St John’s Parish, Tralee – Synodal Listening Session

In response to the invitation of Pope Francis to be part of the largest consultation exercise in history, St John’s Parish, Tralee will be holding a listening session

at the Rose Hotel, on Monday 21st March 2022 at 7.30pm.

The parish is extending an invitation to everyone – whether they feel distant from the Church or are active parishioners – to come along to express their own point of view and to listen to the voices of others.

This event is part of the preparations for a 2023 Synod in Rome when bishops and Church representatives from around the world will be reflecting on how the Church can listen better to the voices of her members and respond to the challenges of the day in a way that allows people to take part more fully in the life of the Church. However, this meeting is more than about preparing a report that will be sent to Rome. Fr Bernard Healy explains that it is also about learning to “listen better” at a local level. “When Pope Francis launched this initiative last October, he made it very clear that he wants local parishes – clergy, staff and parishioners – to be better at listening to each other in order to make decisions locally that take everyone’s perspective on board. He wants everyone to get into the habit of better listening in a non-confrontational and thoughtful way. Our listening exercise is a first step in responding to that challenge.”

The parish also sees the listening exercise as being a useful opportunity to re-establish connections as COVID restrictions are unwound. After two years when many of the usual gatherings where parishioners catch up with each other have been cancelled, this will be an opportunity to catch up with fellow parishioners. Anyone is welcome to show up on the night, and further information can be found at

Contact:        Fr Bernard Healy, St John’s Parish Centre