catechist in the Pastoral Area for sacramental preparation.


        Next meeting: Wednesday 6th February 2019 in St. John’s Parish Centre at 7.30pm.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 19th September 2018.


         1. Minutes:

        • Minutes of previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.

         2.  Matters Arising:

        • Data Protection Policy: New Data Protection procedures were discussed. The committee are awaiting correspondence and guidelines on the matter from the Diocese.
        • Credit Card Facility: Credit card facilities are now available in the Parish Centre and proving to be very convenient in making transactions.

         3. Correspondence: None.

         4. Repair Work: The meeting received a report on the recent damage and subsequent repair work to St John’s Church.


         5. Parish Accounts: Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/05/2018 to 31/08/2018 were presented, discussed and approved.

         6. Update on Building Sub-Committee: Reports were provided on ongoing parish building and maintenance matters. It was acknowledged the fantastic work that the community in Curraheen are doing in fund raising to enhance their community room in Curraheen Church. It was agreed that the parish would contribute to the fund if needs be.


        Next Meeting: 14th November 2018 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee at 7.30pm.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 23rd May 2018.

        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Matters arising:

        • Details of the maintenance contract for the heating system in St John’s Church and the Parish Centre were discussed and outlined.
        • Digi units have recently been installed in both the I.C. & Curraheen Churches which operates with the stand-alone fire alarm system connecting to a monitoring station.

        3. Minutes for publication: Agreed.

        4. Update of accounts:

        • Parish accounts for the period January to April 2018 were outlined.

        5. Priests Account (Teach Na Sagart):

        • Details of the account for the period January to April 2018 were outlined.

        6. Update on Collections Comparisons from January 2007 to April 2018.

        • A detailed comparison of collections since 2007 to the present was discussed.
        • Over a period of ten years there has been a decrease of approximately one third in the weekly offertory collection. The committee expressed concern for the future financial state of the parish if this trend was to further decrease.


        7. Donation Box:

        • It was agreed to have a donation box securely installed in St. John’s Church whereby visitors could make a donation.
        • An updated information leaflet on St. John’s for visitors is in process.
        • The possibility of developing an ‘App’ regarding visitor information on St. John’s was also mentioned.

        8. Credit Card Machine:

        • Agreed that credit card machine facilities be made available in the Parish Centre.


        Next meeting: Wed 19th September at 7.30pm in St. John’s Parish Centre.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 17th April 2018.

        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Matters arising: A number of matters arose from the minutes of the previous meeting.

        • Pastoral programmes expenditure for the period October to December 2017 outlined.
        • Correspondence from the security firm responsible for monitor alarms:
          Noted that as part of the contract, the firm responsible provide maintenance and monitoring of all intruder and fire alarms in the parish centre, presbytery and all three churches. Another firm are contracted to maintain the fire extinguishers in all parish buildings.

        3.  Minutes for publication: Agreed.

        4.  Correspondence:

        • Following a request from one member of the committee it was agreed to hold the next meeting on a Wednesday.

        5.  Update of accounts: A detailed update of parish accounts included:

        • Parish income & expenditure accounts for the period January to March 2018.
        • Collections were significantly down in January.
        • Shrines showing a slight decrease.

        6.  Priests Account: Details of the account were outlined.

        7.  Update on percentage of Envelopes returned 2017:

        • The meeting was provided with an analysis on Parish Income for 2017.

        8.  Update on summary of CHY’s sent to Revenue for tax rebate:

        • There are a small number of new parishioners added to the list making contributions in this way.
        • The parish have made a claim to revenue for the 2017 tax rebate.

        9.  Quotation: Re: installation of a digi unit stand-alone fire alarm system in both Curraheen and IC Churches.


        Meeting ended 9.30pm


        Next meeting: Wed 23rd May 7.30pm Parish Centre.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting 16th January 2018

        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.


          2. Matters arising: A number of matters arose from the minutes of the previous meeting.

        • Clarification required regarding all our insurance cover.
        • The parishioner data base is being updated.


        3. Correspondence:

        • Written clarification needed on who exactly is responsible for the installation, servicing and monitoring of both fire and security alarms in all three churches of the parish.
        • Agreed that the defibrillators installed in the Churches would be serviced and that a notice be placed in the parish newsletter asking for volunteers to undergo defibrillator training.


          4. Update of accounts: A detailed update of parish accounts included:

        • Parish income & expense accounts for the period Oct to Dec 2017.
        • The annual income from Diocesan collections 2017
        • Parish accounts bank balances.
        • A seven-year comparison on electricity usage: 2011 to 2017
        • A seven-year comparison on oil usage: 2011 to 2017.


         5. Parish Financial Report for 2017

        • The report for 2017 was agreed and approved for publication.

          6. Update on building Sub Committee.

        • A copy of the internal & external survey of St John’s Church to be made available to committee members.

          7. A.O.B.  

        • Noted that a fundraising committee has been formed by Curraheen-based parishioners to specifically raise funds for the development/construction of a meeting room at Curraheen Church.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting of 24th October 2017.


        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and agreed.

        2. Correspondence:

        • There was no correspondence other than those which would be dealt with in other parts of the meeting.
        • The Engineer engaged to undertake a 3D Survey of the Church spire has completed his work and has been paid for his services.

        3. Update of accounts: The meeting approved the update on the parish accounts for September 2017.

        • Two and a half of the parish areas are now updated on the parish database. There are five parish areas in total.
        • It was also noted that Parish Centre income is down.

        4. Diocesan Collections. Fr Tadhg met with the collection team.

        • He outlined how collections are presently conducted and shared ideas on other possibilities.
        • The meeting agreed to focus on getting the exact practice right for the first collection and would continue to monitor the success of the second collection.
        • The sick & retired priest collection (collected by envelope) was down significantly on the previous year.

        5. Update on the heating: The heating engineer who examined the Church heating system to ascertain if the radiators and the fan system which run simultaneously could be separated and instead turned on independently and wired to the Sacristy reported that it was, financially, not worth the expense.

        6. Update on Building Sub Committee. It was noted that the committee have not met since the last Finance Committee meeting. An engineer is to draw up a plan for work to be carried out.

        7. Unveiling of the Reconciliation Window: The unveiling will take place on Friday 27th October at 7.30pm with a prayer service.

        8. Fundraising: Planning for the Parish Bazaar is well under way. The meeting appreciated the massive amount of work involved in organising the Bazaar and expressed a view that the parish may need to consider some other form of major annual fundraising plan going forward.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 12th September 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1.Matters arising: discussed as part of the agenda.

          2. Update of accounts: The Committee approved the accounts as presented for the period June to Aug. 2017.

          3. Parish parishioner data base: The Committee were advised that the updating process of the Parish data base system is ongoing. To date 155 new households have been added.

        4. Tax Rebate Scheme: 251 parishioners out of 3700 households registered in the Parish contributed greater than €250.00 for 2016.

         5. Diocesan Collections: There was a discussion on the Diocesan Collections which are held as a joint offertory collection, averaging one per month. It was proposed to have a box at the door of the churches for the second collection. Fr Tadgh would discuss this suggestion with the collectors.

         6. Update on the heating: Fr Tadhg notified the committee that the engineer had inspected the Church heating system and advised that both aspects of the heating system, namely radiators and the fan system were running for the full 12 months. He will investigate what is best practice throughout the full year. It was also agreed that the system should be wired to the sacristy for convenience and clear guidance provided for those who may control the system

         7. Update on building Sub CommitteeOur Engineer has carried out a drone survey of the spire in St Johns inside and out. He still has to draw up proposals.

         8. Blessing of the Reconciliation Window: The Blessing will take place on Friday 27th Oct at 7.30pm with a prayer service.

        9. Fr. Tadgh floated the concept of having a Pastoral worker who would work with parents and families of young people receiving sacraments of Communion and Confirmation.


        St John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 20th June 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. Matters arising considered….items arising in the agenda later.

        2. Update of accounts:

        • The Committee approved the accounts as presented for the period May 2017.

        • It was noted that the 2017 Insurance Premium remained the same as 2016 Premium.


          3. Energy Analysis.

        • An energy report covering the period January 2011 to May 2017 detailing utilities usage, Costs & Savings made for both Oil & Electricity was provided.

        • Energy Audit quote was received, but found to be too expensive. 

        • It was decided that we should establish best practice around the heating system.

          4. KDYS Building.

        • We are awaiting a written report on the KDYS Roof.

         5. Items for Publication.

        • The items for publication on the website of recent meetings was agreed.

          6. Fr. Tadhg provided an update from the Building Sub Committee

        • Our engineer was given the go ahead to carry out the drone survey for both the internal & external of the Church.


        St John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 16th May 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        Fr Tadhg introduced and welcomed both John O Connor and Joe Clifford to the meeting and expressed his delight that they were both willing to serve on the Finance Committee.

        1. An update on the accounts for March & April 2017 was provided.

        • It was noted that there was a drop of 1719 Euro in the offertory collection compared with the same period the previous year and this showed a drop each month from Jan to April.
        • The weekly envelope collection was down by 1414 Euro
        • Six new standing orders came back as a result of the Easter correspondence, which included two new subscribers.
        • Information on how to subscribe by standing order will be put up on the web site.
        • Rent income on the Parish Centre is down; this resource could do with some promotion.
        • The 34000 Euro cost of the new stain glass window is totally covered.
        • An Energy Audit of St Johns was proposed to see if there was any ways of cutting costs. Heating of the side church throughout the year might be one example where possible savings might be made.

        2. It was agreed to put a previous proposal ‘for members of the Finance Committee to address parishioners at weekend masses’ be put on hold in the immediate.

        1. We will rethink this proposal when we get closer to the works on Spire etc.
        2. It was agreed to publish a report from each finance meeting on the Web site.

        3. Fr. Tadhg provided an update from the Building Sub Committee

        • A meeting was held with our engineer regarding the repair of the Church Spire, window and Organ which will cost in the region of one million.
        • A survey costing two thousand will be carried out to draw up a schedule of work.

        4. Fr. Tadhg informed the group that a Parish Ministry course and a Youth Ministry course will be held from September.


        St John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 7th March 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. An update on the accounts for Jan & Feb 2017 was given.

        • It was noted that there was a drop of 1400 Euro in the church collection compared with the same period the previous year.
        • A question arose regarding the expenditure of the heating in St John’s. Although there was no apparent drop in the amount spent on oil, it was acknowledged that St. John’s was much warmer.

        2. There was a discussion on how best to present the annual Income/Expenditure newsletter and the option of seeking parishioners email address.

        • There was an acceptance of the need for members of the Finance Council to address parishioners to thank them for their contributions to St John’s and also to outline future works to be carried out in the Church, based on the Southgate report.

        3. Fr. Tadhg provided an update from the Building Sub Committee

        • Our engineer is drawing up a tender form regarding the repair of the Church Spire.
        • This is to include restoration of Spire, repair of Organ and window.
        • This is a project for completion in 2018.

        4. Fr. Tadhg informed the group

        1. The Cura office which belongs to St. John’s was presently vacant but had the potential to provide some income.
        2. The CTS building still available.
        3. KDYS building, which is leased from the Parish, needs repairs to its roof.
        4. It was agreed that the rent of this building should be reduced.
        5. The Church collectors asked if some information could be provided by the Finance Committee regarding how money collected is spent.


        St John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 30th January 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. Correspondence.

        1. The Finance Committee agreed to contract a Cleaning Company to clean St. John’s church four times per year, an inventory of the work is provided.

        2. An update on the accounts for Nov & Dec 2016 and a detailed report for the years 1/1/15 to 31/12/15 and 1/1/16 to 31/12/16, showing a comparison between both with further clarification around specific figures was given to the meeting.

        There was a discussion on the income obtained from: offertory collections, weekly envelopes and standing orders. A number of suggestions were agreed:

        1. The present upgrading of the Database should help connect with more parishioners.
        2. The possible need for a member of the Finance Committee to address parishioners at the weekend masses, putting the finance in context and highlighting the most convenient ways to support the parish financially.
        3. A slight tweaking of the annual Finance Report to include photos highlighting the range of activities which happen in the parish.

        3. Fr. Tadhg gave a report from the building sub committee

        1. An outline of the works proposed for the Organ Tower and Spire.
        2. Overall costs of the works in the region of One Million Euro.
        3. Permission will be sought from the Diocesan Building Committee & the Diocesan Finance Committee to proceed to the next stage of the process.

        4. Melanie O’Sullivan was proposed as Vice Chairperson.

            Jim Maher was proposed as Assistant secretary.

        A group of five names were suggested as parishioners who could be contacted to identify their interest in serving on the finance committee. Fr Tadhg will contact with an aim to increase the committee by three.

        5. Fr. Tadhg informed the group

        1. That the Old Presbytery was up for sale.
        2. The Cura office which belongs to St. John’s was presently vacant but had the potential to provide some income.


        Wednesday 16th February 2022 (Via Zoom).

        Meeting commenced with a prayer. 


        • Minutes:
        • Minutes of previous meeting (17th November 2021) were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.
        • Matters Arising:
        • Matters arising were discussed under other sections of the meeting.
        • Correspondence:
        • No Correspondence.
        • Parish Accounts:
        • Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/11/2021 to 31/12/2021 and a detailed comparison for the same period for the previous 2 years were presented, discussed, and agreed.
        • Parish Financial Statement:
        • Parish Financial Statement for 2021 was discussed and agreed for publication.

         Update on Building Sub-Committee:

        • Repairs needed to be considered regarding the Immaculate Conception, Rathass.

        • A. O.B.
        • Position of Parish Pastoral Worker discussed.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 6th April 2022.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 8th September 2020.

        (Via Zoom conferencing)

        1. Minutes:
        • Minutes of previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.
        1. Correspondence: Noted that the annual diocesan levy was due for payment.
        1. Update of accounts (Parish):
        • A general overview & comparison of Parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) for the period 01/06/2020 to 31/08/2020 was presented, discussed and approved.
        • It was noted that COVID restrictions were impacting significantly on Church collections.
        1. Priests Account (Teach na Sagart):
        • Details of the account for the period 01/06/2020 to 31/08/2020 were outlined and approved.
        1. Update on Building Sub-Committee:
        • Reports discussed regarding the need to have the roof of St. John’s Church assessed for leaks and road safety and right of way issues relating to the entrance of St. John’s Church.


        1. AOB:
        • The committee expressed its good wishes to Fr. Francis Nolan and Fr. Amos Ruto on their new appointments and thanked them for their work and dedication while in St. John’s Parish.
        • The committee also congratulated Ms. Norma Foley on her achievement of being recently appointed Minister for Education.



        Next Meeting: Date to be agreed and communicated later.


        Minutes – St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        Tuesday 9th June 2020


        1. Minutes:
        • Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        1. Correspondence:
        • No correspondence.
        1. Update of accounts (Parish):
        • A general overview & comparison of Parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) for the period 01/01/2020 to 31/05/2020 was presented, discussed and approved.
        • Due to Covid-19 virus restrictions all parish income has been significantly down since March 2020. This includes weekly church collections, Capital Fund, shrines, booked Masses and Mass card stipends, sale of papers/magazines and religious goods. No rental fees for use of the Parish Centre has been received since March.
        1. Priests Account (Teach na Sagart):
        • Details of the account for the period 01/01/2020 to 31/05/2020 were outlined and approved.
        1. Update on building sub-committee:
        • Committee received a report from the building sub-committee regarding proposed further renovation plans for St. John’s Church.
        1. Website online electronic donation system:
        • The committee discussed the feasibility of providing an online donation system whereby people could donate to St. John’s Parish electronically.


        1. John’s 150:
        • Noted that due to Covid-19 it is envisaged that the St. John’s 150 celebrations will run into 2021.


        Next meeting: September. Date to be communicated later.


        Minutes – St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        Wednesday 19th February 2020 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee.


        1. Minutes:
        • Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        1. GDPR:
        • Discussion regarding GDPR issued.
        1. Correspondence:
        • No correspondence.
        1. Parish Accounts:
        • Committee received detailed analysis of parish accounts for the period 01/11/2019 to 31/12/2019.
        1. Parish Financial Report 2019:
        • Parish Financial Statement for 2019 was discussed and agreed for publication.
        • Capital Fund Envelope analysis for the tax year was discussed. It was also noted that clarification and clearance on GDPR issues was needed before any new contacts were made.
        1. Update on building sub-committee.
        • Committee received a report from the building sub-committee regarding proposed further renovation plans for St. John’s Church.

        Meeting ended at 9.00pm.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 4th September 2019.


        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Matters arising:

           –  Chairman reappointed.

           –  Resignation of two members noted and a vote of thanks and appreciation recorded.

        3. Minutes for publication: Agreed.

        4. Update of accounts:

           – Parish accounts for the period 01/06/2019 to 31/08/2019 were outlined and approved.

        5. Priests Account (Teach Na Sagart):

           – Details of the account for the period 01/06/2019 to 31/08/2019 were outlined and approved.

        6. CURA Building:

           – Kerry Adolescent Counselling Service have changed rooms from the office over the front door of the Parish Centre to another office upstairs.

        7. CTS:      

           – A sales display unit/cabinet is about to be constructed in the foyer of the Parish Centre selling religious goods such as baptismal candles, rosaries, statues and booklets.


        8. Parish Pastoral Worker:

           – A Parish Pastoral Worker has been appointed and he will be welcomed to our next meeting to introduce himself.

        9. AOB:

           – GDPR polices discussed and noted.

           – Church Gate Collections: The parish newsletter recently defined areas for church gate collections as follows:

        CHURCH GATE COLLECTIONS: There has been a number of complaints recently regarding some organisations collecting for their church gate collection at the entrance doors of churches in the parish. We ask all organisations to ensure that collections take place outside church grounds and entrances. The only exception by diocesan stipulation is St. Vincent de Paul. 

           – St. John’s 150: Next year, 2020 will mark the 150th anniversary of the completion and dedication of St. John’s Church. The St. John’s 150 year of celebrations will commence on Saturday 26th October 2019 when Bishop Ray Browne celebrates Mass at 6.10pm. A year-long Festival of Faith celebrating St. John’s 150th is being planned culminating with a Town Mission in October 2020

        Next meeting: Wednesday 13th November 7.30pm in St. John’s Parish Centre.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        St. John’s Parish Centre, 3rd April 2019 at 7.30pm.


        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Update of accounts (Parish):

        A general overview & comparison of Parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) from 01/01/2019 to 31/03/2019 was presented, discussed and approved.

        It was noted that the two Church Holydays to date in 2019 have fallen on a Sunday which has resulted in the parish being down two collections.

        Revenue Tax Rebate. CHY certs from parishioners for 2018 have been submitted to Revenue.

        3. Priests Account (Teach na Sagart).

        Details of the account for the period 01/01/2019 to 31/03/2019 were outlined and approved.

        4. Building Sub-Committee: 

        The committee received a report from the building sub-committee which noted that leaks to the roof of St. John’s Church have been repaired.

        5. Cura Building.

        Kerry Adolescent Counselling Service will be moving into the building on 9th April 2019.

        6. Diocesan Guidelines Concerning Parish Finance Committees.

        The meeting discussed diocesan regulations and policies regarding parish finance committees.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 12th June 2019.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting

        St. John’s Parish Centre, Wednesday 6th February 2019 at 7.30pm.


        1. Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        2. Minutes of previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        3. Correspondence:

        • Awaiting correspondence on Charities VAT Compensation Scheme.

        4. Accounts:

        • Parish accounts (Income & Expenditure) for the period 01/11/18 to 31/12/18 as well as a general overview of accounts from 01/01/2018 to 31/12/2018 were presented and discussed.
        • Noted that the increase of income for Collections over the period November and December is largely attributed to money collected from the Polish and Latin Masses and an increase also in the Christmas Day collection.
        • Parish income also benefited from significant sales of the recently published new guide booklet on St. John’s Church.
        • The cost of the health and safety audit of all parish buildings was noted.
        • An annual comparison of electricity unit usage in St. John’s during the period 2011 to 2018 showed a decrease for the years 2015 to 2018.
        • The parish financial statement for 2018 was presented and approved for publication.

        5. Building Sub Committee:

        • The building sub-committee are looking at the possibility of sourcing a church architect to provide professional advice on a number of issues.

        6. Parish Centre Rental:

        • Approval given to Kerry Adolescent Counselling Service for the renting of rooms in the Parish Centre complex.

        7. AOB:

        • Noted that the Tralee Pastoral Area are exploring the possibility of employing a Catechist to be involved with ‘Adult Faith Formation’.
        • Discussion on diocesan guidelines on parish finance committees.

        Meeting concluded at 9.00pm.

        Next Meeting: Wednesday 3rd April 2019 in St. John’s Parish Centre at 7.30pm.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting

        Wednesday 14th November 2018 in St. John’s Parish Centre at 7.30pm.


        1. Meeting commenced with prayer and the minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Matters Arising:

            – Insurance issues were discussed.

        3. Parish Accounts:

           – Parish accounts (Income and Expenses) for the period 01/09/18 to 31/10/18 as well as a general overview of accounts form 01/01/18 to 31/10/18 were presented to the committee.

           – It was noted that parish funds now benefit from collections held during the Polish Mass and the Latin Mass.

           – Noted that the parish charity number is the same one as for the Diocese.

           – St. John’s accounts are certified annually at the year end.

        4. Parish Employee Matters:

           – Parish employee/employment policy matters were discussed and updated.

        5. Building Sub Committee:

           – Report received and discussed from the building subcommittee with regard to property maintenance matters.

        6. AOB:

           – Parish Bazaar: Noted that the annual Parish Bazaar will be held on the weekend of 30th November & 1st/2nd December 2018. The committee recorded its thanks to the Bazaar Co-ordinator and Bazaar Committee for all their work and efforts in organising this important annual parish fundraiser.

           – The Church of the Immaculate Conception is 150 years old and a special Vigil Mass will be celebrated to mark the occasion followed by refreshments in the Manor West Hotel on Saturday 8th December 2018.

           – Discussions have taken place to consider employing a Catechist in the Pastoral Area for sacramental preparation.


        Next meeting: Wednesday 6th February 2019 in St. John’s Parish Centre at 7.30pm.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 19th September 2018.


         1. Minutes:

        • Minutes of previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.
        • Minutes of previous meeting agreed for publication.

         2.  Matters Arising:

        • Data Protection Policy: New Data Protection procedures were discussed. The committee are awaiting correspondence and guidelines on the matter from the Diocese.
        • Credit Card Facility: Credit card facilities are now available in the Parish Centre and proving to be very convenient in making transactions.

         3. Correspondence: None.

         4. Repair Work: The meeting received a report on the recent damage and subsequent repair work to St John’s Church.


         5. Parish Accounts: Financial reports of parish accounts (income & expenditure) for the period 01/05/2018 to 31/08/2018 were presented, discussed and approved.

         6. Update on Building Sub-Committee: Reports were provided on ongoing parish building and maintenance matters. It was acknowledged the fantastic work that the community in Curraheen are doing in fund raising to enhance their community room in Curraheen Church. It was agreed that the parish would contribute to the fund if needs be.


        Next Meeting: 14th November 2018 in St. John’s Parish Centre, Tralee at 7.30pm.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 23rd May 2018.

        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Matters arising:

        • Details of the maintenance contract for the heating system in St John’s Church and the Parish Centre were discussed and outlined.
        • Digi units have recently been installed in both the I.C. & Curraheen Churches which operates with the stand-alone fire alarm system connecting to a monitoring station.

        3. Minutes for publication: Agreed.

        4. Update of accounts:

        • Parish accounts for the period January to April 2018 were outlined.

        5. Priests Account (Teach Na Sagart):

        • Details of the account for the period January to April 2018 were outlined.

        6. Update on Collections Comparisons from January 2007 to April 2018.

        • A detailed comparison of collections since 2007 to the present was discussed.
        • Over a period of ten years there has been a decrease of approximately one third in the weekly offertory collection. The committee expressed concern for the future financial state of the parish if this trend was to further decrease.


        7. Donation Box:

        • It was agreed to have a donation box securely installed in St. John’s Church whereby visitors could make a donation.
        • An updated information leaflet on St. John’s for visitors is in process.
        • The possibility of developing an ‘App’ regarding visitor information on St. John’s was also mentioned.

        8. Credit Card Machine:

        • Agreed that credit card machine facilities be made available in the Parish Centre.


        Next meeting: Wed 19th September at 7.30pm in St. John’s Parish Centre.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Meeting 17th April 2018.

        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.

        2. Matters arising: A number of matters arose from the minutes of the previous meeting.

        • Pastoral programmes expenditure for the period October to December 2017 outlined.
        • Correspondence from the security firm responsible for monitor alarms:
          Noted that as part of the contract, the firm responsible provide maintenance and monitoring of all intruder and fire alarms in the parish centre, presbytery and all three churches. Another firm are contracted to maintain the fire extinguishers in all parish buildings.

        3.  Minutes for publication: Agreed.

        4.  Correspondence:

        • Following a request from one member of the committee it was agreed to hold the next meeting on a Wednesday.

        5.  Update of accounts: A detailed update of parish accounts included:

        • Parish income & expenditure accounts for the period January to March 2018.
        • Collections were significantly down in January.
        • Shrines showing a slight decrease.

        6.  Priests Account: Details of the account were outlined.

        7.  Update on percentage of Envelopes returned 2017:

        • The meeting was provided with an analysis on Parish Income for 2017.

        8.  Update on summary of CHY’s sent to Revenue for tax rebate:

        • There are a small number of new parishioners added to the list making contributions in this way.
        • The parish have made a claim to revenue for the 2017 tax rebate.

        9.  Quotation: Re: installation of a digi unit stand-alone fire alarm system in both Curraheen and IC Churches.


        Meeting ended 9.30pm


        Next meeting: Wed 23rd May 7.30pm Parish Centre.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting 16th January 2018

        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and adopted.


          2. Matters arising: A number of matters arose from the minutes of the previous meeting.

        • Clarification required regarding all our insurance cover.
        • The parishioner data base is being updated.


        3. Correspondence:

        • Written clarification needed on who exactly is responsible for the installation, servicing and monitoring of both fire and security alarms in all three churches of the parish.
        • Agreed that the defibrillators installed in the Churches would be serviced and that a notice be placed in the parish newsletter asking for volunteers to undergo defibrillator training.


          4. Update of accounts: A detailed update of parish accounts included:

        • Parish income & expense accounts for the period Oct to Dec 2017.
        • The annual income from Diocesan collections 2017
        • Parish accounts bank balances.
        • A seven-year comparison on electricity usage: 2011 to 2017
        • A seven-year comparison on oil usage: 2011 to 2017.


         5. Parish Financial Report for 2017

        • The report for 2017 was agreed and approved for publication.

          6. Update on building Sub Committee.

        • A copy of the internal & external survey of St John’s Church to be made available to committee members.

          7. A.O.B.  

        • Noted that a fundraising committee has been formed by Curraheen-based parishioners to specifically raise funds for the development/construction of a meeting room at Curraheen Church.



        St. John’s Parish Finance Committee Meeting of 24th October 2017.


        1. Minutes: Minutes of the previous meeting were proposed, seconded and agreed.

        2. Correspondence:

        • There was no correspondence other than those which would be dealt with in other parts of the meeting.
        • The Engineer engaged to undertake a 3D Survey of the Church spire has completed his work and has been paid for his services.

        3. Update of accounts: The meeting approved the update on the parish accounts for September 2017.

        • Two and a half of the parish areas are now updated on the parish database. There are five parish areas in total.
        • It was also noted that Parish Centre income is down.

        4. Diocesan Collections. Fr Tadhg met with the collection team.

        • He outlined how collections are presently conducted and shared ideas on other possibilities.
        • The meeting agreed to focus on getting the exact practice right for the first collection and would continue to monitor the success of the second collection.
        • The sick & retired priest collection (collected by envelope) was down significantly on the previous year.

        5. Update on the heating: The heating engineer who examined the Church heating system to ascertain if the radiators and the fan system which run simultaneously could be separated and instead turned on independently and wired to the Sacristy reported that it was, financially, not worth the expense.

        6. Update on Building Sub Committee. It was noted that the committee have not met since the last Finance Committee meeting. An engineer is to draw up a plan for work to be carried out.

        7. Unveiling of the Reconciliation Window: The unveiling will take place on Friday 27th October at 7.30pm with a prayer service.

        8. Fundraising: Planning for the Parish Bazaar is well under way. The meeting appreciated the massive amount of work involved in organising the Bazaar and expressed a view that the parish may need to consider some other form of major annual fundraising plan going forward.


        St. John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 12th September 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1.Matters arising: discussed as part of the agenda.

          2. Update of accounts: The Committee approved the accounts as presented for the period June to Aug. 2017.

          3. Parish parishioner data base: The Committee were advised that the updating process of the Parish data base system is ongoing. To date 155 new households have been added.

        4. Tax Rebate Scheme: 251 parishioners out of 3700 households registered in the Parish contributed greater than €250.00 for 2016.

         5. Diocesan Collections: There was a discussion on the Diocesan Collections which are held as a joint offertory collection, averaging one per month. It was proposed to have a box at the door of the churches for the second collection. Fr Tadgh would discuss this suggestion with the collectors.

         6. Update on the heating: Fr Tadhg notified the committee that the engineer had inspected the Church heating system and advised that both aspects of the heating system, namely radiators and the fan system were running for the full 12 months. He will investigate what is best practice throughout the full year. It was also agreed that the system should be wired to the sacristy for convenience and clear guidance provided for those who may control the system

         7. Update on building Sub CommitteeOur Engineer has carried out a drone survey of the spire in St Johns inside and out. He still has to draw up proposals.

         8. Blessing of the Reconciliation Window: The Blessing will take place on Friday 27th Oct at 7.30pm with a prayer service.

        9. Fr. Tadgh floated the concept of having a Pastoral worker who would work with parents and families of young people receiving sacraments of Communion and Confirmation.


        St John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 20th June 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. Matters arising considered….items arising in the agenda later.

        2. Update of accounts:

        • The Committee approved the accounts as presented for the period May 2017.

        • It was noted that the 2017 Insurance Premium remained the same as 2016 Premium.


          3. Energy Analysis.

        • An energy report covering the period January 2011 to May 2017 detailing utilities usage, Costs & Savings made for both Oil & Electricity was provided.

        • Energy Audit quote was received, but found to be too expensive. 

        • It was decided that we should establish best practice around the heating system.

          4. KDYS Building.

        • We are awaiting a written report on the KDYS Roof.

         5. Items for Publication.

        • The items for publication on the website of recent meetings was agreed.

          6. Fr. Tadhg provided an update from the Building Sub Committee

        • Our engineer was given the go ahead to carry out the drone survey for both the internal & external of the Church.


        St John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 16th May 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        Fr Tadhg introduced and welcomed both John O Connor and Joe Clifford to the meeting and expressed his delight that they were both willing to serve on the Finance Committee.

        1. An update on the accounts for March & April 2017 was provided.

        • It was noted that there was a drop of 1719 Euro in the offertory collection compared with the same period the previous year and this showed a drop each month from Jan to April.
        • The weekly envelope collection was down by 1414 Euro
        • Six new standing orders came back as a result of the Easter correspondence, which included two new subscribers.
        • Information on how to subscribe by standing order will be put up on the web site.
        • Rent income on the Parish Centre is down; this resource could do with some promotion.
        • The 34000 Euro cost of the new stain glass window is totally covered.
        • An Energy Audit of St Johns was proposed to see if there was any ways of cutting costs. Heating of the side church throughout the year might be one example where possible savings might be made.

        2. It was agreed to put a previous proposal ‘for members of the Finance Committee to address parishioners at weekend masses’ be put on hold in the immediate.

        1. We will rethink this proposal when we get closer to the works on Spire etc.
        2. It was agreed to publish a report from each finance meeting on the Web site.

        3. Fr. Tadhg provided an update from the Building Sub Committee

        • A meeting was held with our engineer regarding the repair of the Church Spire, window and Organ which will cost in the region of one million.
        • A survey costing two thousand will be carried out to draw up a schedule of work.

        4. Fr. Tadhg informed the group that a Parish Ministry course and a Youth Ministry course will be held from September.


        St John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 7th March 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. An update on the accounts for Jan & Feb 2017 was given.

        • It was noted that there was a drop of 1400 Euro in the church collection compared with the same period the previous year.
        • A question arose regarding the expenditure of the heating in St John’s. Although there was no apparent drop in the amount spent on oil, it was acknowledged that St. John’s was much warmer.

        2. There was a discussion on how best to present the annual Income/Expenditure newsletter and the option of seeking parishioners email address.

        • There was an acceptance of the need for members of the Finance Council to address parishioners to thank them for their contributions to St John’s and also to outline future works to be carried out in the Church, based on the Southgate report.

        3. Fr. Tadhg provided an update from the Building Sub Committee

        • Our engineer is drawing up a tender form regarding the repair of the Church Spire.
        • This is to include restoration of Spire, repair of Organ and window.
        • This is a project for completion in 2018.

        4. Fr. Tadhg informed the group

        1. The Cura office which belongs to St. John’s was presently vacant but had the potential to provide some income.
        2. The CTS building still available.
        3. KDYS building, which is leased from the Parish, needs repairs to its roof.
        4. It was agreed that the rent of this building should be reduced.
        5. The Church collectors asked if some information could be provided by the Finance Committee regarding how money collected is spent.


        St John’s Parish Finance Council Meeting of 30th January 2017

        Meeting commenced with a prayer.

        1. Correspondence.

        1. The Finance Committee agreed to contract a Cleaning Company to clean St. John’s church four times per year, an inventory of the work is provided.

        2. An update on the accounts for Nov & Dec 2016 and a detailed report for the years 1/1/15 to 31/12/15 and 1/1/16 to 31/12/16, showing a comparison between both with further clarification around specific figures was given to the meeting.

        There was a discussion on the income obtained from: offertory collections, weekly envelopes and standing orders. A number of suggestions were agreed:

        1. The present upgrading of the Database should help connect with more parishioners.
        2. The possible need for a member of the Finance Committee to address parishioners at the weekend masses, putting the finance in context and highlighting the most convenient ways to support the parish financially.
        3. A slight tweaking of the annual Finance Report to include photos highlighting the range of activities which happen in the parish.

        3. Fr. Tadhg gave a report from the building sub committee

        1. An outline of the works proposed for the Organ Tower and Spire.
        2. Overall costs of the works in the region of One Million Euro.
        3. Permission will be sought from the Diocesan Building Committee & the Diocesan Finance Committee to proceed to the next stage of the process.

        4. Melanie O’Sullivan was proposed as Vice Chairperson.

            Jim Maher was proposed as Assistant secretary.

        A group of five names were suggested as parishioners who could be contacted to identify their interest in serving on the finance committee. Fr Tadhg will contact with an aim to increase the committee by three.

        5. Fr. Tadhg informed the group

        1. That the Old Presbytery was up for sale.
        2. The Cura office which belongs to St. John’s was presently vacant but had the potential to provide some income.